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The petrochemical industry complex owned by Lotte Chemical Indonesia in Cilegon, Banten with value US$3.5 billion dollars or Rp52.5 trillion rupiah was officially built. The construction was marked by a procession of laying the first stone by Minister of Industry, Airlangga Hartarto on Friday (7/12). In his remarks, Minister Airlangga said that the petrochemical industry is as important as the steel industry, as the mother of industry. Therefore, a stable environment and business climate need to be maintained so that this project is successfully implemented properly. Based on its characteristics, according to Minister Airlangga, the petrochemical industry is categorized as a type of manufacturing sector that is capital intensive, technology intensive, and energy-intensive. So, it needs special attention from the government for sustainable development. He also explained that in the Making Indonesia 4.0 road map, the chemical industry has been determined to be one of the sectors that received development priority to become a pioneer in the implementation of the Industrial Revolution 4.0. Therefore, the Ministry of Industry appreciates PT Lotte Chemical Indonesia to have realized its investment by building a petrochemical industrial complex with 100-hectare area. The petrochemical industry complex has a total production capacity of 2 million tons of naphtha crackers per year. The raw material is then processed to produce ethylene, propylene, polypropylene, and other derivative products which are also of high added-value. The production of PT. Lotte Chemical Indonesia is to meet domestic and global demand. The infrastructure development project is estimated to absorb up to 1,500 direct workers and indirect labor can reach 4,000 in the period 2019-2023. This effort is believed to improve Indonesia's economy fundamentally, by saving foreign exchange from import substitution, and will also be able to improve the trade balance. According to Minister Airlangga, the production of the petrochemical industry can support the reduction of imports of petrochemical products by at least 50 percent. He also hopes that the project will prioritize the use of local components, including workers who will be involved in this project. They must be prioritized from within the country.


Human Rights –HAM are the rights that have been owned by someone since he was still in the womb. Human rights are basic rights inherent in human beings and are universal. Thus, human rights must be protected, respected and maintained and should not be confiscated by anyone. Some examples are the rights to life, religion and belief. Human rights are so essential so that every December 10th is commemorated as the World Human Rights Day. The date was chosen because the General Assembly of the United Nations adopted and proclaimed the Universal Declaration of Human Rights on December 10th, 1948. Indeed, human rights are owned by every human being regardless of ethnicity, race, color, and religion. Even so, human rights violations still occur frequently, both internationally and locally in many countries. Human rights violations are forced actions to take away others’ rights. Indonesia has already recognized the existence of human rights long before the United Nations -UN adopted and promoted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights on December 10, 1948. This was stated in the first paragraph of the Opening of the 1945 Indonesian Constitution which states "That independence is actually the rights of all nations and therefore, occupation of the world must be abolished because it is not in accordance with humanity and justice." Although human rights are recognized and upheld, cases of human rights violations have still occurred in Indonesia. This usually occurs because it is triggered by inter-racial, ethnic or religious conflicts. In addition, human rights violations can occur due to separatist movements that attack the country's military apparatus as well as civilians. An example of an international human rights case which is widely discussed is the violence against Rohingya in Myanmar and Israeli occupation of the Palestinian territories that have been going on since 1967. For both cases of human rights violations, Indonesia strongly opposes and supports efforts to resolve them. Human rights violations can happen to anyone and anywhere. It takes awareness and support of all stakeholders in upholding human rights so that citizens' rights can be guaranteed. Happy World Human Rights Day!


