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A group of Indonesian dancers performed a traditional dance, ‘Reog Ponorogo’ before students and teachers at the Claremont College in Randwick, New South Wales (NSW) last Monday (18/2).  Four Indonesian male dancers and two female ones were specially invited by Indonesian Embassy in Canberra to promote Indonesian art and culture to Australia. The presence of   the dance group in Australia is also part of the efforts of Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture to popularize Indonesian traditional arts and culture in foreign countries. The promotion is the result of collaboration between the Indonesian Embassy in Canberra, the Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture, and the Consulate General of the Republic of Indonesia (KJRI) in Sydney. Representing the Indonesian Consulate General in Sydney at the event was Consul for Information, Social and Culture, Hermanus Dimara accompanied by Assistant Joanne Hajjar.

A suicide bomber activated a home-made bomb in Cairo, Egypt, killing police officers who chase him through narrow alleys. Reports from the AFP News Agency said the incident was related (?) on Monday (02/19/2019) at 10:00 pm local time in the Darb al-Ahmar settlement, behind the historic Al-Alzhar mosque. Indonesian Ambassador to Egypt, Helmy Fauzi said in a press statement that there were no Indonesian citizens who were victims in the incident. The Indonesian Embassy in Cairo noted that suicide bombings also injured five people, consisting of two police officers and 3 civilians, including a student from Thailand. 

Entering its 14th year, the Indonesian Language course program for Native Speakers (BIPA) has increasingly attracted Saudi Arabians. This can be seen that within two-week registration, 262 people have been enrolled in the program. But, only 60 people were accepted because of limited class-room capacity. Indonesian Consul General (Konjen) in Jeddah, Mohamad Hery Saripudin in a press statement on Tuesday (02/19/2019) said that the high enthusiasm of Saudi Arabian people to learn Indonesian language, Bahasa indicates a stronger relationship between Indonesia and Saudi Arabia. Hery further said that during 2018, there were 1.5 million Indonesian people who visited Saudi Arabia for Hajj and Umroh, excluding Indonesian citizens who come to Saudi Arabia for business visits, study and work. Meanwhile, about 190 thousand Saudi Arabian people visit Indonesia every year.


Istiqlal Day

Published in Feature

On February 22, 1978, Istiqlal Mosque was first inaugurated to become one of the largest mosques in the world. Established as part of the lighthouse construction project by Soekarno with the laying of the first stone on August 24, 1961, the mosque in the heart of Jakarta was inaugurated by President Soeharto on February 22, 1978. Since then, February 22 is commemorated as Istiqlal Day. Istiqlal is still recorded as the largest mosque in Southeast Asia. This mosque stands on an area of 9.32 hectares. Its capacity can also accommodate up to 200,000 worshipers to perform prayer services in it. According to the Head of Protocol Section and tourism service of the Istiqlal Mosque, Abu Hurairah, besides being magnificent, Istiqlal Mosque is also an embodiment of various symbols.

This mosque is a symbol of independence, because it was built in the form of a manifestation of the gratitude of the Indonesian people for the grace of independence. So, it was given the name Istiqlal which means independence in Arabic. Besides, this mosque is expected to be a symbol of religious tolerance. That’s why, it was built only a few meters from the cathedral church. And what's unique? This mosque was designed by a priest, Engineer Frederik Silaban,” said Abu Hurairah.

Located in the heart of the Capital City -Jakarta, a mosque was built in cooperation by Indonesian people across religions and races. It is not only a Muslim place of worship but also one of the tourist attractions in Jakarta. Abu Hurairah explained, over the last 3 years, this mosque has become a mainstay tourist destination in Jakarta. Foreign tourists and state guests are usually scheduled to come there. Now, the number of non-Muslim foreign tourists coming to the Istiqlal mosque increases every day. Tourists who most visit are from South Korea and Japan.

