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In today’s edition, we’ll present Mikha Tambayong to you. A song entitled “Berpisah itu mudah” which is sung by a duet of Rizky Febian and Mikha Tambayong, is a single of Rizky and he invites Mikha Tambayong as his duet partner. The collaboration of the two young Indonesian singers represents a dynamic love story of a couple lover. Accompanied by an interesting acoustic guitar and arrangement, the song "Berpisah Itu Mudah” tells the young couples should not easily end the relationship, because erasing the love memories is not as easy as parting. Performing a duet was not the first time for Mikha Tambayong. She had performed with other singers, including with his uncle, a famous Indonesian singer, Harvey Malaiholo. Mikha Tambayong was born as Maudy Mikha Maria Tambayong in Jakarta, on September 15, 1994. Mikha started her career in 2008 through a beauty contest event organized by a magazine, and in TV soap opera. A year in the world of acting, Mikha also tried her talent in the music industry. The first single entitled "CINTA PERTAMA" made Mikha so popular as a singer. There is a special and unusual feeling, and everyone hope that the first love will end beautifully. In music, Mikha learned to his uncle, a senior and outstanding Indonesian singer, Harvey Malaiholo. However, Mikha apparently did not want to rely on his uncle's name for his music career. Then, although quite well known as a singer, the main activity of Mikha Tambayong in the Indonesian entertainment is as an actress. Since 2008, Mikha actively starred in dozens of soap operas and movies.


The Ministry of Industry is proposing to provide incentives for domestic milk processing industry to be more competitive. The fiscal facility is a form of appreciation to business actors who have established partnerships with local dairy farmers and absorb a lot of fresh milk in the country. It was said by Director of Beverages, Tobacco, Refreshing material, Directorate General of Agro Industry, the Ministry of Industry, Abdul Rochim, in Jakarta recently. Abdul Rochim added, by fulfilling the requirements of the partnership, the industry can apply for incentives.The providing incentives in the form of raw materials import duty is given as one of the efforts of the Ministry of Industry to encourage the development of national milk processing industry. In addition, it is expected that a number of dairy farmers will increase while milk consumption also increase to keep people healthy.Through the policy, Rochim is optimistic that domestic fresh milk products will continue to increase as the industry needs to get cheaper import duty incentives for raw materials. He also said the threshold for submission of incentives will continue to be raised, in an effort to encourage the industry to absorb more domestic fresh milk.The providing incentives is also one of the points discussed in the draft Regulation of the Minister of Industry concerning the Development of the National Milk Industry that is being prepared by the Ministry.Previously, Minister of Industry, Airlangga Hartarto said that his ministry focused on boosting milk processing industry in the country. The goal is to meet the needs of consumers both in the domestic market and for export. Therefore, the development of milk processing industry needs to be done through partnership program with dairy farmers in an integrated manner.The partnership program is expected to bring multiple effects, namely spurring regional economic growth, increasing local revenue and employment, so as to prosper the community.Minister Airlangga Hartarto believes that the milk processing industry also contributes significantly to the growth of food and beverage industry. This is indicated by the growth rate of the food and beverage industry in 2017 which reached 9.23 percent, far above the national economic growth of 5.07 percent. In addition, the role of the food and beverage industry subsector to the economy amounted to 6.14 percent and to the gross domestic product of non-oil and gas industries reached 34.3 percent, making it the largest subsector with the largest contribution compared to other subsector industries in the same period.


First information is that Barong Attraction closed Cultural Week of Kediri 2018. The attraction of Barong Sewu dance of colossal collaboration which was held by the government of Kediri Regency, East Java, closed the Culture and Tourism Week event 2018 at the local Simpang Lima Gumul (SLG) area. Deputy Regent of Kediri, Masykuri said in Kediri on last Saturday that besides as entertainment, the attraction was aimed at introducing and preserving the cultural arts to the community. He said that the event involved the some artists from various art galleries. They are artists who can be role models of this cultural preservation. Masykuri also hopes the event to be routinely held every year. It is also expected to encourage the young generations to eagerly love their ancestral culture and preserve it.

West Bali National Park –TNBB released 10 Bali Starlings into the wild in Labuhan Lalang area, Buleleng regency on last Saturday (14/7). Director General of Natural Resources and Ecosystem Conservation –KSDAE, Wiratno said that to manage the current conservation area should involve the community. Head of West Bali National Park, Agus Ngurah Krisna said after being released into the wild by the community, his team will conduct intensive surveillance to ensure that Bali starlings can survive and breed in the wild well. He said that the 10 released birds are the result of breeding at the Bali Starling Special Management Unit of West Bali National Park in Tegal Bunder, Buleleng Regency. The efforts to conserve this rare bird will continue to be done. He added that in addition to supervision and protection, the Bali starlings are expected to survive in the wild. Along with various concerned groups, his team also planted feeding trees for Bali starling, such as Pilang and Sawo Kecik. Currently, the population of Bali starlings in their natural habitat continues to grow. In 2013, the number reached 32 birds, and in 2018, it increases to 141 birds spreading at several points in the park that stretches from Jembrana Regency to Buleleng Regency. Besides, there are still 336 birds in the breeding nests. Periodically, the result of the breeding will be released into the wild.

