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Sontiri hill is a regency which consists of 29 districts and it some beautiful natural sceneries. Not many people know that the heaven of the world is hidden in this regency. Sontiri hill is one of tourism destinations which should be visited.The best time to visit Sontiri hill is in the morning and evening. You can see the beauty of the nature. Green grass is always decorated with spider’s net every day, so that there is beautiful white color on it. Sontri hill is also known as Teletubies hill, kids’ figures on television.The hills stretches like a green carpet,  moreover when glow of light illuminates the hill, it will add to the beauty of the scenery. Interestingly, Sontiri hill will be more beautiful in the morning or evening. Sontiri hill is usually visited by a lot of local people to spend their time to enjoy sunset.Sontiri or teletubies hill is located not far from Sentani city. It has a distance around 15 kms and takes around 20 – 30 minutes through Jalan Kemiri. If you are on the hill, you will see amazing scenery of Sentani lake. Besides, you can also see Sentani original houses at the shore of the lake, precisely under the hill.


The establishment of Indonesian Corner in Iran, is one of implementation of educational cooperation formation as well as promotion of Indonesian cultures to Iranian people, especially young generation. Indonesian corner at FerdowsiUniversity becomes the first Indonesian corner, not only in Mashhad but also in Iran. This was stated by Indonesian Ambassador to Iran concurrently Turkmenistan, Octavino Alimudin, on the inauguration and also opening of Indonesian Corner at Ferdowsi University, Mashhad (7/3). Furthermore, Ambassador Octavino Alimudin said Indonesian corner is not only belonging to Ferdowsi University but also public property and opened for public who wants to receive information related to Indonesia. 

Various kinds of furniture products and Indonesian wooden interior design attracted visitors of Indonesian stand at Wohnen & Interiuer exhibition in Wina, Austria that held starting from March 9-172019. Indonesian Embassy/Permanent Representative in  Wina for the second time invited 10 small, medium and big enterprises at Wohnen & Interiuer exhibitiom which is the largest annually event in Austria. That was press release from the Indonesian Embassy in Wina, Austria which was received by Antara London, on Monday. Indonesian ambassador to Austria and Slovenia, Dr Darmansjah Djumala, in the opening of the exhibition said that export potential of Indonesian wooden products to Austria is very big

Creative economic actors from 7 Indonesia’s starts up companies which are participating in “South by South West Festival (SXSW) 2019”, introduce their creative products to creative economic actors in Austin, Texas in a forum titled “The Power of Indonesian Creative Economy: Austin Chapter”. Creative economic business forum is being held by Indonesian Consulate General Forum in Houston cooperating with Economic Creative Agency andAustin Chamber of Commerce.One of the mainstay creative economic products of Indonesia which was displayed, was TeleCTG machine which is portable version of Cardiotocography (CTG) tool to see baby’s condition to push death risk of mother and baby during the womb process and giving birth.In his speech, Consul General in Houston, Nana Yuliana, said that consulate general Houston appreciated creative young people who are able to create Indonesian innovative products. The ambassador hoped the business forum is useful to facilitate meeting with investor in Austin.


Relations between Iran and Iraq begin a new phase. For the first time, since the end of the war between the two countries in the 80s, an Iranian  President visited Iraq. Apparently  ignoring  the US warnings, Iraqi President Barham Salih received Iranian President Hassan Rouhani warmly. Iranian Foreign Minister, Mohammad Javad Zarif, told reporters that the two Presidents had had good talks, and agreed to increase cooperation in the economic and political fields. Turkish Radio  Television, through its website, even reported that the two Presidents had agreed to apply for visa-free visits for their citizens. Both countries seem to want to forget the war that lasted eight years until 1988 which caused many casualties. Moreover, the Iranian President's historic visit to Iraq also showed the two countries' courageous attitude towards the United States. To Baghdad, Washington has warned that it should refrain from relations with its neighbor. Meanwhile, Iran has shown an indifferent attitude towards economic sanctions given by the United States. Besides opposing US pressure, Iran also wants to show that it still has influence in the Middle East. From the meeting, it can be said that the two countries want to show their independence without having to be influenced and pressured by outsiders in establishing and enhancing bilateral relations. Of course in the name of the interests of the people of both countries. During the talks, which were  followed by technical meetings, the two countries agreed to increase trade relations. Both plan to increase the trade value nearly 100 percent from the previous 12 billion US dollars, especially through gas and energy exports from Iran. On the other hand, Iran's prime minister's visit to Iraq after the war between the two in the 80s, could possibly lead to geopolitical changes in the Middle East, as well as their relations with Western Europe and the United States.


Indonesian delegation attended Expert Group of Panel Summit for Sustainable Ocean Economy in Abu Dhabi on Sunday (3/3/2019). The delegation which was led by Indonesian Minister of Fishery and Maritime, Susi Pudjiastuti, accompaniedby Hasan Wirajuda, and  Syarif Wijaya. The Panel Summit which is initiated by Norway’s Prime Minister aims to protect the world’s ocean and support sustainable economic development. The Panel Summit was chaired by Norway’s Prime Minister and President of Republic of Palau, with 15 member countries, among others Indonesia, Norway, Palau, Japan, Australia, Chile, Fiji, Ghana, Guinea, Jamaica, Mexico, Namibia, Portugal. On the meeting, Indonesian delegation conveyed improvement of the world ocean management which can be conducted through the formation of basic norms agreed internationally, and optimization the role of international institutions / organizations, and also the formation of permanent network in handling case to increase coordination and cooperation among countries.

Indonesian Foreign Affairs Minister, Retno Marsudi, along with General Commissioner of United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA), Pierre Krähenbühl, signed agreement onIndonesia's humanitarian contribution for Palestinian refugees of ex-Gazans in Jerash Camp, Jordan on Tuesday (5/3). Indonesia's humanitarian contribution will provide foods and health for refugees. In the meeting with UNRWA General Commissioner, Indonesian Foreign Affairs Minister, Retno Marsudi conveyed that Indonesian contribution shows Indonesia’s togetherness and commitment to keep helping Palestinian people. Indonesian Foreign Affairs Minister also expressed appreciation on the participation of UNRWA in Solidarity Week for Palestine event, which was conducted by the Indonesian government and people in Bandung and Jakarta in October 2018, which was also attended by Palestinian Foreign Affairs Minister, Riyad Malki. 

March 8 is celebrated as World Women Day, thus it is dedicate for Palestinian Women, for their role in peace and security. This was stated by Indonesian Foreign Affairs Minister, Retno Marsudi when opening capacity building program for Palestinian refugees with the title International Training of Trainers on Business Planning for Women in Refugee Camps: Women Empowerment to Achieve Sustainable Development Goals in Amman, Jordan. Minister Marsudi affirmed the important meaning of Palestinian issues for Indonesian government and people, especially in the frame of women’s empowerment. She emphasized that women have a crucial role in nation building.