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The 16th economic policy package that has just been issued is focused on encouraging the entry of foreign capital through direct investment in the country. It is expected that the increase in direct investment will be able to cover the increase in the Current Account Deficit -CAD and increase investor confidence. This was stated by Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs, Darmin Nasution at the Presidential Office in Jakarta last Friday (11/16) when launching the 16th Economic Policy Package. Minister Darmin explained that the policies in the 16th package encourage the entry of larger foreign capital, including through Direct Investment. He also argued that Indonesia needs to continue to be prepared to face uncertainties in global economic conditions in 2019. This is worsened with the trade war that will still occur among countries. Relaxation of policies is  implemented by the government to maintain the resilience of the national economy; one of them is by issuing the 16th Economic Policy Package. At least, there are 3 policies implemented, namely expanding the Tax Holiday Reduction Facility, relaxing the Negative Investment List -DNI, and strengthening foreign exchange controls by providing tax incentives for the results of Natural Resources. Minister Darmin Nasution also explained that the policies in the 16th package are a form to encourage the entry of larger foreign capital, including through Direct Investment. Meanwhile, Bank Indonesia -BI will issue a new regulation that is obliged to bring export proceeds (DHE) into the country on January 1, 2019. One of these rules is the implementation of the improvement of the 16th Economic Policy Package. Governor of BI, Perry Warjiyo said that his side would make a special savings account (SSR) for foreign exchange depositors in the new regulation. In the deposit, BI will provide incentives in the form of deposit tax deductions. He also explained that a number of conveniences would be enjoyed by entrepreneurs who earn income from export proceeds, without reducing the need for companies to fulfill their foreign currency obligations. This Foreign Exchange Export Policy is in accordance with Law No. 24/99 concerning the ease of exchanging foreign exchange in Rupiah and providing incentives. Governor Perry added that the incentives to be given to foreign exchange exporters are in the form of deposit tax deductions. This is also regulated and distinguished in the foreign exchange which is saved between dollars and rupiah.


The idea of French President Emmanuel Macron to form a joint European army continues to roll. Unlike US President Donald Trump, Russian President Vladimir Putin expressed support for Emanuel Macron's idea. Since becoming President of France last year, Macron continues to push for his idea to form a joint European army. Macron based his argument that Europe must protect itself from China, Russia and the United States. Trump declared the statement, made to reporters a few days ago, an insult. However, this provocative statement was welcomed by Vladimir Putin. From Moscow, Putin expressed full support for the idea of French President Emmanuel Macron. According to Vladimir Putin, Macron’s idea is a positive development at multilateral level. Putin argued, Europe has the right to be sovereign and independent in the security sector. From his statement, Putin gave a signal that Europe would reduce its dependence on the United States, that is,  its subsidy to NATO. The controversy between Putin and Trump has therefore become a new issue that might lead to a new discourse on the existence of NATO. From the United States side, actually Macron and Putin's statement cold be considered as a counterattack to Trump. Some time ago Donald Trump  stated that he would quit the nuclear weapons limitation agreement-INF which was formed in 1980. Trump's statement raises concerns over the condition of European security. Whether the idea of Emmanuel Macron will be realized soon, the multilateral dynamics and the opinions of European leaders are yet to be seen.  France still has to wait for a response from others. Of the many European leaders, the new Chancellor of Germany, Angela Merkel, has showed positive response. Although Macron's ideas may still require struggle and time to be realized, the idea of the young president has at least influenced relations between Europe, Russia and  the United States. The formation of a joint European army will be an alternative defense outside NATO.


The idea of French President Emmanuel Macron to form a joint European army continues to roll. Unlike US President Donald Trump, Russian President Vladimir Putin expressed support for Emanuel Macron's idea. Since becoming President of France last year, Macron continues to push for his idea to form a joint European army. Macron based his argument that Europe must protect itself from China, Russia and the United States. Trump declared the statement, made to reporters a few days ago, an insult. However, this provocative statement was welcomed by Vladimir Putin. From Moscow, Putin expressed full support for the idea of French President Emmanuel Macron. According to Vladimir Putin, Macron’s idea is a positive development at multilateral level. Putin argued, Europe has the right to be sovereign and independent in the security sector. From his statement, Putin gave a signal that Europe would reduce its dependence on the United States, that is,  its subsidy to NATO. The controversy between Putin and Trump has therefore become a new issue that might lead to a new discourse on the existence of NATO. From the United States side, actually Macron and Putin's statement cold be considered as a counterattack to Trump. Some time ago Donald Trump  stated that he would quit the nuclear weapons limitation agreement-INF which was formed in 1980. Trump's statement raises concerns over the condition of European security. Whether the idea of Emmanuel Macron will be realized soon, the multilateral dynamics and the opinions of European leaders are yet to be seen.  France still has to wait for a response from others. Of the many European leaders, the new Chancellor of Germany, Angela Merkel, has showed positive response. Although Macron's ideas may still require struggle and time to be realized, the idea of the young president has at least influenced relations between Europe, Russia and  the United States. The formation of a joint European army will be an alternative defense outside NATO.


Lingga is one of regencies in Riau Islands province which has 531 big and small islands. Around 447 islands are unoccupied. Because the province has many islands, Lingga regency has many potential natural tourisms. One of them is Nusantara beach at Tanjung Harapan village, Sinkep district, Lingga regency, Riau. Nusantara beach has coastal line which has shape of concave like gulf. The coastal line is not quite wide, only around 2 hectares. The beach is arranged neatly and its cleanliness is maintained until the beach is seen beautiful and interesting. It also becomes one of reasons why the beach is never devoid of visitors, either domestic or foreign tourists. If you go to the beach, you can explore the flat side of the beach and on the beach, there are built wooden huts. Nusantara beach has brown sand and calm waves and also clear water. The visitors can swim around the beach. Besides, there is a small island which juts to the sea that can be accessed by walking through small bridge with wooden fence. On the artificial island as wide as 20 meters, you can sun-bath on the relaxing chair, eating at the stall or only taking picture. And if you are lucky, you will see white storks which are flying or finding foods at the seashore. If you have fishing hobby, you can enjoy your hobby here. To go to Nusantara beach is quite easy by using motorcycle or car. The beach is opened whole days. Many tourists choose to come to the beach in the evening. Because at the time, you can enjoy very beautiful scenery. To enter the beach is free of charge. The facility at the beach is quite complete.