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President Joko Widodo received Minister of Economy and Energy of the Federal Republic of Germany, Peter Altmaier at the State Palace in Jakarta on last, Thursday (1/11). On the occasion, President Joko Widodo was accompanied by Head of the Investment Coordinating Board -BKPM, Thomas Lembong and Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources -ESDM, Ignasius Jonan. After the meeting, Thomas Lembong explained that President Joko Widodo and Minister Altmaier discussed the industrial revolution 4.0 (four point zero).

"Germany is very strong in industrial internet or b to b, from corporate to corporate, but still weak in b to c, business to consumer. While, we are strong in b to c like tokpedia, traveloka, and bukalapak. It's all b to c. That's an example where our strengths complement each other. Interestingly, the minister conveyed, perhaps the most important of all the industrial technology 4.0 is artificial intelligence, machine intelligence. In his opinion, it is the most powerful creation since the steam engine 200 years ago. In the future in the industrial field, machine intelligence will be the same as the impact electricity. All machines, and all productions will be powered by machine intelligence," said Thomas Lembong.

Head of BKPM, Thomas Lembong said that in addition to industry 4.0, President Joko Widodo and Minister Altmaier also discussed vocational education. This has actually been discussed by Indonesia-Germany during President Joko Widodo's visit to Germany three years ago. The vocational education in this case is vocational training, practical skills for workers to master mechanical engineering, such as industrial machinery and automotive machinery. Regarding industry 4.0 or the fourth industrial revolution, robotics and automation were also discussed. As a follow-up of the Indonesian and German cooperation in the field of vocational education, German Minister of Economy and Energy, Peter Altmaier accompanied by Indonesian Minister of Industry, Airlangga Hartarto visited the Astra Manufacturing Polytechnic in Jakarta on last Thursday (1/11). The arrival of the two ministers was to see first-hand results of cooperation between Germany and Indonesia through the German-Indonesian Economist Association (EKONID) in the field of vocational education. On that occasion, President Director of Astra International and concurrently Chairman of EKONID, Prijono Sugiarto hoped that both countries could continue to collaborate in a bid to educate Indonesian people who have high competitiveness. At present, PT Astra has succeeded in fostering two instructors who won ‘Meister certification’ from Germany in 2017. This year, around 16 students won the certification of 'Deutsche Industrie und Handelskammer' -DIHK in the field of mecha-tronics automotive.


The governments of Indonesia and Germany keep collaborating to improve the quality of vocations to produce competitive human resources in the global era. This collaboration is in the form of a training program for advanced level trainer candidates from the industrial world to train more vocational trainers. The main objective is to strengthen the vocational education system to produce young people who are competent and highly competitive according to the needs of the labor market. Industrie-und Handelskammer (IHK), Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Trier from Germany provides trainer training programs, including helping them prepare vocational education curricula that are in line with the needs and development of the industrial sector. Deputy for Coordination of Creative Economy, Entrepreneurship, Competitiveness of Cooperatives, and Small and Medium Enterprises at the Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs, Rudy Salahuddin signed a declaration of cooperation between Indonesia and Germany with IHK CEO Trier Jan Glockauer in Jakarta on last Wednesday (10/24). The event was attended by Head of Development Cooperation of the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany, Rafael Teck and Deputy Chairperson of the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin) for Manpower and Industrial Relations, Anton J Supit. Rudy Salahuddin, as released by Kompas, hopes that the collaboration will improve the ability to prepare curriculum and teach vocational training. He also said that President Joko Widodo had set 2018 as a momentum to prepare competent and productive human resources. Thus, the development of the quality of human capital, especially the younger generation, has received serious attention in the allocation of 2019 State Budget -APBN. The collaboration with the Trier CPI has been carried out in two phases, namely 2012 to 2015 and 2015 to 2018. In the third stage, the collaboration lasts 2018 until  2021. Its main target is to develop a strategy to synchronize the world of education and industry so that the younger generation is more competent and productive to be easily employed in the job market when graduating from vocational school. In previous collaboration, the Trier CPI focused on training pedagogical skills of teachers in several vocational high schools to have the ability to teach students' practices and theories on an ongoing basis. As for the next three years, Trier's CPI along with the government, Kadin Indonesia, and a number of partners will train the pedagogical capabilities of company workers to be able to educate vocational training participants according to the needs of the business world. Meanwhile, Deputy Chairperson of the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry -Kadin for Manpower and Industrial Relations, Anton J Supit appreciated President Joko Widodo who chose vocation as a very strategic aspect to build strong human capital. He asked for the industrial world to support the large design of vocational training made by the Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs so that the vocational education and training will run according to the increasingly competitive job market needs.


The signing of Memorandum of Understanding -MoU on the sister- city cooperation carried out by Mahor of Semarang, Hendrar Prihadi and Mayor of Nanjing, Lan Shaomin was held in Nanjing, China, recently. The interest in establishing the sister-city cooperation has rooted in the great historical relation between Semarang and Nanjing cities. The historical tie is reflected by the presence of historical Chinese remaining in Semarang called Sam Poo Kong built by Admiral Cheng Ho. Mayor Hendrar believes that tourism sector is an eligible and promising sector in this millennial era. Previously, the Semarang and Nanjing Governments have implemented a number of stages to establish the cooperation until the signing of the MoU. It was begun by the visit of Nanjing City Government to Semarang on 15th of July 2016. On the occasion, a signing of Letter of Intent was also carried out by the two parties highlighting their serious commitment to establish a sister-city cooperation which also marks the tourism cooperation. In the national level, tourism sector is the second biggest foreign exchange reserves contributor even higher than the contribution of oil and gas products. With the tourism development, Semarang won the 4th best tourism city in Indonesia at the 2018 Yokatta Wonderful Indonesia Tourism Award.


