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Mystical figure of Nyi Roro Kidul who was presented in dance drama entitled ‘Nyi Roro Kidul’: Forgiveness, Revenge at Its Best, was carried out by Indonesian students at Kyungsung University in Busan, South Korea. The performance succeeded to attract around 400 audiences who flocked Concert Hall, Kyungsung University. Information of Cultural and Social Affairs of the Indonesian Embassy in Seoul, Purno Widodo said on Sunday that the dance drama was adapted from folk legend story of Dewi Kandita, a princess of Sundanese Pajajaran kingdom. The performance was described well through traditional dances and music from various regions in Indonesia. The dance drama was part of “Knock Knock Indonesia” program, an annual program which was held by Indonesian students in Kyungsung University to introduce Indonesia. Annually "Knock knock Indonesia" always succeeds to amaze Korean people or foreign citizens in Busan, even it becomes one of annual programs, which is waited by Busan people and surrounding areas. Dean of External Affairs Kyungsung University, Dr. Taioun Kim expressed gratitude on support from various sides, including the Indonesian embassy in Seoul, Indonesian Trade and Promotion Center (ITPC) Busan, and Busan Foundation for International Cooperation so that Knock Knock Indonesia 2018 could be implemented smoothly.

Ten startups from Indonesia explained their ideas before Singaporean investors through ‘Indonesia Startup Insight 2018’ in Singapore. The event, which was held by Kinerja Bisa and PSB Academy, was attended by more than 400 digital entrepreneurs and investors from Singapore. Those start-ups conducted short presentation to introduce their business ideas before the investors. Indonesian Ambassador to Singapore, Ngurah Swajaya hoped that strong synergy among the government, start-ups and investors can create good ecosystem and incubation for startup development in Indonesia. Indonesia Startup Insight is an annual event which gets positive response from Singaporean investors and entrepreneurs.

In welcoming Hero Day, Netflix streaming  service showed biopic film "Guru Bangsa Tjokroaminoto" internationally. Nayaka Untara as producer of MSH Films said on Sunday (11/11) that by showing the film through Netflix service, it’s hoped that the world community could understand Indonesian history and culture as well as figure and spirit of HOS Tjokroaminoto. Raden Hadji Oemar Said Tjokroaminoto or well known as HOS Tjokroaminoto is a figure who led Sarekat Islam organization until becoming the first largest organization with member as many as 2 million people from various social classes. He was also a teacher of leaders of national movement, such as Sukarno, Semaoen, Alimin and Moesso. The film with biopic drama genre has historical background which is strong with Javanese culture. It was played by Indonesian famous actors and actresses.



Edelweiss Tourism Village, which is under the auspices of the Central Office of Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park (BB-TNBTS) for farmer groups, was inaugurated on Saturday (10/11) through a series of Land of Edelweiss festival. Director of Conservation of Forest Service Environment at the Ministry of Environment and Forestry, Dody Wahyu Karyanto said that the festival had the theme “The Harmony of Conservation and Culture of the Tengger Community”. He said that the inauguration of the Edelweiss Tourism Village is expected to provide benefits for residents of Wonokitri Village, Pasuruan Regency and Ngadisari Village, Probolinggo Regency and to attract a lot of domestic and foreign tourists. Dody also stated in Wonokitri Village, Tosari Subdistrict, Pasuruan Regency on Saturday that with the presence of  Edelweiss Tourism Village, the problem of Edelweiss flower scarcity could be directly overcome through conservation. At the same time, this also makes the village community become tourist actors, and can provide education to tourists who visit.

Mayor of Surabaya, Tri Rismaharini inaugurated the National Hero Wage Rudolf Museum (WR) Soepratman. The museum is located on Jalan Mangga, Tambaksari, Surabaya, East Java. At the inauguration of WR Soepratman on Saturday (10/11), she said that the aim of building the Wage Rudolf Soepratman Museum is to understand the struggle of heroes in the past. In addition, the construction of the museum is a form of respect from the Surabaya City Government in a bid to appreciate its services to the Indonesian nation. Mayor Risma also said that most of the Indonesian people know WR Soepratman as the person who created the “Indonesia Raya”, the national anthem. Up to now, the song remains eternal for Indonesian people. The more museums in Surabaya are, the better for the future of children is.

A total of 25 letters from the nation's founders were exhibited at the National Museum, Jakarta from November 10-22 in an exhibition entitled "Founding Letter of the Nation." An Exhibition Curator, Bonnie Triyana at the opening of the exhibition on Saturday said that the letters on display included Soekarno, Mohammad Hatta, Sutan Sjahrir, Tan Malaka, Kartini, Agus Salim, John Lie, and Ki Hajar Dewantara. He explained that the founding figure was chosen. Of course, the letters were still there, and could describe the author as well as the situation at the time. Bonnie said that the exhibition "The Founding Letter of the Nation" is expected to stimulate young people to see history or information from their main sources. The letters were obtained from a collection of various agencies and private collections, including the National Archives of Indonesia (ANRI), Tamansiswa Museum, Chinese Peranakan Museum, National Archives of Dutch, and International Instituut voor Sociale Geschiedenis. While the private collection was from Mohammad Hatta's family owned by Gemala Hatta, Sutan Sjahrir's letter from the collection of Dutch literature and civilization professors at Sorbone University, Paris, Kees Snoek, and Tan Malaka's letter from historian Harry Poeze. Meanwhile, Director of History at the Ministry of Education and Culture, Triana Wulandari said that the exhibition was a collaboration between the Ministry of Education and Culture and The exhibition wanted to provide access to boutiques about archives that had not been directly seen. The letters presented are mostly original letters, and some of them have been duplicated. She also said that almost all letters were written in Dutch. Triana added that now, the letters have been translated into Indonesian and given a contextual explanation.