 Indonesia President Joko Widodo inaugurated five of the 14 venues the 18th Asian Games at Jakabaring Sport City (JSC) Palembang, South Sumatera on Saturday. President Joko Widodo accompanied by Minister of Public Works and People's Housing, Basuki Hadimuljono, Minister of Youth and Sports, Imam Nahrawi, and Governor of South Sumatera, Alex Noerdin. The five venues inaugurated are shooting range, Jakabaring Rowing and Canoeing Regatta Course, Skate Park, beach volleyball, and bowling center. President Joko Widodo said that Indonesia is ready to welcome the Asian Games 2018 to be participated in by 16,000 athletes and officials from 45 countries. The progress of the construction and renovation of the 14 venues and support facilities of Asian Games 2018 at JSC has been 99 percent completed. Minister of Public Works and People's Housing –PUPR, Basuki Hadimuljono said that five arenas have been inaugurated; three of them are shooting arena, rowing and skateboard built by the Ministry of PUPR. Besides inaugurating the venues, President Joko Widodo also opened Dragon Boat National Championship President’s Cup 2018. The championship is held by Executive Board of Rowing Sports Association of Indonesia –PB PODSI and becomes one of the test agenda in the rowing arena in welcoming the 18th Asian Games. The championship is followed by 619 participants who are  from 17 provinces and 4 contingents of Indonesian Armed Forces –TNI and Indonesian National Police –Polri. Contested race numbers are 500m and 200m for men and women. Minister Basuki added that both of the race numbers are targeted to win two gold medals at the upcoming the 18th Asian Games.


Promotion of Indonesia’s economy keeps being enhanced in the United States of America. Indonesian Consulate General in Houston, Texas the USA cooperating with representative of Bank Indonesia New York and Indonesia Investment Promotion Center (IIPC) New York was successful to hold a seminar of Indonesia Economy Outlook. The seminar was attended by dozens of entrepreneurs in Houston, Texas, the United States of America on Wednesday (11/7). In the panel discussion, the Houston entrepreneurs understood on Indonesia’s economic development and also cooperation opportunity on trade and investment. The Indonesian Consulate General keeps encouraging bilateral cooperation in economic, social and cultural aspects in Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas, Puerto Rico, and Virgin Islands. The Indonesian Consul General in Houston, Nana Yuliana stated that the Indonesian Consulate General is committed to supporting the cooperation and bilateral relations in the fields of economy, investment and trade.

Indonesian Consulate General in Karachi, Pakistan, Totok Prianamto received Head of Pakistan Edible Oil Refinery Association –PEORA, Abdul Rasheed Janmohammad  at the Indonesian Consulate General in Karachi on Tuesday (10/7). On the occasion, the Indonesian Consulate General stated that Abdul Rasheed is expected to support the efforts of promotion of the Indonesian Consulate General through the implementation of Palm Oil Fair of Indonesia (POFI) which will be conducted for the first time on September 6, 2018. The event will invite stakeholders in the field of palm oil from public and private sectors of Indonesia, as well as the provincial government of Sindh. The Indonesian Consulate General also opened opportunity for private sides in palm oil sector. At the end of the meeting, the Indonesian Consulate General in Karachi and Abdul Rasheed Janmohammad are committed to promoting relations on economy, trade and investment between Indonesia and Pakistan.

Indonesian tea received certificate of “AVPA Gourmet Product 2018" award for category of Black Tea which is from product of PT. Bukitsari with “Bankitwangi" brand. The certificate was issued in “Teas of The World International Contest" which was held by Agence pour la Valorisation des Produits Agricoles or AVPA French, an organization in Paris which aims to assist increasing added value and to market agricultural products in national and international level. In the event which was held on July 10,2018 in Paris, the award was directly given by Philippe Juglar, President of AVPA, to Suryo Tutuko, delegation of PT Bukitsari, and witnessed by Indonesian Ambassador to France, Dr. Hotmangaradja Pandjaitan. “Teas of The World", as international event was the first contest, especially to give awards of the best product which was conducted by AVPA. The tea product which was contested is being shared based on 9 categories, namely Green tea, White tea, Oolong Clear, Darjeeling, Oolong Moyen, Oolong Oriental Beauty, Oolong Dark, Black Tea, and No other Category. From 113 tea products of 15 countries which were contested were only 53 teas which received awards, such as Indonesia, Japan, China, India, and Taiwan.