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Indonesia commemorates the Language Day every October. The selection of October as the momentum of the Language Day cannot be separated from the historical event on 28th of October 1928. At that time, Indonesian youths from various regions across the country held the second youth congress in Jakarta from 27th to 28th of October 1928. The meeting produced a concession known as the Youth Pledge. One of the points in the Youth Pledge is respecting the language of unity of Indonesia namely the Indonesian language. It should be noted that the Youth Pledge was initiated before the Independence of Indonesia. However, the youths from the entire region in Indonesia courageously decided to choose Indonesian language as the language of unity of Indonesia. Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia, Muhadjir Effendy remarked at the pre-opening of the 11th Indonesian Language Congress in Jakarta on Sunday, 28th of October 2018 that language is a substantial element that establishes unity and integrity of a country. Indonesia is destined to own a language namely the Indonesian language. Whereas, Indonesian language was not supposed to be chosen as the national language considering the number of its speakers was not significant. But, the awareness of respecting the language and the blessing from the God has made the Indonesian founding fathers choose Indonesian language over Malay language. Without realizing the importance of unity, they would have not chosen Indonesian language as the native language used in daily conversation and government affairs. Indonesian language is an important factor that influences the journey of Indonesian nation. Talking about Indonesian language resembles to talking about the Indonesian national identity that must be respected and prioritized just like the essence of the 1928 Youth Pledge. The Indonesian Founding Fathers have realized the importance of maintaining unity and preventing the selfishness of each region in Indonesia by adopting Indonesian language as the national language. It is hard to imagine if each region in Indonesia keeps maintaining their selfishness by imposing their local languages to be the national language of Indonesia. Indonesia would have never had a unitary language. That is the behavior that must be preserved by Indonesian society in this era. As remarked by Minister Muhadjir Effendy at the pre-opening of the 11th Language Congress in Jakarta, Indonesia has 3 major assets that can foster the country to be a great and advanced nation if they can be maintained. The three assets comprise unity, peace, and brotherhood. Indonesian language as the language of unity is one of the ways to make Indonesia a glorious and advanced nation.


Discussion process along with the residents is the soul in developing the village so that stakeholders in Mahakam Ulu (Mahulu) regency emphasized to village’s officials to always involve society in development planning. This was stated by technical staff of Gerbangmas, Mahulu regency, Imam Subarkah in Datah Bilang, on Tuesday. Earlier, when accompanying 11 team of Datah Bilang Baru village, Long Hubung district, Mahulu, East Kalimantan province, in preparation to arrange middle term of development planning of the village, Imam explained the village consists of four components, namely the society, village administration, village’s consultative council and discussion. According to Imam Subarkah, in discussion process to determine middle term of development planning of the village, ideally  11 team refers to 3 components, namely providing social map and village’s sketch, calendar of season, and famer group, youth group, management of family’s welfare’s group, non-governmental organization, or other groups in the village. 

Manpower and Energy Mineral Resources Office of Bali province will immediately check allegation of use of foreign worker who works as shop keeper at a number of businesses belonging to investor from China. In accordance with the regulation, foreign workers may not work as shop keeper. Because it is not in accordance with position (foreign manpower), the position is at least in manager level. This was stated by head of Manpower and Energy Mineral Resources Office of Bali province, Ni Luh Made Wiratmi, in Denpasar, on Tuesday. Outside the allegation case of the foreign worker who works at a number of shops that sell Chinese products in Bali, her party recently also did supervisory to a number of companies on Bali islanduntil Nusa Lembongan, Klungkung regencyThe supervisory includes work norms, safety, health and safety (K3) norms, and including supervision of the use of foreign workers.

Central Java governor, Ganjar Pranowo in Semarang, on Tuesday said women legislative candidates are more creative and innovative in campaigning so that they are able to achieve many votes. According to governor Ganjar,rivalry among the candidates on 2019 legislative member selection will be fierce. This was stated by the governor on strengthening of legislative member candidate of woman capacity 2019. The governor also said that the candidadte should use tactics and ways which can be more received by society, although the challenge which will be faced heavier.

That was Mosaic of the Archipelago.


October 25 will be a new chapter towards the reconciliation of two countries on the Korean Peninsula that have been hostile for decades. The step forward of the two nations separated by the war will be realized after North Korea and South Korea held talks two days ago. The talks which also included the United Nation Command (UNC) were reported to have agreed on one important matter. Both Seoul and Pyongyang agreed to withdraw weapons and guard posts in Panmunjom. Panmunjom is an area designated as a Joint Security Area or also called a City of Armistice. The agreement agreed upon from the closed meeting was an attempt by the two countries to further reduce tensions since the two countries in Korea split due to the Korean war in 1950 - 1953. This encouraging step is a follow-up to the summit held last April. Previously, the army of the two countries since the beginning of this month had also begun to clear mines that were widely planted in the border area. The new step in the peace process has been officially announced by the South Korean Ministry of Defense. The official explanation also said that two days after troop withdrawals at the Panmunjom post, North Korea, South Korea and the UN Command would verify. From the agreement between the two governments and concrete steps taken, the international community may be more optimistic that the two Korean peace efforts will continue to progress. The two Korean people who are truly brothers can later visit each other more freely. Panmunjom which is a border city will no longer be a tense area. Peace measures that are very likely to eliminate or at least gradually reduce the economic sanctions imposed on North Korea are expected to encourage economic development and make people in North Korea more prosperous. How long will that hope be realized, we are still looking forward to the stages of the peace process.