Indonesia hosted the World Creative Economy Conference –WCCE for the first time. Located in Nusa Dua, Bali, the conference lasted 6 to 8 November and was attended by 1.500 participants from more than 30 countries. The WCCE produces the Bali Agenda for Creative Economy which will be delivered at the United Nations General Assembly next year. One of the points of agreement is the election of the United Arab Emirates as the location for implementing the next WCCE in 2020. Head of the Creative Economy Agency -Bekraf, Triawan Munaf said last Thursday (8/11) that the Bali Agenda for Creative Economy is an aspiration and reflection of the importance of the creative economy towards the global economy. Collaboration is needed to support the strengthening of the creative economy ecosystem. The declaration is expected to further strengthen international collaboration at the global level. This reflects the strong commitment of all participants to face challenges and take advantage of creative economic opportunities. Bali Agenda contains issues of capital access, market access, product development, promotion, infrastructure development, and many others. According to Triawan Munaf, Bali Agenda is a milestone in the development of the creative economy. This declaration is the result of a delegation meeting in the Friends of Creative Economy activity held on the first day of the WCCE 2018. The agreement includes four main points divided into 21 derivative points. The first important point is collaboration and collective behavior of the Friends of Creative Economy. The participating countries agreed to establish a Center for the Leading of Creative Economy in Indonesia. This Center of Excellence functions as a platform for creative economic actors from around the world to connect ideas, resources, information, and business concepts, including in the music, culinary, and digital applications. Other points are the development of a creative economic ecosystem; celebration, promotion, and empowerment of sustainable development goals -SDGs, cultural heritage, and diversity; the last point is the determination of the location of the next WCCE implementation. At her speech at the World Creative Economy Conference in Nusa Dua, Bali, Wednesday, 7/11, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Retno Marsudi said that Indonesia would be a creative economic capital in the Southeast Asia region. Indonesia's rich cultural heritage has enabled Indonesia to develop creative industries, fashion, culinary, arts and crafts, and entertainment. This has become an anchor for the Indonesian economy, which enables it to remain strong in the face of the economic crisis. Indonesia has more than enough creative modalities from 700 ethnic groups throughout the archipelago. Thus, Minister Retno perceived that synergy among academics, business, community, government and the media is needed to make it come true.


The Government of the Republic of Indonesia along with the United Nations Industrial Development Organization -UNIDO held the 1st Regional Conference on Industrial Development -RCID in Bali on 8-9 November 2018. This activity aims to open opportunity and potential in the application of the industrial revolution 4.0 in developing countries in the region of Asia Pacific. The 4th generation industry or Industry 4.0 is currently often highlighted by President Joko Widodo. On several occasions, he always mentioned industry 4.0. In fact, President Joko Widodo also has a roadmap called ‘Making Indonesia 4.0’ which will provide direction for the national industry movement in the future in a bid to make Indonesia a developed country. The Making Indonesia 4.0 roadmap was determined by President Joko Widodo as one of Indonesia's national agendas. The program coordinator is the Ministry of Industry. Actually, what is meant by Industry 4.0? According to the Acting Director General of Resilience and Development of International Industrial Access at the Ministry of Industry, Ngakan Timur Antara stated that industry 4.0 is a trend of transformation of industrial processes driven by rapid technological developments, especially in the process of automation and data exchange. The implementation of the fourth generation industrial revolution involves several key aspects of the transformation of the latest technology. The 4.0 industrial revolution that relies on the internet certainly makes it easier for humans. Today, the fourth industrial revolution has also changed the economy, work, and even society. This revolution instills smart technology and is connected not only within the company, but also everyday human life. Like coins that have two different sides, industry 4.0 brings not only benefits, but also new challenges, especially for the workforce. The automation or utilization of robots in the manufacturing production process allows for a reduction in labor, even though the number is not significant. To deal with changes in industry 4.0, Indonesia is ready to anticipate it. One of them is by improving the competence of Human Resources -HR through a link-and-match program between education and industry. This link-and-match policy is implemented to ensure that the competencies of Indonesian human resources are in line with the needs of industry based on digital technology, as well as the industrial revolution 4.0. Hopefully with the Making Indonesia 4.0 roadmap launched by President Joko Widodo and efforts to improve the competence of human resources through the link-and-match program between education and industry, Indonesia will be ready to face the Industrial Revolution 4.0 and Indonesia can increase productivity and competitiveness.