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Indonesian embassy in Vienna performed Gamelan and Pendet dance at University of Vienna Festival, Austria. The event is aimed to show Indonesian culture in the foreign country. The event entitled  "An Ancient Cultural Heritage of Indonesia", was conducted on Friday evening (5/4). The Gamelan performance was played by two Gamelan groups in Austria, namely Balinese Altenberg and Javanese Ngesti Budoyo Gamelan. The Altenberg Gamelan is a group which is established by Max Lorenz, an Austrian artist and has members of former recipients of Darmasiswa scholarship.

Indonesian Ambassador to Brunei Darussalam, Sujatmiko conveyed Indonesian cooperation potential with the country, especially in Youth and Sport sector. This was stated by Minister of Youth and Sport, Imam Nahrawi in Jakarta on Friday (5/4). Ambassador Sujatmiko said that the Youth and Sport sector is an effective diplomatic tool in keeping good relations and respecting each other between two countries. He also said that it needs Memorandum of Understanding (MoU). In a short time, Brunei needs trainers for martial art and badminton athletes. If the cooperation can be implemented immediately, reciprocal cooperation will bring about positive impact for development of youth and sport in Indonesia.

Tourism Ministry has taken part in Malaysia International Halal Showcase -Mihas 2019 recently. 2019 becomes the second year for Indonesia to participate in Mihas. This year, the Ministry invited 10 tourism industries. They are from Aceh, West Sumatera, Jakarta, West Java, East Java, Bali, and West Nusa Tenggara. Assistant Deputy of Marketing Development I Regional II at the Tourism Ministry, Adella Raung in a press release which was received over the weekend said that Mihas 2019 is expected to be able to produce transaction potential for halal tourism package. The program at the booth of ‘Wonderful Indonesia’ is business to business and business to customer by Indonesian Tourism Industry, serving of information and distribution of tourism promotion materials.


The jewelry industry is one of the mainstay sectors, that contributes to the national economy through the achievement of its export value. Director General of Small, Medium and Multifarious Industries at the Ministry of Industry's (IKMA), Gati Wibawaningsih at the opening of the Jakarta International Jewelry Fair 2019 in Jakarta on Thursday ((4/4) explained that domestic jewelry products are able to globally compete and to have high added-value. The Ministry of Industry noted that the export value of Indonesian jewelry products reached US$2.05 billion dollars throughout 2018. The main export destination countries include Singapore, Switzerland, Hong Kong, the United States and the United Arab Emirates. These countries dominate up to 93.02 percent of the total exports of national jewelry products. Gati also said that Indonesia is currently ranked 9th in the world as a jewelry exporter with a market share of more than 4 percent in the global arena. This makes it an opportunity for the Indonesian jewelry industry to continue to increase productivity and expand its market. Therefore, the Ministry of Industry is determined to maintain the availability of raw materials so that business continuity in the jewelry industry sector can be maintained. In line with these efforts, the Ministry of Industry also proposed a reduction in import duties on national jewelry products in export destination countries such as the United Arab Emirates. To further expand the market access of the domestic and foreign jewelry industry, the Ministry of Industry actively facilitates national jewelry small and medium industries (IKM) to participate in international exhibitions. One of them was at the Jakarta International Jewelry Fair 2019 held by the Indonesian Gold and Jewel  Association (APEPI) from April 4 to 7, 2019 at the Jakarta Convention Center. According to Gati, the exhibition also played a major role in efforts to develop industrial investment and jewelry trade. Jakarta International Jewelry Fair is one of the largest jewelry exhibitions in Indonesia, which aims to be a promotional event and business meeting for business people in the jewelry sector. This annual event has been held 13 times. This year, 30 small and medium-sized jewelry industries participated in the exhibition, such as  from Surabaya, Jogjakarta, Bali, Martapura, West Papua and Jakarta.


Every April 6, Indonesia commemorates National Fisherman Day. In 2019, the commemoration was used as a momentum for the rise of fishermen in Indonesia, especially after the government has supported the welfare of fishermen and their family members through various policies.The 2012 data of the Food and Agriculture Organization shows that Indonesia is ranked third in the world in fisheries production, below China and India. This potential should make Indonesian fishermen able to produce large quantities of fish which can ultimately improve their welfare.In Article 33 paragraph (3) of the 1945 Constitution, it is stated that the earth and water and natural resources contained therein are controlled by the state and are used for the prosperity of the people. However, it cannot be denied that Indonesia's marine wealth is dominated by some foreign parties. Some of them are illegal and they tend to prioritize personal and group interests.Last weekends, two foreign fishing vessels with Malaysian flags were captured by Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) in the Malacca Strait. The arrest adds to the number of illegal vessels that were successfully captured by the KKP during 2019. From January to April 7, 2019, 27 illegal vessels were captured when attempting to illegally steal fish resources.Indonesia is a country rich in marine wealth. Geographically, Indonesia is an archipelagic country with two-thirds of its territory consisting of oceans, larger than land. This can be seen by the presence of coastlines on almost every island in Indonesia, with a total length of approximately 81,000 kilometers. This makes Indonesia second only to Canada as the country that has the longest coastline in the world. This has become Indonesia's great strength and potential to advance its economy.The capture carried out by the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) against foreign vessels carrying out illegal fishing shows the government's attention in improving services and protection of Indonesian fishermen. Fish theft carried out by foreign vessels certainly reduces the produce of Indonesian fishermen. The arrest also shows the presence of the state amidst the national fishermen.The 2019 National Fisherman Day must be a great momentum for the rise of Indonesian fishermen to be sovereign in their own country, especially by continuing to expel foreign ships that illegally search Indonesia's marine resources. Happy National Fisherman Day.


After about one-month demonstration staged by the Algerian people, President Abdel Aziz Bouteflika finally resigned. The announcement of his resignation was submitted to the Algerian Constitutional Council earlier this week. Apart from pressure from the people through the mass demonstration, there was a statement from the Armed Forces Chief of Staff Ahmed Gaid Salah that Bouteflika was considered unable to lead Algeria anymore.Thus, Bouteflika will no longer participate in the election of the fifth period. The era of Bouteflika has ended and he had been in power for 20 years. It must be admitted that Bouteflika was considered a strong man in Algeria, but a stroke of 6 years ago made him begin to rarely appear in public.After the resignation of Bouteflika, the Constitutional Council announced the vacant position of the President. Furthermore, the Board submits to the Ummah Assembly (the Parliament). If the parliament ratifies the decision of the Constitutional Council, the Speaker of the Parliament will serve as interim President for 90 days and use that time to hold an election. However, the Speaker of the Parliament as interim President is prohibited from running for the election.Bouteflika's resignation has been carried out in accordance with the demands of the Algerian people. But this does not mean the problem is over. Many figures hold important positions such as the Chairperson of the Constitutional Council, the Speaker of the Parliament, and the Prime Minister. They are considered to be the cronies of Bouteflika. Thus, the demands for cleaning up the government from the elements of Bouteflika are still voiced by the people and opposition party.Now, the thing that must be taken into consideration is that this uncertain situation may be used for the benefit of one group. Despite being dominated by one party for 20 years, hopes are still there to carry out democracy in Algeria. It is time for the people of Algeria to determine their future by choosing leaders who bring Algeria to progress instead of destruction. Who is he or she? We are looking forward to the results of the Algerian General Election in the near future.