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Indonesian Consulate General in Marseille held a meeting with regional government and exporter entrepreneur of furniture and handicraft in Montpellier on December 13, 2018. On the occasion, General Consul, Asianto Sinambela explained on Indonesia’s potential export products at the markets of countries in European Union regions. Deputy Mayor of international and tourism division of Montpellier welcomed efforts to increase cooperation with Indonesian Consulate General. Asianto Sinambela emphasized the need of Indonesian people’s participation in in business events and promoting Indonesian products.

The Indonesian government welcomed the agreement to adopt the Paris Agreement Work Programme (PAWP) carried out at the Katowice Climate Change Conference in Poland, as stated in a written statement from Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Jakarta on Monday. Chief of Indonesian Negotiator Nur Masripatin stated on the last day of the 24th Conference of the Parties (COP-24) UN Framework Convention on Climate Change on Dec 14 in Katowice, Poland that Indonesia welcomed the adoption of the Paris Agreement Work Program, which will guide the parties in implementing the Paris Agreement. During the negotiation process, on Dec 2, the Indonesian delegation actively encouraged the meeting to produce a balanced and comprehensive Paris Agreement Work Programme (PAWP) and put forward the principles of Common but Differentiated Responsibilities and Respective Capabilities. As an archipelagic country which is susceptible on climate change impact, Indonesia is committed to continuously contributing in handling climate change and calling on the need to increase international cooperation and strengthening multilateral frame in handling climate change issue. 

Indonesian Ambassador to Singapore, Ngurah Swajaya  Den Yealta invited Singaporean investors to invest their capital in Free Trade Zone which is managed by Management Agency of Tanjung Pinang. As many as 50 investors and entrepreneurs from Singapore attended "Tanjung Pinang Investment Forum 2018" which was held in Singapore recently. The event was in cooperation between Indonesian Embassy in Singapore and Management Agency of Tanjung Pinang, which specially offered investment packages in Free Trade Zone/ FTZ of Tanjung Pinang, Bintan Island. Indonesian Ambassador to Singapore, Ngurah Swajaya, also ensured investors from Singapore that FTZ which is managed by the Agency is part of cooperation of Batam, Bintan, Karimun (BBK) of Indonesia - Singapore.


Indonesian National Police had a Formed Police Unit and Individual Police Officer Barret Ceremony at National Police’s Multi-purpose Training Center, in Cikeas, Bogor Regency,West Java on Sunday (16/12). The ceremony was given for Garuda Bhayangkara force in UN peace mission. National Police’s International Relations Division Head Insp. Gen. Maltha said this year Indonesia deployed more personnel compared to previous years. The increase was according to UN’s demand, since Indonesia is one of the most-ready contingent in the peace mission.Maltha said there were 381 personnel and 40 of them were Female Police. They join the Formed Police Unit which is sent to Sudan for United Nations African Mission in Darfur (UNAMID); and to Central Africa for Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in the Central African Republic (MINUSCA). While the rest become Police Advisor to South Sudan, Haiti, and Congo.Members of Formed Police Unit and Police Advisor Indonesia will be on duty for one year. Their special mission is securing UN’s vital objects. They also must carry out Police Advisor’s duties such as protecting refugees and securing humanitarian aid distribution process.Joining UN Peacekeeping Force is an example of Indonesia’s commitment in maintaining world order which is based on independence, eternal peace, and social justice. All these are written in the Preamble of Indonesian 1945 Constitution. Indonesia’s involvement in UN peace mission has been ongoing since 1957.The deployment is also part of Indonesia’s efforts in fulfilling the promise to contribute to peace creation in conflicted countries. Specially, VP Jusuf Kalla in a public debate session at 73rd UN General Assembly Session in New York, on September said that Indonesia will deploy 4,000 peacekeepers until 2019 by increasing women’s proportion.Certainly, there is a special reason for Indonesia in having more women in peacekeeping force. Actually, it is not only because currently the number of women are only 3% of the total personnel or just to fulfill the UN Security Council Resolution no. 1325 / 2000 which prioritizes women’s role in peace negotiation and post-conflict reconstruction. But, they also have to protect the women and young girls from sexual violence during armed conflict.The role of female peacekeeping forces is significant, especially in post-conflict reconstruction mission. Women are more easily accepted and trusted in helping other women and children. Indonesian women peacekeepers can also be an example of how gender equality is implemented in Indonesia, a country with most Muslim population.


