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The Tanjung Kelayang Tourism Special Economic Zone (SEZ) was officially opened by President Joko Widodo last Thursday (14/3). This area is prepared to become a world-class destination and expected to contribute more foreign exchange from tourism sector. The tourism Special Economic Zone located on Belitung Island, Bangka Belitung Province was built in an area of 324 hectares wide and the investment target is worth Rp 10.3 trillion. The inauguration of the Special Economic Zone was marked by the signing of an inscription by President Joko Widodo. In a press release on Thursday, President Joko Widodo said that the existence of the Special Economic Zone contributes to national economic growth. The President said that he also plans to open other new Special Economic Zone. Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs, Darmin Nasution said that the Tanjung Kelayang Special Economic Zone is developed as an instrument for the economic transformation of Bangka Belitung from tin mining to tourism community. It is projected to absorb nearly 24 thousand employees. In the future, Tanjung Kelayang Special Economic Zone is ready to become a world-class tourist destination. He explained, the location of Tanjung Kelayang Special Economic Zone is very strategic because Belitung Island is geographically located between Jakarta and Singapore, which is targeted as a captive target. So far, the Tanjung Kelayang Special Economic Zone has succeeded in attracting investment by presenting an international hotel network. Minister Darmin Nasution hopes that the Tanjung Kelayang Special Economic Zone can increase foreign exchange from the tourism sector. The Special Economic Zone is expected to be able to attract Rp 20 trillion in investment by 2025, and bring in 59,000 tourists per year with an economic value of Rp751.4 billion per year when this Special Economic Zone is fully operational. Meanwhile, Secretary of the Special Economic Zone National Council, Enoh Suharto Pranoto explained that in addition to the Tanjung Kelayang,  the National Council is currently reviewing two proposed Special Economic Zones in Bangka Belitung Province. They are Sungailiat in Bangka and Tanjung Gunung Regencies in Central Bangka Regency. Both of these are expected to be established sooner. He added that to make it easier for investors who want to invest, the government has issued a policy of Integrated Business Licensing System, which is also applied in Special Economic Zones.



Published in Music

The song with the title “Paris Barantai” is from South Kalimantan and it tells about homesickness towards someone who is loved and has been long not meeting. The song also tells about deep affection and unwillingness to be separated. This is viewed from its lyric which tells Kotabaru, precisely at Paris Berantai, a place where the couple met and fell in love. In 1960s, Paris Barantai was recorded in vinyl record by Rindang Banua Malayan Orchestra and released by Lokananta Solo. The song was popular and often played by Radio Republik Indonesia (RRI). The composer of the song is Anang Ardiansyah who was inspired by Gandut dance performance, a Banjar traditional dance. Besides as a musician, Anang was also a member of Indonesian military with colonel rank. Until now, Paris Barantai song has been adapted and re-arranged into various kinds of genres. Listener, here is Paris Barantai in salsa Jazz genre. 


On Wednesday (March 13, 2019), the Algerian people held a mass rally in several cities in Algeria. They rejected the package of political solutions put forward by the ruling President, Abelaziz Bouteflika on Monday. What exactly was put forward by the President so the Algerian people refused? President Abelaziz decided to postpone the implementation of the general election. They rallied against the decision by stating violations of the constitution on articles No. 107 and 110. Their demands are that the general elections be held on April 18, 2019 as stated before and the incumbent President cannot participate in the general election. He already accommodated the wishes of the protesters not to run again. However, that is not enough because they considered the postponement of the general election only to extend his term of office. This crisis is triggered by President Bouteflika's desire to take part in the upcoming general election. However, many wishes are not expected by many people because President Bouteflika has been in power for 20 years and his health condition is less stable after suffering a stroke six years ago. Although he finally chooses not to take part in the election again and even overhauled the composition of the cabinet, President Bouteflika does not clearly specify how long the election will be postponed. So, there is concern if he then appoints a certain successor to replace him. Another concern is that delaying the general election can threaten democracy in Algeria. Algeria experienced a political crisis in the 80s which led to armed conflict in the 90s and ended in 2002. Of course, no one expects a similar conflict in Algeria. Now, the important role in the hands of the elite in the country is to find the best solution so that the political crisis can be resolved immediately without bloodshed and the Algerian people can accept the solution.


Monica Hapsari is a graphic designer who was born in Jakarta in 1983. Her work experience as an illustrator and a women’s fashion designer contributes to making her works look girly and attractive. She also pays attention to every detail in her design. Monica or familiarly known as Monic is also a vocalist of Pandai Besi group and a fashion lecturer. Monic has fallen in love with arts since she was a child and she has engaged in textile arts since 14 years ago. Monica Hapsari is known through her first illustration published on GADIS Annual Edition 2007. Monica’s work won the 7 Asia Media Award in Macau, China in the category of “the Best Design and Illustration for Magazines with More than 50,000 exemplars”. Monica then tries to enhance her experience in fashion industry by working as a stylist mode in house at a renowned fashion magazine called A+. In 2009, Monica held her first group exhibition which displayed her bead paintings at Ruang Rupa, an art gallery in Jakarta. She currently works as a freelance fashion stylist, illustrator, and visual artist. Her paintings and illustrations have been published in many prestigious magazines. For years, she has been known as a fashion illustrator who creatively combines various media and ornaments in producing her works. Her paintings are made from watercolors, charcoal, and textile materials such as fabric, button, thread, and embroidery. Monica is now renowned as one of the best pop and commercial illustrators in Indonesia. Monica Hapsari has participated in a lot of exhibitions both in Indonesia and abroad. In Monica’s perspective, the essence of art is about the way to express minds and emotions. Usually, Monic talks about her surrounding through her works. Some of her works talk about fashion, consumptive society, and other issues. According to her, one of her most outstanding works was the one ordered by a housemaid for her wedding. Actually, Monic offered to give her the painting for free, but the housemaid rejected it. The maid said that she would pay the painting in installments. It really touched Monic knowing that her works can be useful and accepted by society from various backgrounds.Although Monic learned a lot from conventional artists in developing her works, she is open to innovation.Monic uses Instagram as an innovative way to showcase her visual works so they can be enjoyed by public. In addition to being known as an illustrator, Monica is the vocalist of Pandai Besi group. Previously, Pandai Besi often performed songs that belong to an indie group named Efek Rumah Kaca because Pandai Besi was formed by the personnel of Efek Rumah Kaca. However, they began to think that it is a monotonous thing to only cover the songs of Efek Rumah Baca with the same arrangement. Therefore,as their innovation, Pandai Besi recycled Efek Rumah Kaca’s songs with their own arrangement. However, now Pandai Besi is able to compose their own songs so they can show their identity.Meanwhile, Monica Hapsari currently focuses on producing her solo album.