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Indonesian President Joko Widodo inaugurated Moda Raya Integrated Public Transportation - MRT Jakarta Phase I, at the Hotel Indonesia Roundabout (Bundaran HI) Central Jakarta, on Sunday (March24). In addition to formalizing the operation of the Jakarta MRT Phase I of Lebak Bulus - Bundaran HI route, President Joko Widodo also launched the construction of the 8.7 kilometer MRT Phase II, of Bunderan HI - Kota. At the beginning of his remarks, the President said, with the operation of the Jakarta MRT, a new civilization began in the capital city. The President advised the Jakarta residents to get used to queuing, time discipline, and maintaining cleanliness by not littering inside MRT stations and trains. President Joko Widodo further said, in the next 10 years, the MRT is targeted to be able to connect 231 kilometers across Jabodetabek or Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, Bekasi. The President asked the Jakarta Provincial Government to start construction of the Jakarta Integrated Moda Raya east-west route in 2019. In the inauguration the President signed an inscription witnessed by Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan, President Director of Jakarta MRT, William Sabandar, Finance Minister Sri Mulyani and Minister of Transportation Budi Karya Sumadi. Meanwhile, Minister of Transportation Budi Karya Sumadi said the government was very committed to build integrated transportation modes in Jakarta. In line with the President, Minister Budi Karya Sumadi was convinced that the existence of the MRT could make people leave private vehicles and switch to public transportation. The construction of Phase III with the Cikarang route in Bekasi Regency to Balaraja in Tangerang Regency, is planned to begin this year or early 2020. On the same occasion, Finance Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati said that the MRT was a valuable investment for Jakarta. The minister hopes that the inauguration of the Jakarta Integrated Moda Raya route in Lebak Bulus-Hotel Indonesia Roundabout (Bundaran HI), can solve the problem of congestion and high mobility of the Jakarta's society. Minister Sri Mulyani also hopes that this facility will soon be connected with other modes of transportation, such as Transjakarta and the Commuter Line Electric Rail, including the second phase of the MRT construction which will be carried out immediately.


Indonesian government is holding two trainings for Palestinian and Jordanian officials. The two trainings is participated in by officials and staffs of Ministry and Agency of the government in Palestine and Jordan. Meanwhile, expert who gives materials of the two trainings, comes from Indonesia’s Government / Goods and Services Procurement Policy Agency and Ministry of Finance. The training which is held for 3 days starting from March 26-28, was officially opened by Director of Middle East, Foreign Affairs Ministry, Sunarko. In his speech, Sunarko said that the training is one of fulfillment of Indonesia's commitment which is mandated by the opening of the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia 1945, in particular the abolition of occupation over the world and participation in carrying out world order based on freedom, eternal peace and social justice. The Indonesian government hopes the two trainings is able to increase the capacity, knowledge and skill of government and people of Palestine and Jordan.

The Indonesian Gamelan concert and dance Indonesia which was conducted on cooperation between Indonesian Embassy in Wellington, New Zealand School of Music (NZSM), and Gamelan Wellington: Padhang Moncar and Taniwha Jaya was successful and attended by a lot of audiences. Press release from the Indonesian Embassy Wellington in Jakarta, on Tuesday (26/3) said that Director of New Zealand School of Music, Sally Jane welcomed the gamelan concert and dance which presented collaboration of two gamelan, namely Balinese and Javanese gamelan, that succeeded to entertain hundreds of art lovers who flocked Aula of Victoria University. Meanwhile, staff of the Indonesian Embassy Wellington, Adek Triana Yudhaswari who represented Indonesian Ambassador Tantowi Yahya said that she appreciated the active role of NZSM and Gamelan Wellington in promoting Indonesian art and culture, especially gamelan and dance to students and community of New Zealand.

