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Voice of Indonesia held a discussion on the impact of opening the international flights in Bali at the Diplomatic forum in Nusadua, Bali on Friday (10/12/21).

The event was attended by three key speakers from the Bali tourism sector, they were the chairman of Indonesian tour and travel agencies ASITA Bali Chapter, I Putu Winastra, Head of tourism marketing at Bali tourism Service, Ida Ayu Indah Yustikarini, and vice-chairman of Badung management agency of Indonesian hotels and restaurants association (BPC PHRI), Arya Wibawa Raka.

According to a release received by Voice of Indonesia recently, the coordinating maritime and Investment minister, Luhut Binsar Panjaitan said that since the level of the restriction caused by the pandemic is down to level 1 in Java and Bali, the Indonesian government has opened the international flight to Bali on October 14th, 2021.

Moreover, Indonesia's borders will still be tightened with the condition that passengers from abroad are negative PCR test results a maximum of 2x24 hours before departure, and quarantine for 10 days in Indonesia. (VOI)




The results of a survey conducted by the National Commission on Human Rights (Komnas HAM) has revealed that the level of public awareness regarding human rights has continued to improve in the country.

"This shows that Komnas HAM's hard work in carrying out its mandate has received a positive and good response from the public," Komnas HAM chairman Ahmad Taufan Damanik said here on Thursday.

The commission recently completed a national survey entitled 'National Survey of Community Views on the Right to Justice in Indonesia,' which involved 1,200 respondents spread over 34 provinces.

The survey aimed to find out the achievements and challenges of protecting and fulfilling the right to justice in the country, he said.

According to the survey, public satisfaction with Komnas HAM's performance has increased rapidly from 60 percent in 2020 to 73 percent in 2021.

"This serves as an encouragement (for Komnas HAM) to work even better for the promotion and enforcement of human rights in the future," Damanik remarked.

The survey also shows that most respondents understand that the Constitution and the law protect the right to justice.

In addition, most respondents chose Komnas HAM, apart from legal aid providers, religious/customary leaders, as the agency for submitting complaints when they experienced unfair treatment, he said.

Most respondents were aware of the state's obligation for providing legal aid to every citizen in need, Damanik disclosed.

However, the education level and socioeconomic class generally affected the level of awareness in this regard, he added.

A significant number of respondents found decisions in corruption and hate speech cases as unfair. Most respondents said they found access to legal services easy, but there were still some who had not, especially those in western Indonesia, he added.

Meanwhile, respondents with high educational backgrounds and social class tended to be dissatisfied with the apparatus' performance in protecting the right to justice, he noted.

In addition, they revealed that they are often discriminated against during legal proceedings and have heard about or been charged unofficial fees during legal proceedings, he said. (Antaranews)




The central government will send 336,956 doses of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine to East Java, director general of information and public communication at the Communication and Informatics Ministry, Usman Kansong, has said.

The Pfizer vaccines are part of the 151st vaccine consignment and will be utilized by the province's Health Service to expedite the COVID-19 vaccination program, he added.

"They will arrive directly at Juanda Airport, Surabaya, because they will immediately be allocated to East Java's Health Service to fulfill the vaccine needs in that province," he informed in a statement released on Thursday.

Currently, the COVID-19 vaccine stock is secure and sufficient for fulfilling Indonesian people's vaccine needs, he said.

The provision of vaccines for people to ensure optimal protection against SARS-CoV-2 has become a part of the government's commitment, he added.

The availability of COVID-19 vaccine stocks is being followed by efforts to improve the vaccination rate in special regions and reach populations who are hindered from getting vaccinated by difficult geographical conditions, Kansong said.

"Currently, there are more than 100 million people who have received the complete vaccine dose," he noted.

He urged people to actively participate in the pandemic handling program, including vaccination acceleration.

The government has also continued to request people who have not been vaccinated to do so and to not be picky about brands because all vaccines are safe and effective, he added.

"Vaccination is not just an effort to protect ourselves, but also to protect our family and the general public," he affirmed.

Those who have been vaccinated are expected to help by encouraging their relatives, acquaintances, and colleagues who have not been vaccinated to get inoculated, he said.

The government has also expressed its gratitude to the people and volunteers who have fought had to help make the national vaccination program a success, Kansong remarked.

This gratitude also extends to many parties who have corrected inaccurate information emerging among the people, which even made some people hesitant about getting vaccinated, he said.

"As we all know, the effort to handle this pandemic is a collective one as a nation," he remarked. (Antaranews)




The Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology has encouraged all parties to accelerate the implementation of 100 percent face-to-face learning, an official from the ministry has said.

"We encourage various parties to accelerate the implementation of face-to-face learning, not limited but fully," the ministry's Director General of Early Childhood, Primary and Secondary Education, Jumeri, said at an online press conference on Thursday.

According to him, the implementation of full face-to-face learning is necessary to prevent a decline in children's learning outcomes, which the prolonged COVID-19 pandemic could cause.

The pandemic could also lead to children dropping out of school, entering into an early marriage, suffering domestic violence, or it could even reduce their competitiveness, he added.

Currently, many children have dropped out of school, the number of students in early childhood education schools (PAUD) has also decreased amid the pandemic, he said.

The pandemic can also cause boredom among children, he added and called for efforts to overcome the situation.

He suggested that children be encouraged to exercise in a bid to maintain and improve their physical and mental health.

"Amid the pandemic, we must pay more attention to children's health, both physically and mentally. One of the activities that we can do to overcome this boredom problem is exercise, which can positively impact children's physical and mental health," he remarked.

In addition, children also need adequate nutritional intake, he said. There are several nutritious foods that children can consume, such as vegetables, meat, egg, and fish, he added.

He also reminded that people must comply with the health protocols that include wearing masks, washing hands, maintaining social distance, reducing mobility, and avoiding crowds amid the pandemic. (Antaranews)