Indonesia successfully records transaction worth Rp 126.77 trillion at the 2018 TEI. It was stated by Minister of Trade, Enggartiasto Lukita in the closing ceremony of the 2018 TEI held at the International Convention Exhibition Center, BSD City, Tangerang, Banten on Sunday (28/10). The value achieved rose 5 times bigger than the previous target set by the government. The transaction is still going on and the amount will inevitably rise significantly. Minister Enggartiasto explained that the total transaction value of the 2018 TEI comprises investment transaction namely US$ 5.55 billion dollars, tourism transaction reaching US$170.5 million dollars, and product transaction totaling US$ 2.73 billion dollars. Meanwhile, other countries with the highest transaction achievement include Saudi Arabia, Japan, the UK, Egypt, and the USA. The Indonesia’s achievement at the 2018 TEI proves that the quality of domestic products has been more acknowledged extensively and more favored according to the taste of export market. It is in accordance the theme of the 2018 namely “Creating Products for Global Opportunities.”

Minister of Public Works and Housing, Basuki Hadimuljono received the visit of the European Union –EU delegates led by EU commissioner for the Environmental, Maritime, and Fishery Affairs, Karmenu Vella at the Public Works and Housing Ministry Office in Jakarta on Friday (26/10). The meeting discussed the management of waste, particularly regarding the recycling of garbage that can be processed as reusable products. Minister Basuki Hadimuljono said in the meeting that the representatives of the EU brought two technologies that can be utilized to process garbage. The two technologies comprise plastic waste recycling and the waste of buildings’ wreckages. The offer of the cooperation received positive response by Minister Basuki as Indonesia is attempting to reduce the amount of garbage through the establishment of waste management infrastructures and calling for society’s participation in the 3R (Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle) program. Meanwhile, EU Commissioner for the Environmental, Maritime, and Fishery Affairs, Karmenu Vella said that a working group between Indonesia and the EU has been formed. The EU will also call for Indonesia to discuss the concrete actions in managing waste.



The Bangka Belitung Island Provincial Government will launch a “Berkah Mart” or "Blessing Mart" in 60 villages to optimize the economic development of the people in the area. This Blessing Mart will be launched on November 20 this year. Governor of Bangka Belitung Island, Erzaldi Rosman Djohan said in Pangkalpinang on last Thursday (25/10) that the existence of the Berkah Mart outlet is very important in realizing an independent, good-quality, and competitive village in enhancing agriculture, plantation, livestock, fisheries, and other regional products. He also remarked that the use of technology will guarantee the openness of the market economy. Marketing of processed products and agricultural products as well as farmer plantations is certainly broader which in turn it increases the business of the village community. He added the construction of the Blessing Mart is also an effort to strengthen the role and quality of the Village Commercial Banks -BUMDes in improving the business of the village community.

Investors from Sydney, Australia are interested in investing in corn crops in North Barito Regency, South Kalimantan. This was stated by Regent of North Barito, Nadalsyah in Muara Teweh on last Friday (26/10). He said that with the plan, the market opportunity will become wider so that the entry of investors in this area to develop farming is highly expected. In the future, he hopes that the corn farmers can be more prosperous. The presence of investors in North Barito Regency can be ascertained in real terms by providing employment opportunities and providing increased regional income in this area. The arrival of the group with the Berkah Central Kalimantan Development Acceleration Team (PPKB) and the corn investors who invest in North Barito Regency are positive. One representative of the investor, Jason was accompanied by Chairman of Admiral PPKB (Ret.) Prof. Dr. Marsetio, who is eager to invest in developing the potential of corn crops in the Rimba Sari Village around 53 kilometers in Central Teweh District, while also addressing the problem of marketing these agricultural products, both within and outside the region. Corn crop is one of the leading commodities of North Barito Regency and is one of the biggest corn supply districts for animal feed factories in Bati-Bati District, Tanah Laut Regency, South Kalimantan.

Bantul Regency Government, Yogyakarta Special Region will draft a regent regulation regarding the prohibition of hunting or shooting owls that the government has released in the Sedayu region. Head of Bantul Agriculture, Food, Marine and Fisheries Office, Pulung Haryadi said in Bantul on  last Saturday (27/10) that the regulation has been prepared to keep the bird population and pest control in Sedayu still effective. Since a few years ago, according to him, his institution released Tyto Alba owls in Sedayu District, as a control of rat pests that continued to attack and damage agricultural land in the area. He said, the government along with local farmer groups built rubuha-rubuha (owl house) as a place for owls to live in strategic points around the rice fields so that the population of the species increases. He further said, the control of rat pests with owls is quite effective, because one owl could eat five to 10 rats. He added that in the future, the regional government along with related stakeholders will continue to release owls, especially in Sedayu.