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The Indonesian Coordinating Ministry of Maritime Affairs appreciates the support of the Food and Drug Monitoring Agency (BPOM) for the export of crystal salt, so that the innovation of crystal salt can be exported abroad and distributed easily. On last Wednesday (Feb 13) BPOM issued a letter which can facilitate the issuance of Export Certificate for edible or table salt products. In addition to issuing the letter, BPOM also provided Export Consultation Desk.  Therefore, Indonesia’s salt products do not have to get marketing authorization in accordance with the Indonesia’s regulation yet the products must comply with the regulations of  the importing countries. Food standards like Iodine Fortification is not necessary as long as the importing countries do not require it. Coordinating Ministry of Maritime Affairs hopes through the issuance of the certificate by BPOM, salt farmers and salt producers will not face difficulty in registering their products, receiving marketing authorization, and exporting their salt products abroad. It was said by Deputy of Natural Resources and Services at the Coordinating Maritime Affairs Ministry, Agung Kuswandono in his press release received in Jakarta on Sunday (Feb 17). Agung Kuswandono appreciates the support for all the innovative processed salt products in a bid to improve the prosperity of Indonesia’s salt farmers because the marketing of local salt products has always been hampered due to the iodine fortification standard as stated in the Presidential Decree No. 69 1994 on the procurement of Iodine salt. With the regulation, local salt products which do not undergo iodine fortification cannot be distributed as edible salt or known as table salt.  The table salt can actually be processed into crystal salt. The table salt can be blended with spices such as onion and pepper to become spiced salt, even it can also be processed into spa salt. The crystal salt is highly demanded by many countries and exported to be used as a seasoning for gourmet or fine cuisines which need pure salt without fortification. Meanwhile, spiced salt has become a favorite in domestic market particularly for food community. Agung Kuswandono also said, the innovation can provide additional value which can support the economy of salt farmers and suppliers. Through the support of the Food and Drug Monitoring Agency (BPOM), the crystal salt which has been processed for example to be the spiced salt, can be registered to BPOM with other food name. It also applies for other kinds of processed crystal salt products which aim to fulfill the nutrient requirements of people with disorders for example people who have autism. Meanwhile non-edible salt products for example spa salt must be registered as a cosmetic product.


Efforts to end the civil war in Yemen continue to be carried out with the help of outsiders. The United Nations has been trying hard  to be the mediator of the two rival parties, in the midst of uncertain situations. On Sunday the United Nations sent Martin Griffiths to Yemen to find a solution. From the Houthis came the statement that the UN envoy had met their leader Abdul Malek Al Houthi. Their talk was around efforts to implement the ceasefire agreement set last December in Sweden. At that time,  the Yemeni Government and the Houthi Rebels agreed to stop the war. Both parties tried  to build trust and stop fighting in Houda. They were also committed to conducting prisoner exchanges. Even so, some attacks still occurred. The main port city of Yemen, Hodeida, was affected by the unrealized  ceasefire and is now in a gripping situation. Non-compliance with the ceasefire agreement resulted in the future of Yemen becoming increasingly unclear. Civil war in a poor country that has been going on for  the last 3 years has increasingly made the Yemeni people live in uncertainty. The war that began due to  the  resistance from the Shiite  Houthis  has continued until now. They have  kept on   increasing  their strength against the Sunni government of President Abd Rabbu Mansour Hadi. Although the UN as the  international body has intervened, the crisis in Yemen is still uncertain. Because in fact,  peace in Yemen, can only be resolved by parties inside the country itself. The willingness to make peace and live side by side as a compatriots, without having to depend on foreign parties, is the key to  end the war which has been proven to only cause loss and misery.


Teluk Cendrawasih National Park is located in Teluk Wondama regency, West Papua. To get access to the park, you can use airplane to Biak and the trip is continued by plane to Manokwari, and then, you use a long boat to one of islands, including in national park area, namely Rumberpon island. It takes around five and half hours. Rumberpon island is the location of animal observation, especially bird and breeding of deer. From the island, you can do marine activities, such as diving or snorkeling to enjoy under-sea beauty surrounding the island. Besides Rumberpon island, you can also visit other islands which include in Teluk Cendrawasih national park area, such as Nuswori, Roon, and Yoop. These islands present beautiful diving spots. In addition, there is also Mioswaar island that presents hot spring which can relieve your fatigue during going around the park. Teluk Cendrawasih National Park becomes a home for more than 500 species of coral reefs, 950 species of fish and some population of fauna, such as whale shark, mermaid, Napoleon wrasse, turtle and some other sharks. Because there are a lot of species which live in the bay, World Wild Foundation of Indonesia uses Gurano Bintang ship to educate local people who depend on daily life from the sea around this beach. The local people are educated how to maintain the coral reefs and address the contaminated water that becomes habitat of hundreds of species of fish in the waters of the park.


Reog Ponorogo performance, as the East Java typical culture, at cultural stage at National Multicultural Festival (NMF) 2019 succeeded to amaze Canberra public in Australia on Saturday (16/2) as if Reog Ponorogo Singo Budoyo Mudho team hypnotized the visitors.  The performances of the cultural stage of NMF 2019 were participated in by various countries in European continent, The United States of America, Middle East, Africa and Asia Pacific. In addition to cultural stage, Indonesia also participated in the parade that was conducted along London Circuit street which is located in the center of Canberra City.

The majesty of the glory collection of Sriwijaya kingdom with the title “Jewel of Sriwijaya Kingdom” as creation of designer, Nila Baharuddin, succeeded to amaze fashion observers in England in the event of Scout London Fashion Week Autumn/Winter 2019. The event was held at Freemasons` Hall London over the weekend. Information, Social and Cultural Function of the Indonesian Embassy in London, Okky Diane Palma to Antara London, on Monday said that four designers who were joined in the Indonesian Fashion Showcase, presented their creation in the Scout London Fashion Week Autumn/Winter 2019. Nila Baharuddin, with Jewel of Sriwijaya Kingdom presented couture dress with pink, brown and brown colors’ nuance with Jacobean ruff accent and bloated arm. The collection is perfect combination between kingdom and glory values. Besides, the magnificence of the kingdom of Sriwijaya emanated from ancient times from various accessories and jewelry typical of Palembang, South Sumatra.

Indonesian Ambassador to Cambodia, Sudirman Haseng to Antara News Agency in Phnom Penh, Cambodia on Saturday said that there is around 5 percent of Muslims in Cambodia. So, the government of Cambodia considers the demand of Halal products to increase drastically. According to Ambassador Sudirman, Cambodia views that Indonesia is example of potential country to study and to cooperate in producing Halal products in Cambodia. Thus, the government of Cambodia wants to send its people to Indonesia to participate in basic training how to produce and to develop the Halal products.