“Galunggung has 3 foundations. First, Galunggung is a place for fighting. In Sundanese language, Galunggung is the place for Galungan. Secondly, it’s Galunggung 'heurin ku tangtung'. This means that many people flock to Galunggung, overseas. Galunggung ngadeg tumenggung means standing as a regent but we have no idea when ngadeg tumenggung happened. From there, the second one happened. When Galunggung heurin ku tangtung, this means that human beings flocked to Galunggung in the past. Before eruption, who climbed to the crater? The local people took a walk to the forest, made a visit of pilgrimage; only some villagers knew. After Mt. Galunggung erupted in 1982, many domestic and foreign people climbed it,” said Somantri.

That was a story about Mt. Galunggung which was explained by Bapak Somantri, a public figure at Mt. Galunggung. He is a historical witness of the eruption. Until now, the mountain becomes a tourism object in East Priyangan, West Java province. Mt. Galunggung tourism object is developed by States Own Entreprise, -Perhutani and Tourism Office around 1997. This was explained by Suhara, staff of Perhutani management.

“The tourism object was developed after the first natural disaster; the management which I know was managed by the village. There is hot spring and ex-disaster which now becomes crater lake. It becomes attraction for visitors. So, it was opened by the government of the village, if not mistaken by Village Community Resilience Institute -LKMD. And it kept being developed in 1997 and has been developed by Tourism Office and Perhutani,” said Suhara.

Do you know or visit Mt. Galunggung? Mt. Galunggung is an active volcano with around   2,100 meters high above the sea surface.  The last time, the mountain erupted for around 9 months, starting from April 5, 1982 and ended on January 8, 1983. Therefore, Indonesia is one of countries which almost its territory enters in Pacific ring fire. So no wonder, there are many active volcanoes in some islands. Thus, the existence of volcano does not only leave tragedy,  but also becomes tourism object which contributes foreign exchange through tourism sector. Now, Mt. Galunggung in Tasikmalaya, West Java rises up as tourism destination recommended to be visited, especially for mountain tourism lovers. About tourist’s visit so far, Ibu E’em, a food vendor at Mt. Galunggung has her own experience.

“Only certain day, Eid Al-Fitr, New Year or commemoration of the Indonesian independence, only Saturday and Sunday ate the most crowded.

I also have foreign customer, French who often comes here. If in Indonesian, it is dry season, the French certainly comes here with the guide from Jogja,” said Miss E’em.

To get the crater which is the main point of Mt. Galunggung tourism object, we must climb hundreds of stairs. This is quite exhausting. An officer of the entrance ticket of Mt. Galunggung, Sofyan explained that there are two sides of stairs; the yellow one consists of 620 stairs, while the blue one is 520 stairs.

“The yellow stair was made in 1997; the blue one was made in 1993. The blue stair has inauguration monument. The first stair is over there; the new one is here. Earlier, people passed on the sand here without stair,” said Sofyan.

After arriving at the crater of Mt. Galunggung, that you struggle to climb hundreds of the stairs will be paid off by presenting the beauty of nature of the mountain’s peak. In addition, there is uniqueness which cannot be found at other volcanoes. This means that there is no smell of sulfur and the crater of Mt. Galunggung looks like lake. The lake’s water of the crater if it is seen by naked eyes has green color. As if there is no life in it. But in fact, it becomes habitat for fish and other water biotas.  Sofyan explained as follows:

“Earlier, someone checked and tried to put the fish into the water. In fact, it resulted in a lot of fish. This means that it’s safe for residents. Today, many people outside the region do fish farming. There is also from Banten. Now, there are people who farm fish and also do fishing. There is golden fish, Mujaer, parrot fish. Usually, Sundanese people farm parrot fish, cork, pomfret, and also Gurame,” said Sofyan.

“Many people set tents to stay at night, especially on Saturday night. There are hundred people who stay at night. But on weekdays, only there are several persons. Now, to set a tent is centered. In the past, they could set a tent on the edge of the lake while fishing,” said Sofyan.

To meet the present demand for selfie or taking picture of every activity with amazing background, Tourism Office and Perhutani provide various spots at the crater of Mt. Galunggung. Take for example; we can try position at the Commemoration Monument of Galunggung Eruption or view desk that is located between blue and yellow stairs. The road to Mt. Galunggung has been paved and this makes visitors easy to get to the blue or yellow stairs.

Development of Mt. Galunggung tourism object is also supported with the existence of Integrated East Priyangan Touris Pacakge. Head of Youth, Sport, Culture and Tourism Office of Tasikmalaya, Undang Hendiana told Voice of Indonesia team.

“About City Tour, we can go to regency or Pangandaran. Therefore, we initiate cooperation with head of region in East Priyangan and it has been signed. So, it must have integrated tourism package. Although visitors stay at night in Tasikmalaya, they visit Galunggung,” said Undang.

Undang Hendiana views that tourism does not need to be limited with regional administration. Therefore, with the existence of the integrated tourism package, he hopes that Mt. Galunggung can become the mainstay tourism object that has its own characteristics.