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Two kinds of Indonesian culinary: Gado Gado and Soto Betawi attracted the attention of visitors at the Indonesian Culinary Promotion in Vancouver, Canada, which was held by Indonesian Consulate General (KJRI) in Vancouver and the Indonesian Diaspora in Canada. Vice Consul of Indonesian Consulate General in Vancouver, Firman Priambodo told Antara London on Tuesday (April 2) that various Indonesian dishes were promoted at the event entitled the first "Kuliner Lunch Series" at the Holy Crab Restaurant, Vancouver, Canada recently. The Indonesian Culinary Promotion aimed at boosting bilateral cooperation of both countries in cultural, tourism, and trade affairs. Indonesian Consul General in Vancouver Tuti Irman launched the event. Tuti also appreciated visitors who came from other cities for example Victoria to attend the event.

Indonesian Ambassador to Argentine, Niniek Kun Naryatie promoted a slogan entitled "Indonesia Para Vos" or "Indonesia for You" at a business forum held on Thursday (March 28). The slogan represents Indonesia's willingness and commitment to exploring business opportunities in Argentine and establishing more trade partnerships with the country. Ambassador Niniek Kun Naryatie remarked that trade partnership between Indonesia and Argentine has shown good progress although it needs to be optimized. Therefore, both countries need to take measures to develop their trade partnerships. In a bid to develop the economic cooperation of both countries, Indonesian Embassy in Buenos Aires held a business forum to attract Argentinian businesspeople to explore the trade potentials in Indonesia.

The last information is from Johnnesburg, South Africa. The Global Business Roundtable Exhibition (GBR) is an event that helps improving economic cooperation between Indonesia and South Africa. Indonesian Ambassador in Pretoria, Salman Al Farisi at the expo held from 27-29 March 2019 said that at the exhibition, Indonesia introduced a digital platform to market Indonesian products which can be accessed easily anytime and anywhere. Indonesian Embassy in Pretoria and Indonesian Trade Promotion Center (ITPC) participated in the GBR Exhibition by featuring a booth which showcased Indonesian featured products such as automotive, shoes, foods, and beverages. In addition, the booth also promoted the 10 New Bali destinations and disseminated information about the Trade Expo Indonesia event in October 2019.


Indonesian President, Joko Widodo, inaugurated three Special Economic Zones (SEZs) namely Maloy Batuta Trans Kalimantan, Morotai, and Bitung Special Economic Zones at Sam Ratulangi Airport, Manado City, North Sulawesi on Monday (April1). President Joko Widodo was accompanied by Coordinating Economic Affairs Minister, Darmin Nasution, Cabinet Secretary, Pramono Anung, and Governor of North Sulawesi, Olly Dondokambey.In his remark, President Joko Widodo hoped that through the inauguration of the three Special Economic Zones, various kinds of industry and factories could be established. Thus, the Special Economic Zones can provide plenty of job opportunities for society.In addition to building Special Economic Zones, the government must establish infrastructures to supplement the Special Economic Zones. With proper infrastructures, the products made by the economic zones industry could compete with other products. Moreover, the activities of the industry could be more efficient. President Joko Widodo took Bitung-Manado Toll Road as one of the examples of the infrastructures at Bitung Special Economic Zone.President Joko Widodo also hoped that the three special economic zones would support the equalization of development of Eastern Indonesia region such as North Maluku and North Sulawesi. Previously, only raw materials were exported by the industry surrounding the regions. However, through the Special Economic Zones, it is expected that Indonesia would have its own processing industry in various sectors such as fishery, palm oil, plantation products, as well as tourism.The President pointed out that the export of processed products would give additional value for local economy and provide society with plenty of job opportunities. President Joko Widodo also remarked that he would like to return to Manado next September or October, in a bid to inaugurate Manado-Bitung Toll Road.On the same occasion, Coordinating Economic Affairs Minister, Darmin Nasution said that Bitung Special Economic Zone, North Sulawesi, would be operated to attract investors with the main focus on palm oil, fishery, and pharmacy sectors.Furthermore, Morotai Special Economic Zone will focus on the investment of fishery and tourism sectors. Meanwhile, the investment at Maloy Batuta Trans Kalimantan Special Economic Zone will focus on palm oil processing and energy sectors. Minister Darmin elaborated that the investment value at each of the Maloy Batuta Trans Kalimantan and Morotai Special Economic Zones approximately reaches 37 trillion Rupiah. Meanwhile, the investment value at Bitung Special Economic Zone approximately worth 35 trillion Rupiah. Besides the Special Economic Zones, the Indonesian Government has been establishing supporting infrastructures such as Bitung-Manado Toll Road and Bitung Container Port.


