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Zona Integritas
Ahmad Faisal

Ahmad Faisal





VOI News : Indonesian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Retno Marsudi delivered Indonesia's oral statement in support of the  advisory opinion of the International Court regarding the legal consequences of Israel's illegal occupation of Palestine.  In the oral statement delivered in the Hague, the Netherlands on  Friday (23/2),  Minister Retno Marsudi outlined various arguments as input and strengthened the granting of an advisory opinion  by the International Court. 

In the statement delivered after the oral statement, she also  explained that there were two main aspects in Indonesia's oral statement. First, it’s from the jurisdiction side and Second, it’s in terms of substance. Minister Retno Marsudi also affirmed that the International Court has the authority to issue legal fatwa.  She also emphasized that various Israeli policies are contrary to international laws and outlined the legal consequences.

Firstly, I start the argument  which is related to jurisdiction. I confirm that the International Court of Justice has jurisdiction to provide an advisory opinion. I also affirm that there is no reason whatsoever for the International Court of Justice not to provide its opinion because this is in accordance with the legal jurisdiction of the International Court of Justice, She said.

Moreover, Minister Retno also explained three reasons behind this argument. First, giving a legal fatwa does not interfere with the peace negotiation process because currently, there is no ongoing negotiation process. On the contrary, what happens is that Israel continues to constantly violate all the provisions of international laws, and ignores decisions of the UN Security Council. 

Second, the legal fatwa of the International Court is not intended to draw final conclusions from the current conflict, because the solution to the conflict can only be carried out through negotiations.  However, the legal fatwa would make it easier for the UN General Assembly to take a position according to its function related to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Third, the legal fatwa of the International Court will positively assist the peace process by presenting additional legal elements for a comprehensive resolution of the conflict.

Meanwhile in the second argument related to the substance of the legal fatwa, Minister Retno Marsudi conveyed that the Palestinian people have the rights to self-determination so that all parties are obliged to fulfill that rights (erga omnes), including Israel.

“Regarding the substance of the Advisory Opinion itself, I convey that the Court has clearly conveyed that Palestinian self-determination is no longer an issue, which means it has been confirmed that self-determination is legitimate rights of the Palestinian people. This is reinforced by various decisions of the Security Council and also the UN General Assembly, She conveyed.

Furthermore, Minister Retno Marsudi presented four reasons for this argument.  First, the Israeli occupation was carried out as a result of the use of unjustified violence.  Second, Israel has carried out illegal annexation of the Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT) or the Occupied Palestinian Territory. Third, Israel continues to expand illegal settlements.  Fourth, Israel has implemented a policy of apartheid or separation based on skin color towards the Palestinian people, as can be seen from the implementation of two different policy regimes for Jews and Palestinians.

At the end of the oral statement, Minister Retno Marsudi affirmed that there is no country that is above the law. She also invited the international community not to allow Israel to continue its illegal actions.  She also emphasized that the world and the international community have high hopes for the International Court of Justice. (Ndy-Mar/AF-Rhm)


VOI News :  The Nusantara Capital Authority (OIKN) and the Ministry of Transportation carried out a location survey for the proof of concept (PoC) for urban air mobility at two airports in East Kalimantan.

"The trial of this urban air mobility mode will be carried out before the Republic of Indonesia's 79th anniversary in 2024," the deputy for green and digital transformation at OIKN, Mohammed Ali Berawi, said in Jakarta on Thursday.

"This momentum only exists through IKN development and must be utilized. We hope that there is technology that can be utilized for creation, development, and increasing the capacity of Indonesia's human resources," he added.

The two airports where the survey was carried out were the Sultan Aji Muhammad Sulaiman Sepinggan International Airport in Balikpapan and the Aji Pangeran Tumenggung Pranoto (APT Pranoto) International Airport in Samarinda.

Berawi said he strongly supports collaborative initiatives between East Kalimantan airports and international companies, including for conducting an urban air mobility trial in Nusantara and its surrounding areas using advanced technology.

Meanwhile, the director of digital ecosystem development at OIKN, Tonny Agus Setiono, emphasized the importance of comprehensive collaboration between the government and the private sector, as well as determining the feasibility of the transportation mode.

"Trials must be carried out with thorough assessment and certification and also need to be continued for studies regarding operational feasibility and preparation of recommendations for the scope of new policies in urban air mobility," he said.

Therefore, the PoC will not only focus on studying the feasibility of the transportation mode, but also developing systems, human resources, and future policies, he informed. ( Antara/VOIRRI)


VOI News :  The Ministry of Cooperatives and Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) has emphasized that cooperatives have the potential to act as a driving force for the establishment of waste banks in the community.

"Cooperatives and waste banks have close relations in the context of plastic waste management and sustainable development, as well as being involved in the establishment and management of waste banks," the ministry's secretary, Arif Rahman Hakim, said on Friday.

During the "Complaints and Receiving Public Aspirations in the Cooperatives and SMEs Fields" discussion, he stated that cooperatives can establish waste banks to improve waste management and create new resources for their members.

Hakim underlined that waste management is a serious challenge that Indonesia is facing given its growing population and changing lifestyles, which has contributed to a continued increase in waste.

"This requires a smart and sustainable solution. This is why a cooperative-based approach is highly relevant," he added.

He said that even though Indonesia already has large landfills and waste processing sites, they are not yet fully effective.

Therefore, the government is continuing to seek various solutions, and one of the solutions that is currently being implemented widely is the establishment of waste banks, he added.

"The circular economic approach has a meaningful impact on the economy, environment, and society," he said.

According to data from the Ministry of National Development Planning, the circular economy could potentially increase Indonesia's GDP by up to Rp638 trillion (around US$40.81 billion) by 2030. (Antara/VOIRRI)


VOI News : Minister of Religious Affairs Yaqut Cholil Qoumas extended his best wishes to the press on National Press Day 2024, which fell on Friday, and urged journalists to continue strengthening concord among religious communities.

"Happy National Press Day! I hope that the Indonesian press will continue to take part in enlightening people and strengthening harmony among religious communities. I would like to thank journalists for synergizing with the Religious Affairs Ministry in supporting religion development," he said in Jakarta.

He lauded the theme "Escorting National Leadership Transition and Safeguarding National Integrity" for this year's National Press Day, saying that it is highly relevant given Indonesia's current statehood dynamics for two reasons.

First, this year's National Press Day has come just days before the voting day of the 2024 General Elections (February 14). He emphasized that the press can play a significant role in achieving Indonesia's dream of honest, fair, and confidential elections.

To that end, he asked Indonesian journalists to assist the government in encouraging people to exercise their voting rights wisely and prudently.

"As the fourth pillar of democracy, the press wields a strategic role in overseeing every stage of national development, including the period of national leadership transition," he said.

Elaborating on the second reason, he stressed that the upcoming elections must not disrupt the well-fostered harmony in Indonesia and emphasized the importance of anticipating any potential for discord in the aftermath of the elections. (Antara/VOIRRI)