Indonesian Embassy Khartoum conducted Da'i Entrepreneur training with the theme "Aku Mahasiswa Indonesia Bermindset Entrepreneur, Berahlaq Mulia dan Berintegritas" or in English means “I am Indonesian student who has An Entrepreneual Miindset, Noble Moras and Integrity” which was participated in by 100 Indonesian students in Khartoum. Indonesian Ambassador to Sudan, Rossalis R. Adenan said that the training is not only a form of effort and awareness of the Indonesian Embassy Khartoum in coaching and synergy with Indonesian citizens in Sudan, in this regard students in Sudan, but it is also an effort to give provision of personal independencewhich cannot be obtained at their college. From the training, it is hoped the participants after finishing their studies, are able to contribute positively for development of Indonesian, among other by being an entrepreneur which also creates work-field in the mid of world tight competition.


Voice of Indonesia presents “Let’s Speak Bahasa Indonesian,” a lesson in the Indonesian language on the radio, introducing some Indonesian vocabulary and tips on how to use it in conversation. This segment is a joint initiative of Voice of Indonesia and the Language Development and Cultivation Agency at the Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture. Today’s  topic is Cuaca or ‘Weather’.

Next  is a conversation between Tony and Tour Guide at Prambanan Temple area. They are talking about the weather.

Tony                    : Oh, panas sekali. Berapa suhunya ?

Tour Guide     : Tiga puluh derajat celcius.                                             

Tony                            : Wow !                                  

Tour Guide     : Berapa suhu di London pada musim panas ?       

Tony                            : Mmmm, sekitar dua puluh tiga derajat.


As usual, after the conversation, I’ll introduce some vocabulary and expressions related to the topic today. I’ll say each word slowly, and twice. You can follow after me.

- Suhu                                                 which means temperature                       

- Berapa suhunya ?                                                   What is  the temperature

- Tiga puluh derajat celcius                                      thirty centrigate degrees 

- Berapa suhu di London pada musim panas? What is the temperature in

                                                                       London in the summer?

- Sekitar 23 derajat                                                               about 23  degrees     

To know air temperature when you are talking, you can say: Berapa suhunya?. When you want to knowthe air temperature of a country (such as in London) or region in certain season, you can say:

Berapa suhu di London pada musim panas? which means ‘what is the temperature in summer in London?’

Berapa suhu udara pada musim dingin? which means ‘what is the temperature in winter?’.

If you know the temperature exactly, you can mention it, but if you do not know you can use the word sekitar, kurang lebih.

For example :

A : Berapa suhunya ?   which means   ‘what is the temperature?’

B : Kurang lebih dua puluh tiga derajat   which means   ‘it is about 23 degrees’


The US  President Donald Trump’s  statement  recognizing the Golan Heights as  Israel’s territory  has sparked opposition. Accompanied by visiting Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Washington on Monday clearly issued a statement that the United States recognized the Golan Heights as an area of Israeli sovereignty. It was  symbolized by the signing of a proclamation, which was warmly  welcomed by Netanyahu,. This, however, immediately invited rejection and criticism from many sides. Belgium, Britain, France, Germany and Poland simultaneously refused. The five countries which are members of the UN Security Council, Tuesday, March 26, expressed their concerns over Donald Trump's statement.  In fact, the five European countries also said they did not recognize Israel's sovereignty over the territory on the Golan Heights,  occupied by Israel since 1967.  As it is  known,  in 1967 after the  six-day war with Syria, Israel had annexed the Golan Heights, and in 1981 effectively annexed the region. The refusal of Donald Trump's unilateral statement regarding the Golan Heights, was also  immediately conveyed by Russia and China. The two permanent members of the UN Security Council have signaled that they would mmediately discuss it  at a UN Security Council session. The two countries apparently can not  accept any reason from Donald Trump. It was said that one of the reasons  for the controversial statement is because it is considered as a form of opposition to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and Iran who are supporters of Al Assad. Indonesia certainly strongly opposed the unilateral decision of the United States. Indonesia from the beginning has  consistently supported Palestinian independence. Donald Trump's statement, which expresses his partiality to Israel, is not only controversial and very unilateral, but has sparked new tensions, especially in the Middle East. Gulf countries have  also shown opposition. Very likely, the conflict in the Middle East will be even bigger due to the  US statement. The UN Security Council must immediately hold a hearing not only to respond to the United States' decision, but also to reject it.