More than 57 million Turkish  used  their  right to vote and  elect mayors and city council members throughout the country on Sunday (03/31/2019). The ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) lost in the capital city of Ankara and Istanbul. This defeat was seen as a blow to President Recep Tayyip Erdogan in his 16 years in power. As per the political tradition in Turkey, the struggle for the position of governor or mayor in metropolitan Ankara and Istanbul was highlighted by local elections because it was a barometer of people's aspirations towards the political and economic policies of the central government. However, in general,  from local elections held throughout the country, the AKP and its coalition are still superior with more than 51 percent votes. This election, considered to be very decisive for the future of Erdogan's government, was held when the Turkish economy was deteriorating. The currency exchange rate has continued to decline lately and Turkey has been hit by economic recession in the last three months. The defeat in the country's capital certainly could not be accepted  by the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP). AKP Secretary General Fatih Sahin via his Twitter account said he immediately protested and would reject  the results of the vote in Istanbul and the Igdir province in the east part  of the country. Erdogan in response to the defeat of his support party insists that he prefers the 2023 general election. Meanwhile, chairman of the opposition party, the Republican People's Party (CHP) Kemal Kilicdaroglu,  stressed that "spring" was sweeping Ankara and Istanbul. He even equated what happened in the two cities with the 2011 Arab spring revolution  which toppled dictatorial regimes in several Arab countries. The results of local elections in Turkey are suspected as a reflection of the rejection of urban communities in Ankara, Istanbul and several other major cities to the efforts of the Justice and Development Party and Erdogan to cover Turkey's economic crisis with issues of security, terrorism and foreign conspiracy. "Spring" in Ankara and Istanbul will certainly be an evaluation material for Erdogan in the face of the 2023 general election.


Indonesian Ambassador to Federation of Russia and Republic of Belarus, M. Wahid Supriyadi views that halal food, coffee product and Muslim clothes are very potential to be marketed in Dagestan, Russia. In addition, Indonesian products also enter to other Caucasian regions, Russia such as Chechnya and neighbor countries such as Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan. Head of Information, Social and Cultural Function, Indonesian embassy Moscow, Adiguna Wijaya to Antara London said on Monday that some famous entrepreneurs in Indonesia have declared to explore business in Dagestan. The first step is to involve 11 Indonesian entrepreneurs at Kazan Summit on April 24-26, 2019 in Republic of Tatarstan whose majority population is Muslims.

Indonesian products such as coffee, peanut and candies are loved in Jordan. It is viewed from import value of PT Albushnaq which reaches US$8 million dollars or RpRp113 millions. Around 220 containers of Indonesian products have been imported by retail companies from Jordan since 1996. General Manager of PT Albushnaq, Muhammad Bushnaq said that he has worked with companies in Indonesia, such as PT Mayora, PT Manohara, and PT Kapal Api. The bestselling products are candies, ginger candies, biscuit and sachet coffee. Bushnaq plans to expand cooperation with various companies in Indonesia.

Indonesia Festival in Scotland has just been held with the title ‘Zamrud Khatulistiwa’. The theme was taken to introduce culture, culinary and the beauty of Indonesia to international community. There were three series events of Indonesia Festival 2019 at three big cities in Scotland, namely Edinburg, Glasgow, and Aberdeen. Aberdeen was the last city of the series events, held on March 23 and placed at ST Machar Academy Aberdeen. The event which was conducted by Indonesian Student Association and Indonesian community who live in Aberdeen, played video about Indonesia, Angklung performance which was accompanied by band. Addition, there was also fashion show of traditional clothes from 10 provinces in Indonesia.