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The National Disaster Mitigation Agency -BNPB held a National Coordination Meeting at East Java Expo 2019 in Surabaya, East Java on Saturday (2/2). More than 4,000 participants from the BPBD Regional Disaster Mitigation Agency throughout Indonesia and representatives from ministries, institutions, governors, regents / mayors, TNI, Polri, academics and others attended the expo. Accompanied by the Head of BNPB, Doni Monardo, Indonesian President Joko Widodo opened the National Coordination Meeting. In his remarks, the President stated that this forum was very strategic in coordinating and consolidating the strength that Indonesia has in anticipating disasters. On this occasion, President Joko Widodo delivered six points of his direction. First, spatial planning; design and construction must pay attention to disaster-prone maps. By looking at the recurring cycle of disasters, it can be seen that disaster locations are often in the same place. For example in NTB, the area hit by the earthquake in 2018 turned out to have also experienced the same occurrence in 1978. The earthquake in Palu, Central Sulawesi also happened before. Second, the involvement of academics, disaster experts and researchers must also participate to examine which point is very prone to disasters. This must be done massively. Third, if there is a disaster, the local Governor will automatically become the commander of the emergency task force along with the Regional Military Commander and the Regional Police Chief to become the deputy commanders of the task force. Fourth, an integrated early warning system based on recommendations from experts must be used, including in regional level. Learning from Japan, people did not panic when the earthquake happened. They just ran when there was a siren and knew the evacuation route. Fifth point is disaster education. This program must begin this year in disaster-prone areas for schools through teachers and religious leaders. Therefore, a warning board and evacuation routes are needed. Sixth point is to carry out simulations and disaster handling exercises regularly, to remind communities continuously down to the neighborhood level so that people are truly prepared to face disasters. Disasters might be earthquakes, tsunamis, floods, or landslides. Though admittedly, the most frequent disaster is earthquake. On the occasion, President Joko Widodo also took part in a dialogue with the participants. After that, he inspected the display of equipment for disaster management.


Indonesian embassy in Seoul conducted medical check-up of migrant workers. The medical check-ups are like checking of blood pressure and health consultation conducted by dr. Dita Anggara Putra at the Indonesian embassy in Seoul on Sunday (3/2). Social and Cultural Information of the Indonesian embassy in Seoul in a press release received by Antara on Monday, reported that the medical check-up was free of charge and joined by a lot of Indonesian migrants in South Korea. Around 40 Indonesian citizens, who were majority Indonesian migrant workers, received the medical service. The event is carried out every month. The Indonesian embassy also makes programs of financial training, investment introduction and other technical trainings. According to the Indonesian embassy in Seoul, until December 2018, the number of Indonesian citizens who stay in South Korea reached as many as 38,886 people. From the number, Indonesian migrant workers who were sent by the government reached as many as 29,360 people and the ship crews that were sent by private companies reached as many 5,320 people. They were spread out in 86 cities in South Korea.

Students of West Sumatera should be active in diplomacy and be part of solution of challenges which are faced by Indonesia and the world. This was emphasized by Minister of Foreign Affairs, Retno Marsudi before around 1,000 students on Talkshow at Convention Hall of Andalas University on Saturday (2/2). This reminds that West Sumatera is the birth place of a number of the Indonesian Diplomatic legendries, such as Muhammad Hatta and Sultan Syahrir. The Talkshow was part of series events of “Diplofest" or Diplomacy Festival that was conducted by Foreign Affairs Ministry in Padang, West Sumatra on February 1-2. In her explanation, Minister Retno said that the efforts of Indonesia in protecting the world’s peace, cover in Indian Ocean Rim Association (IORA), Palestine, Afghanistan and Rakhine State. The diplomacy, that is active, friendly, dignified and able to contribute on Indonesia’s peace, is characteristic of Indonesian diplomacy.


The Ministry of Industry is focusing on improving the performance of export-oriented processing industries to improve the structure of the current national economy. So far, manufactured products have contributed the most to the value of national exports, which amounted to 74 percent. In addition, the manufacturing industry also contributes to the Gross Domestic Product -GDP of 20 percent and taxation of around 30 percent.The Indonesian government through the Ministry of Industry is committed to revitalizing the manufacturing industry through the implementation of the 'Making Indonesia 4.0' road map to be ready to enter the 4th generation industrial era or the 4.0 industrial revolution era.There are five main sectors in the Making Indonesia 4.0 road map, namely the food and beverage industry, textiles and clothing, automotive, electronics and chemistry. These five manufacturing groups contribute 65 percent of the total value of national exports, the Ministry of Industry noticing that exports from the non-oil and gas processing industry have continued to increase over the past four years.There are five main sectors in the Making Indonesia 4.0 road map, namely the food and beverage industry, textiles and clothing, automotive, electronics and chemistry. These five manufacturing groups are able to contribute 65 percent to the total value of national exports. The Ministry of Industry also noted that exports from the non-oil and gas processing industry have continued to increase over the past four years.Through the Making Indonesia 4.0 road map, the Ministry of Industry also seeks to implement a number of strategic steps in increasing the competitiveness and quality of national industries, such as through industrial labour competency certificates and human resource development. In addition, the Ministry of Industry also seeks to develop regional and industrial centres. In the last three years, the Ministry of Industry has succeeded in developing 13 new industrial estates in and outside of Java. Improving the performance of the manufacturing industry is the right step to increase the national economy. Moreover, the world is facing an industrial era 4.0 in which there will be very tight competition. The government's efforts to improve the national economy through various measures also require support from the private sector and the community. Hopefully, the steps taken by the government can improve the national economy and increase Indonesia's competitiveness in an increasingly competitive global environment.


The General Election will take place in the next two and a half months. However, some cases of bad behaviour in some legislative candidates have emerged.Several candidates committed violations of General Election’s law No. 7/2017. For example; in their campaign, candidates have been caught using government facilities, places of worship, and distributed some items of basic food, and even coupons for Umroh.Some have already been convicted and sentenced, but have continued to commit violations. As a candidate for members of the House of Representatives they should not break the law. If they are elected in the future, they will involve in writing bills. But, before being elected, they have violated previous DPR laws. So, it is possible they could commit serious violations after being elected.Of course, it is no secret if there are several members of DPR involved in breaking in the law. A lot of them have been jailed because of their shameful actions.On April 17, 2019, the Indonesian people will cast their votes to elect candidates for President and Vice President and members of the DPR. The track record of the two candidates for President and Vice President is certainly clear. But, for the prospective parliament members, there may be many voters are not aware of the corruption. In a conversation with a senior reporter of Voice of Indonesia, Daulat Pane, one of the Commissioners of the General Election Commission, Viryan Azis urged the public to educate themselves before voting. This is to avoid making a bad decision, or "buying something in a sack".