After a large demonstration protesting  the increase in fuel prices in France on November 24-25, the situation in  major cities in France, especially Paris has now  become under control. French President Emmanuel Macron  has ordered to crack down on anyone who causes and provokes  riots that cause damage and casualties. In his speech related to the transition after the riots in Paris, Tuesday 27 November, President Emmanuel Macron said that the the government   must listen to what happens in society but must not forget the responsibility for what happens to the environment for future generations. The policy of increasing fuel prices aims to protect both parties, namely, the community and the environment. Meanwhile, French Finance Minister Bruno Le Maire and representatives of the Ministry of Economy held a meeting with retail traders, craftsmen, chambers of commerce, and the biggest union of French employees MEDEF to find out the economic situation, the impact on sales on  the French economy and the consequences that must be known. The demonstration was pioneered by "Yellow Jacket Group". The jacket worn by officers to handle motorcycle accidents on the road. Protesters were driven by motorists who protested the increase in diesel prices, which were widely used by motorbike users. Starting on Saturday 17 November, thousands of people staged action in various ways in the capital city of Paris and cities throughout France. The peak of the demonstration was riots on Saturday Sunday 24-25 November where more than 8,000 demonstrators gathered and carried out acts of violence and arson. The Paris security forces finally succeeded in reducing the action and received praise from the President and security stakeholders. Indeed the policy of raising the price of fuel oil is to encourage citizens to switch to cleaner transportation facilities. Apart from the high tax increase for crude oil and the carbon tax set by the previous Government, it was intended to encourage the use and utilization of renewable energy. The French government plans to reduce dependence on fossil fuels, with the aim of fossil energy consumption of 40 percent by 2030 and the ultimate goal of achieving zero-emissions. Sitting together with opponents of the Government policy is a wise step to avoid unwanted situation  in the future. However the aim of saving humanity by reducing emissions and pollution must remain a priority. Because the situation in France can occur in any country in the world.


Various tastes of Indonesian coffee are in great demand by British people. It can be viewed from the existence of importers and owners of coffee’s stalls in England in the event of Indonesia Coffee Day that was held by Indonesian embassy in London. Counselor of the Indonesian embassy in London, Thomas Siregar said on Sunday that the importers and the owners of the coffee said that they are interested  in and want to do business with Indonesian coffee’s entrepreneurs and farmers. They admitted that Indonesian coffee has different taste from instant coffee. Indonesian Ambassador to Great Britain, Republic of Ireland and International Maritime Organization, Rizal Sukma said that market potential of Indonesia coffee in England is very large, reminding there is tradition changing trend in England from drinking tea to coffee. Ambassador Rizal hopes that Indonesia Coffee Day event can become promotion event to increase export of Indonesian coffee to England. In the cooperation event of the Indonesian embassy in London with Trade Ministry and Bank Indonesia, all coffee types were presented in coffee cupping session that was guided by Syafrudin, a representative of Specialty Coffee Association Indonesia.

Indonesian embassy in Singapore cooperated with Indonesian Tourism Ministry to introduce Bintan to 12 ambassadors of neighboring countries that reside in Singapore and Jakarta. The event was Ambassadors' Familiarization Trip to Bintan & Batam that was conducted at Bintan Lagoon Resort, Lagoi, Bintan, Riau Islands.  Indonesian Ambassador to Singapore, Ngurah Swajaya in his press release received in Jakarta, on Saturday, said that he efforts were conducted to realize the target of 20 million foreign tourists to Indonesia. Ambassador Ngurah said that Bintan has a lot of tourism destinations and attractions, including golf square. In addition, Bintan is also adjacent to Singapore. Bintan is chosen because of proximity of location with Singapore as international hub.

Three students of Wikrama Vocational High School, Bogor, West Java were selected to represent Indonesia to participate in Film Festival in Japan. The 12th Asian International Children’s Film Festival' is conducted in Hokaido, Japan starting from November 19-28, 2018. The three students are Denzel Gymnastiar Setiawan, Muhammad Fauzi Azhar, and Angelive Hilsunny. They were selected to represent Indonesia based on selection result which was conducted by Japanese embassy in Indonesia. Their documentary film entitled 'Return' succeeded to pass selection and selected as representatives from Indonesia on the festival. The film will be shown together with films of other schools from 12 countries in Asia. Coach and also teacher of multimedia expertise competency of Wikrama Vocational School, M Dudi Permadi said that the film with the title "Return" under cooperation with his students tells about a worker who has worst habits by littering. Then finally, the worker realizes that the environment must be protected.