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The debate of Vice-Presidential Candidates was held in Jakarta on Sunday night (17/3). Many observers consider the debate to be flat. However, the debate took place smoothly. The debate of Vice-Presidential Candidates who were not accompanied by each presidential candidate highlighted major issues: Education, Employment, Health, and Socio-culture. The issues raised are essential now, considering the situation and conditions of the issues abroad have spread rapidly throughout the world through the role of information media. In the debate, Vice-Presidential candidate No. 01, Ma'ruf Amin encourages the development of pilot companies in the supply of employment related to employment issue. Meanwhile in the education sector, he will revitalize vocational schools and polytechnics that may lead to create a ready-made and educated workforce and the development of national research bodies. For health issue, he will continue to improve and expand the Healthy Indonesia Card and other health programs that have been launched into the Community. Ma'ruf Amin also offers three new cards, namely the KIP for university students’ card, pre-employment, and cheap basic necessities.Meanwhile, Vice-Presidential candidate No. 02 offers ideas to raise the fund of research and technology by encouraging collaboration with the business world. While in education, he proposes the abolition of the national exam and this is replaced by a program of talent and interest. In the field of employment, Sandiaga Uno will encourage Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises to absorb employment and Link and Match between the world of education and the world of work. Vice President 02 also offers one card, which is the identity card, KTP that can be accessed by all programs.Apart from the many parties assessing the spread of the vice presidential debate, at least, the ideas of both vice-presidential candidates have been able to prove that they are ready to accompany their partners. The ideas of debate can also show that their capacity is not just a presidential counterpart. However, the debate did not touch the media of information as a supporting factor in the issues highlighted. In fact, information media through social media can, at least, support the implementation of issues that run well in terms of distribution, control and evaluation. 



This is Voice of Indonesia with “Let’s Speak Bahasa Indonesian,” a lesson in the Indonesian language on the radio, introducing some Indonesian vocabulary and tips on how to use it in conversation. This segment is a joint initiative of Voice of Indonesia and the Language Development Agency at the Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture. Today’s  topic is Arah Mata Angin or ‘Wind Direction’.

Next  is a conversation about  Arah Mata Angin  or in English  ‘Wind Direction’. Tony is at Prambanan Temple area along with a tour guide, Nina.

Pemandu wisata

Selamat datang di kawasan  Candi Prambanan. Di sini ada empat gerbang:  Gerbang Utara, Timur, Selatan dan Barat.


Oh, sekarang  kita ada di mana?

Pemandu wisata

Gerbang Timur. Gerbang Timur adalah gerbang utama.

As usual, after the conversation, I’ll introduce some vocabulary and expressions related to the topic today. I’ll say each word slowly, and twice. You can follow after me.

Selamat datang di kawasan Candi Prambanan

(2X) in English

Welcome to Prambanan Temple




Gerbang  utama


Main gate

Sekarang kita ada di mana?


Where are we now?













There are 4 wind directions in the Indonesian language. They are utara (north), timur (east), selatan (south)and barat (west).

The question which is usually asked in some tourism objects is like ‘Pintu keluar ada di mana?’ or in English where is the exit gate?. The answer are Di sebelah barat (on the west), Di sebelah utara (on the north).

When someone answers by using wind directions, you have to know where you are and of course, you also have to remember the direction of the wind in Indonesian Language.

Before we end today’s “Let's Speak Bahasa Indonesia”, for more details, let's listen to the conversation once more.

Pemandu wisata

Selamat datang di kawasan  Candi Prambanan. Di sini ada empat gerbang:  Gerbang Utara, Timur, Selatan dan Barat.


Oh, Sekarang  kita ada di mana?

Pemandu wisata

Gerbang timur. Gerbang timur adalah gerbang utama.


East Nusa Tenggara -NTT has not only amazing natural tourism object, but also cultural tourism object, such as Mbaru Embo Traditional House which is located at Mok hamlet, Mbengan village, Komba district, East Manggarai regency, Flores, East Nusa Tenggara province. The Traditional House is unique because it is never occupied by human beings. Mok hamlet is a place where Mbaru Embo Traditional House is old hamlet which is occupied by Nanga tribe. The villagers believe that Mbaru Embo is a house for the ancestors. Couples of Embo Lenang and Embo Teje were believed as the main elders of the ancestors of the traditional house’s occupants. In accordance with traditional demands, Mbaru Embo stands on hill, part of hamlet’s upstream. Its building has hollow, circle shape with one point which is peak of its roof. The situation of the ancestors’ house is always silent because it is unoccupied and its location is a little bit separated around 50 - 200 meters from residential area. The location of Mok hamlet has a distance 30 kilometers in the North of  Borong, the capital city of East Manggarai regency. Visiting the hamlet is not difficult because its road has been paved. If you visit Mbaru Embo Traditional House, there are 5 rules which must be obeyed. Firstly, the visitors must be at the outside of the house. Secondly, they are allowed to smoke. Thirdly, they do not wear red clothes. Fourthly, the visitors are allowed to take picture of traditional house. And the last rule is that the visitors are allowed to  carry out lighting tools.


To attract Russian tourists, Indonesia participated again in the largest tourism exhibition in Russia, "26th Moscow International Travel & Tourism Exhibition "(MITT) in Moscow, Russia, which was held on March 12-14, 2019. Indonesia presented a pavilion with 70 meters wide, which was representative and interesting for the visitors to look around. They could also enjoy coffee from various Indonesian regions, which were specially presented by Indonesian Barista.

Lampung province promoted culture and tourism and the superiority of the region in the event of “Place2Go International Tourism Fair”, in the capital city of Croatia, Zagreb. The exhibition is an annual agenda which is quite big in East European territory that is developing rapidly. This was stated by Governor of Lampung, Muhammad Ridho Ficardo in a press release which was received in Bandarlampung on Saturday (16/3/2019). Meanwhile, Indonesian Ambassador to Croatia, Sjahroedin ZP, explained that high colleges of Croatia also established cooperation with many high colleges on Java Island. University of Zagreb also established cooperation with Lampung University.

Colombian government made an official visit to Bali province to strengthen relations. This was conveyed by Colombian Ambassador, Juan C Valencia when meeting Governor of Bali, Wayan Koster in Denpasar, Bali on Friday (15/3). Ambassador Juan also said that Colombian Foreign Affairs Minister, Maria Angela Holguin will visit Bali in April. Meanwhile, in March, as many as 27 mayors throughout Colombia also plan to conduct comparative study in Bali. They view that Bali is one of regions which succeeds in developing creative economy. Ambassador Juan also added that the government of Colombia also wants to study how to manage eco-tourism. Even for the future, Bali is hoped to be able to realize sister-city cooperation with one of the tourism destinations in Colombia, namely Cartagena.