Now specifically on weekends (Friday, Saturday, Sunday), we can receive guests from 300 to 400 people. The number is only foreign non-Muslim tourists. Then on weekdays (Monday to Friday), there are usually around 200 people. That number will increase if there are holidays in Europe or in Southeast Asia.” said Abu Hurairah.

Not only praying in congregation, every day the Istiqlal Mosque has a variety of activities. On the 2nd and 4th Sunday, there is a study of Daarut Tauhid and Daarul Quran. At 41 years of the Istiqlal Mosque, Abu Hurairah hopes that the mosque which is pride of the Indonesian nation can become the center of activities for any Muslim group or congregation. He also hopes that more people across religions will visit the Istiqlal Mosque.



Last week, a suicide bombing in Kashmir, India killed 40 Indian paramilitary police. After this attack, India accused Muslim groups in Pakistan of playing a role. The attack took place just few days before the arrival of the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia, Mohammed bin Salman to Pakistan, which continued to India. This attack increased the tension between Pakistan and India. During his visit, Prince Mohammed bin Salman brought investment to both Pakistan and India. In Pakistan, the Saudi Arabia invests US$20 billion dollars. Meanwhile in India, the value of Saudi’s investment is 5 times bigger than in Pakistan. In addition to the economic mission, Prince Mohammed bin Salman also promised to mediate the issue of Kashmir. Although this mission was successful, it was marked by the refusal of the entry of a plane that brought Prince Mohammed to India on the grounds that he immediately came from Pakistan so that the plane returned to Riyadh and then entered India. Kashmir which includes Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh is a region disputed by the two countries for more than 7 decades. History states that the King of Kashmir has decided to join India instead of Pakistan. The war occurred for two years and at the end of the war, Pakistani forces did not withdraw from Kashmir. Finally, Kashmir is divided in two. India and Pakistan have fought twice to get full control of Kashmir. In fact, parts of eastern Kashmir have been slowly occupied by China since 1950s. The problem is now more complicated because India and Pakistan are currently two countries with nuclear powers. The United Nations –UN has sought to mediate by proposing a referendum on Indian-backed Kashmir. Initially supporting the idea for possible status of Kashmir as a sovereign territory, India later  refused the referendum. No one wants a beautiful region like Kashmir hit by armed conflict. Both parties, including the United Nations must find the best solution for Kashmir. Because without an immediate solution, the victims are still the people of Kashmir. The question is now whether Pakistan and India are willing if the Kashmir people choose their own sovereignty and do not join the two countries.


The beauty of Indonesian nature becomes benchmark for domestic and foreign tourists to explore it.  Indonesia has a lot of small islands that are unknown by tourists. One of them is Bungin Island in Sumbawa regency. The island is located at 70 kilometers to the West of Sumbawa Besar district. Bungin island can be accessed by speedboat. Village of Bungin Island is mentioned as the most populous in the world. This small island is occupied by Bajo tribe that comes from South Sulawesi. There is almost no empty land of the island. Every year, the island continues to get wider because there is reclamation to accommodate the newly married family. Averagely, there are 100 new houses every year on this island. The island which has 8.5 hectares wide is occupied by around 3,400 people. Most of the Bungin people are descent of Bajo tribe, South Sulawesi. They are well-known as sea nomads and skillful divers. Since baby, Bungin children have been introduced to maritime through Toyah ceremony. In Toyah ritual, a baby is seated on 7 women’s thigh alternately by swinging. The swing is alluded as sea to be faced by the child when he/she grows up and becomes a sailor. The origin of Bajo tribe to occupy the island is when the first settlement was pioneered by Palema Mayu, a son of six children of King Selayar at the19th century. According to folk story, Palema Mayo came to Sumbawa before Mt. Tambora erupted in 1812. At that time, Bungin island which has white sand was still empty and only overgrown by mangroves. Although the island is relatively small, there are 2 piers at the West and South of the island. Alas- Bungin as crossover is quite crowded. 8 Jonson boats cross Bungin-Alas since morning until night. Because of its uniqueness, Bungin Island becomes one of tourism objects of Sumbawa regency.