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Entering the New Year 2019, the United States federal government once again stopped the operation of some federal government agencies known as “shutdown”. In United States politics, a government shutdown occurs when Congress fails to pass, or the President refuses to sign, appropriations legislation funding federal government operations and agencies.This kind of problem had actually occurred in the first year of President Donald Trump's administration. The reason for the current shutdown is the negotiation issue over the 2019 Budget due to disputes between the Government and Congress. President Donald Trump and Congress on December 22, 2018 faced a deadlock in terms of budget approval to build the country's border wall with Mexico. Back in the beginning of 2018, part of the United States federal government agencies also experienced a weeklong shutdown. Unlike this year, the cause of the shutdown was the failure to reach an agreement on the immigration policy of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) and the deportation of people who were part of the program. Although not exactly the same, the main cause of both shutdowns was the problem of migration and immigration.This year, the difference in view between the government and Congress is the demand of President Donald Trump for Congress to approve a budget of 5 billion dollars to build a border wall with Mexico. Though towards the close of the year Donald Trump declared canceling his demands, the deadlock still happened. The congressional element questioned the budget proposal because while campaigning Donald Trump had stated that the financing of the construction of the barrier wall would be funded by Mexico. It became a problem when Trump would eventually finance the construction of the border wall by using tax payers’ fund.The case of a shutdown at the beginning of the year did not only occur in the era of Donald Trump. It had already occurred during the previous administrations.For other countries, the shutdown of a number of United States federal government agencies has no significant impact. One possibility is only the delay in US assistance to certain countries whose commitments were made early in the year, and could be constrained due to the non-operation of the institutions that deal with it. In addition, domestic problems that have caused a shutdown, may only provide an overview of the turmoil of US domestic politics which has an impact on budget approval.


China signaled that there would still be a trade war with the United States. Chinese President Xi Jinping implied it in a speech commemorating 40 years of Reformation in the country, in the presence of leaders of the Chinese Communist Party in Beijing on Tuesday. In his speech, the President of China stressed that no other party could dictate the course of the country's economic development.
In Washington US President Donald Trump, called for China to stop trading practices that are considered unfair. Trump also urged Beijing to stop the practice of intellectual property rightstheft and carry out comprehensive reforms.So, it was not a coincidence that in his speech, Xi Jinping stressed that his country could not be dictated by anyone.The speech delivered by the President of China is a sign that the country with the most population in the world, will continue to try to be a driver as well as the central global economy to shift the role of the United States.The assertion that no country may dictate China’s economic policy has confirmed Beijing's position in the face of trade wars with the United States.What was said by both Donald Trump and Xi Jinping should be a warning to other countries to anticipate the situation and global economic development in 2020. As many economists predict, trade wars between China and the United States will be a major factor in the slowdown in world economic development in 2020.The world economy in 2020, especially in developing countries that have China or the United States as their main partners will be affected by the economic relations between the two world economic giants.


Banten is a province in Indonesia which rapidly develops. The province, that was a part of West Java province, also experiences development in various fields, such as tourism.  A lot of quite popular tourism destinations in Banten are crowded by tourists. Take for example: Tanjung Lesung beach, Baduy hamlet and many others. Not only natural tourism destination, but also Banten culinary is also trying. One of Banten typical culinary is Angeun Lada.Angeun Lada is Banten typical food which is actually from Sundanese tribe. Angeun means vegetable, while lada means spicy. So, Angeun Lada is vegetable which has spicy flavor. The main material of this food is tripe cow which is mixed with vegetable. The main ingredient is typical leaf called walang leaf. This leaf has very strong aroma. Other ingredients are red onions, candlenut, garlic and galanga.Banten people usually serve Angeun Lada as obligatory dish in great celebration, such as Eid ul-Fitr. In addition, the food is usually served during a family gathering. Thus it is enough to prove that Angeun Lada is one of Banten typical food which has an important role. Even, Angeun Lada has been determined as Intangible Cultural Heritage by Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture. The determination was signed on September 14, 2016.Angeun Lada, the Intangible Cultural Heritage from Banten is worth tasting. If you have a plan to visit Banten, please set your time to try Angeun Lada. You can find Angeun Lada at Sukarel Pandeglang square on Jalan Curug Sawer, Pandeglang, Banten.


Kendari City Government in Southeast Sulawesi conducted tree planting in commemorating National Planting Day 2018, in Kadia Kendari on Monday (17/12). The event was attended by Acting Mayor of Kendari, Sulkarnain. Sulkarnain after planting the tree, affirmed that the event is a real action to save forest, land and water. He said forest is a very important life support to protect land and water sustainability. According to him, the program can balance development and preserve environment and water resources in Kendari.

As many as 735 athletes are participated in International Wushu Championship in Bali, that was opened by Chairman of Executive Board of Indonesian Wushu, Airlangga Hartarto, in Nusa Dua Bali, on Monday evening (17/12). Head of the championship committee, entitle “1'st Bali International Kungfu Championship 2018”, Bambang Supriyanto, said the participants are from 88 clubs in Indonesia and overseas, namely Ukraine, Macao and Norway. According to Bambang, the main target of the championship is to introduce and to popularize traditional wushu sport to international world. Therefore, part of traditional wushu propaganda that will become the biggest competition, is competed in Indonesia in accordance with the determination and standardization of International Wushu Federation. Therefore, the championship is also packed in form of sport tourism to more strengthen Bali image as tourist destination.

The Office of Tourism, Youth and Sports of Agam regency, West Sumatra recorded that around 7,500 tourists visited Maninjau Lake Festival which was centered at Muko-muko tourism object, Tanjungraya district, on December 15 and 16. Secretary of Tourism and Culture Office of Agam, Agusmardi, said in Lubukbasung, on Monday (17/12) that generally tourists who visited the event were local tourist from Agam, regency, and neighbor towns. The crowdmade most of merchandises at the tourism object sold out. It was along with the goal of the event, namely to increase the economy of the local people, and to increasing the number of visits and also to preserve Minangkabau tradition to young generation. Agusmardi said the event was atambua tansa competition, an art of Salingka people of Maninjau Lake, with the participants 42 teams and also recitation competition of Asmaul Husna or the names of Allah (God the Almighty) which was participated by45 teams. Besides that, there was also competition of pupuik batang padi, fari Minangkabau instrument, with 20 participants and rowing which was participated by 6 regencies and cities. In the future, the event will be held in international level with participants from neighboring countries.