Tretes-Prigen region, Pasuruan regency is mountain area which has a lot of natural tourism potentials. Waterfall is one of attractions of the region. Take for example Putuk Truno waterfall. This place is one of tourism objects in Pasuruan that should be visited when holiday in Pasuruan.Putuk Truno waterfall is a favorite destination of Pasuruan people. On weekend, this place is always crowded by a lot of local tourists or from outside region. The beauty of its nature makes anybodywants to stay longer. The water which falls into the pool is very exotic and has clear color. With a height of 45 meters, Putuk Truno waterfall becomes the most beautiful waterfall in East Java. Besides its clear water, the rainbow which can be enjoy from a close distance, also becomes an attraction of this tourism object.Every tourism object certainly has its own myth, no exception with Putuk Truno waterfall. If you soak under the waterfall, you will get eternal love. The myth becomes the basic to name it, Putuk Truno waterfall.Putuk means snake and Truno is taken from the name of Joko Taruno, the son of King Hayam Wuruk and concubine. The king fell in love with Sri Gading Lestari, the daughter of Raden Arya Wiraraja. But their relation was not blessed, because Joko Taruno is a son of concubine. Finally, Raden Arya Wiraraja hidden his daughter at Coban Baung in Purwodadi, Pasuruan. Joko Taruno decided to meditate asking for help to the God. When meditating, his body suddenly changed to be a snake. With the supernatural powers he possessed, Joko Taruno was able to penetrate miracle fortress which fenced off Sri Gading Lestari. Without the knowledge of her father, Sri Gading Lestari ran away to meet her lover. Finally, they met at waterfall that is currently well known with the name Putuk Truno.Its natural scenery and also fresh air certainly can spoil tourist. There are number of facilities provided by the management of Putuk Truno waterfall as supporting convenience of traveling. If you are interested to visit this tourism object, the access to go there is quite easy. You can drive from Pasuruan to Prigen district. From there, you take left and go stright for about 200 metersuntil the gateway of the tourism object. To enter Putuk Truno waterfall complex, you must pay the entrance ticket only Rp10,000 per person.


Indonesian Embassy to Switzerland held a business forum with the topic “Enhancing Business Relations Under Indonesia European Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement” (IE-CEPA) in Bern, on Monday (10/12). The business forum attracted the interest of Switzerland’s businesses to know more about business opportunity with Indonesia. Indonesian Ambassador, Muliaman D Hadad in his speech said that Indonesia and EFTA countries will erase thousands of tariff to expand access of market for the two sides. Around 98 percent entrance line tariff from Indonesia and EFTA countries will be decreased. The disappearance of trade barriers is also supported by the increasing of effectiveness of doing business in Indonesia. The rank of Indonesia in the ease of doing business also keeps increasing.

Foreign Affairs Ministry cooperated with Agriculture Ministry sent 2 agricultural experts to Myanmar to provide quality improvement in agricultural field. The training starts from December 7—10, 2018.The training is aimed to increase Indonesiancontribution in encouraging sustainable development goals. The training had a title “Dispatch Expert on Agriculture for Myanmar” that is held in Hlegu Township, Yangon, Myanmar and officially opened by the Indonesian Ambassador to Myanmar, Prof. Dr. Iza Fadri at Central Agricultural Research and Training Center (CARTC). In his speech, the Ambassador conveyed a number of points such as the program of sending experts to  Myanmar which becomes one of the efforts of the Indonesian government to assist the government of Myanmar by increasing its capacity in agricultural field. Meanwhile,  Yangon Regional Director  on Agriculture,Husbandry and Irrigation Ministry,  U Kyaw Kyaw expressed that the training is rightly conducted in Myanmar, reminding Myanmar has requirement to increase quality of fruit and vegetable products. Hopefully, through the program, besides being able to increase capacity of its farmers, Myanmar can also share information with the experts.

Foreign Affairs Ministry held Pilot Project: Palm Oil Workshop for Peace (OPWP). It is time for Indonesia, the biggest producer of palm oil, to cooperate with related country and organization to preserve the benefit of palm oil to farmers and local community in various regions. This was stated by Siswo Pramono, Head of Policy Assessment and Development Agencyof Foreign Affairs Ministry, when opening  Palm Oil Workshop for Peace (OPWP) 2018 in Tangerang on Monday (10/12). The Pilot Project is a cooperation between the agency and Jambi University which holds on December 10-14, 2018 in Jambi. The event is also a cooperation with the government of Colombia which aims to give training on plam oil management to smallholders.