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The heat in Pakistan today is not only because of the weather, but also due to the rising political temperatures ahead of the General Election, which is planned to be held today. Several incidents of bomb attacks and even legal cases seem to be the way to compete in this general election.Ahead of the election there was a bomb attack that killed 149 people. Another attack even killed a candidate who was going to join the elections, albeit at a local level. Another point of interest is the court's verdict to a strong candidate from the Pakistani Muslim League Party (PML-N), which is the party of former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif. The verdict is suspected to be under pressure from certain parties in Pakistan. Sharif and his daughter are currently facing sentences, each 10 and 7 years in prison, due to some corruption cases. In addition, a Pakistani court ruling, also imposed on Sharif a lifetime political ban.In Pakistan, the military has a strong influence. Half of the country's 71-year history was  ruled or controlled by the military. This time  some parties also  suspect the military of  pressing the media and politicians. Of course the military denied it and declared that it does not have a direct role in the election.This election was a battle between PML-N and the Tehreek-e-Insaf opposition party (PTI) led by Imran Khan. Another party is the People's Party of Pakistan led by Bilawal Bhutto Zardari. Bilawal is the son of the late Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto who was killed in an attack. In order to occupy the Prime Minister's seat, the People's Party inevitably had to compete with other parties that become competitors in this election.It is hoped that the general election in Pakistan run  peacefully  and is able to come out with    a figure who is  really elected by the people to become the leader of the country. The parties who have been facing each other  in the election should prioritize the common interests rather than the interests of their respective groups and parties. Peace in Pakistan is a key in order to mitigate the situation in the restive neighboring countries, Afghanistan, and South Asia. That was commentary.


The school zoning system has made school which is not a favorite becomes the main choice. In the new school academic year, the number of students almost evenly packed every school, either at suburbs or at the city. Member of the House of Representatives of Palangkaraya, Commission C, Mukarramah, welcomed the school zoning system. According toMukarramah, during this time, students are not interested in registering their names at school which is not a favorite yet. With the school zoning, the parents of the students send their children to school which is closer in accordance with radius which has been determined by Education Office. This was stated by Mukarramah to Radio Republik Indonesia in Palangkaraya, on Tuesday (24/7). In addition to motivating school at suburbs to be favorite school, school zoning policy has good impact for the next future, one of them is for equalization of educational quality, because every school will compete to show its superiority, so that among the schools can compete for better world of education.


A member of the House of Representatives of West Nusa Tenggara, Tuan Guru Haji Hazmi Hamzar, hoped West Nusa Tenggara continues to improve the increase of tourist’s visit. The high interest of either domestic and foreign tourist to travel to the region should be supported by various easiness and worthy at the tourist destination. Tuan Guru Haji Hazmi Hamzar in Mataram, on Tuesday (24/7) also hoped businessman along with the government are not quickly satisfied with the result, and do it in accordance with the ability. Because the challenge for the tourism sector in the future is increasingly complex.  According to Hazmi Hamzar, the existence of one organization will make tourist to be easy to get information and the others related to tourist objects of West Nusa Tenggara. He added management of tourist destinationalso needs serious attention from the government or tourist businessman. The cleaness and the existence of toilet at tourist destination is very important.


Sumbawa regent, Husni Djibril, said that literacy movement at the school currently is being conducted by the government in various educational levels, including elementary school. According to Husni Djibril, elementary school is the beginning of nine years of basic education, so that growing movement of reading interest is very strategic to be conducted. However, before entering to elementary school, there are children who have been quite familiar with book during the Early Childhood Education period.Husni Djibril in Sumbawa,on Tuesday (24/7) hoped optimalization of literacy movements on elementary school level is supported and optimalized. That is why in 2017, the government issued regency regulation number 5/2017 on instructions for implementing literacy movements in elementary schools.The regent also hoped, the existence of the regency regulation becomes astarting point to establish reading interest since early for each student in Sumbawa.Reading habit at the elementary school will become foundation on student. The regent also hoped “the echo of literacy programcan be a media which can encourage the elementary school studentsto develop and to forge their abilitieswell. For that, the regent conveyed his appreciation to “Sayangi Tunas Cilik” foundationas the partner for save the children which has implemented the program at 25 elementary schools in Sumbawa and 25 elementary schools in North Lombok regency.


The name of Ciletuh Geopark is unfamiliar for some people. However, the Ciletuh Geopark is being assessed by UNESCO as global geopark. If it is passed, Ciletuh geopark will officially become global geopark as well as world’s natural heritage site which is protected. Certainly, it will make the name of Indonesia be more famous in international world on the beauty and wealth of its nature. Ciletuh Geopark is located at Pelabuhan Ratu, Sukabumi, West Java. You can access the geopark by land transportation. To go to the tourism object, we suggest you to use rental or private car which uses double power-steering ( 4WD) machine because the road is much damaged. The trip from Jakarta takes around 7-8 hours. Ciletuh Geopark  is very wide. The area includes Ciletuh great bay which has tens of kilometers of coastal line. Tourists are free to choose which beach is suitable for swimming, such as the beach of Ciemas in Jampang district, Sukabumi.Besides the beach, tourists can also swim at waterfall. There are more than eight waterfalls which have been opened for public. But, you should be careful when swimming at the waterfall, because there are some waterfalls which have heavy stream such as Dog-dog and Cikaso waterfalls. To go to the waterfalls, tourists should do trekking and passing green trees. Another activity which can be conducted at Ciletuh Geopark is by enjoying undersea beauty. To enjoy the undersea beauty, tourists can do snorkeling at white sand spot of Kunti Island. The location can be found by walking around 10 minutes from the main beach of the geopark. Snorkeling management here is Balawisata (Tirta Tourism Savior Organization). Balawisata provides facility of rental equipment with fee Rp 100,000 per one snorkel for 45 minutes. Having been tired of doing activities at Ciletuh Geopark, you can still stay longer while enjoying the beauty of its nature. There are some camping grounds to set tent for staying overnight with fee only Rp 20,000. With the fee which is relatively cheap, you can sleep by being surrounded with amazing scenery, beginning from beach, rice field, and mountain. In addition, you can also witness exotic sunrise in the morning.


We will present Keroncong song by some Indonesian talented singers Gesang and Tetty Supangat. The song Bengawan is very famous not only in Indonesia but also in other countries such as Japan. Bengawan Solo has been translated into several foreign languages, including English, Russian, Chinese and Japanese. The song was also used in one of the big screen movies in Japan. The song Bengawan Solo was composed by Gesang in 1940, when he was 23 years old. At the time, the young Gesang sat on the edge of Bengawan Solo. He admired for the river that inspired him to compose the song Bengawan Solo. Gesang needed about 6 months to complete it which then took him to the title as Maestro Keroncong Indonesia. The song Lamunan Kalbu is an original keroncong song which tells the story about the longing. The wind on the beach blowing slowly giving the deepest longing to someone . Staring to the blue sea remembered the past memory while sitting on the beach with the beloved one. It was a glance of the story of the song Lamunan Kalbu by Tetty Supangat, the keroncong singer who has a beautiful and melodious voice. In the Indonesian entertainment world, especially keroncong music, Tetty Supangat was quite wellknown. On several occasions she performed the keroncong songs with other Indonesian keroncong singers such as Tuti Maryati and Mamiek Marsudi.