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Published in Music

We will present some pop songs from Trisouls. A song entitled ”Senyummu Hanya Untukku” contains complaint for the beautiful smile of someone. Although sounding romantic, the song "Senyummu Hanya Untukku" apparently represents universal love, so it can be delivered not only to the beloved ones, but also for family and friends. The song was the first single from the Trisouls group. Trisouls consists three personnels Yerri Rirriassa, Jesse Thomasmore, and Damien Jonathans. The three personnels formed Trisouls group in 2017 after having performed together in a show. With a poetic diction, Trisouls portrays a tragic farewell, for the beloved chooses to leave without giving any reasons before. The song that was released on January 18, 2018 also presented by Trisouls to the deaf, because they have inspired Trisouls in the cultivation of songs and video clips "Isyarat". Trisouls not only refers to one musical gendres. The group has also work many musical gendres including acoustics, pop, RnB, and soul. As a newcomer, Trisouls admitted that they still very open with new things, including musical style.


A system is an effort of government in simplifying business license and creating integrated licensing service model which is cheaper, easier and definitely. This was said by Coordinating Minister of Economic Affairs Darmin Nasution in an inauguration of Online Single Submission –OSS system in Jakarta, Monday (9/7). Minister Darmin Nasution also mentioned that the system can be accessed online and in an integrated manner in all ministries/agencies and local governments throughout Indonesia, to support the implementation of One Stop Integrated Licensing. He hoped, with the OSS system, the business license will be obtained by the business actor in less than an hour. The OSS system has been built since October 2017 as the implementation of Presidential Regulation No. 91, 2017 on Accelerating the Implementation of Business. The concept has been tested in Purwakarta - West Java, Batam - Riau Islands, and Palu - Central Sulawesi. This information technology-based system is the interconnection and integration of the licensing service system which is available in the Investment Coordinating Board. This system is also the Central One Stop Integrated Licensing and the Regional One stop Integrated Licensing which uses SiCantik system managed by the Indonesian Ministry of Communication and Information Technology. The system is also supported by the system from several ministries and institutions of licensing publisher including Indonesia National Single Window syatem, General Law Administration System of Ministry of Law and Human Rights and Information System for Population Administration of Home Affairs Ministry. For the time being, the OSS system operation is carried out by the Coordinating Ministry of Economic Affairs supported by Indonesia National Single Window and other relevant ministries and agencies. After that the system operation will be submitted to the Investment Coordinating Board. Investors or other existing business activities then subsequently can adjust the licensing process through the OSS system, to obtain the Number of Parent Enterprise as well as the extension of business license or commercial license. The government also provides OSS Lounge as a place to assist investors in online licensing arrangements. The OSS Lounge is expected to become the standard in all One Stop Integrated Licensing including self-service, support services, priority services, general consultations of investment and clinics. The launch of the OSS was attended by Governor of Bank Indonesia, Minister of Home Affairs, the Minister of Communication and Information Technology, the Minister of Law and Human Rights, the Minister of Industry and the Minister of Agriculture and Spatial/Head of the National Land Agency, the Head of Investment Coordinating Board and the Chief of Presidential Staff.


Komodo National Park goes international after it officially becomes one of seven natural wonders of the world. The natural beauty in the region cannot be missed. Even, before entering the tourism object, you will be amazed on the natural beauty from its gate, namely  Lawadarat island or in local language called ‘Gili Lawadarat’. Before arriving on Komodo island, tourists will pass Gili Lawadarat. The island is located at the North part of Komodo island and it includes in one island which has existed at Komodo National Park since 1980. Interestingly, here, you can find sea as well as cluster of exotic islands. Gili Lawadarat is one of islands which protects the biggest lizard habitat in the world besides Komodo, Rinca, and Padar island. Almost the entire island is overgrown with grass. The grass overlay has captivated tourists who visit the island. Tourists, who want to get relaxed, can do trekking for 30 minutes to the peak of the island in order to be able to enjoy the beauty of panorama and the exotic nature. The right time to visit Gili Lawadarat is before sunrise. Because at that time, you will see sunrise which is really extra ordinarily beautiful. If you are lucky, you can see the beauty of sun and moon at the same time. Moreover, sea surface makes this place unforgettable to its beauty. If you visit this tourism destination, you can pass two routes, namely through Lombok or Flores island. But to save your time, we suggest you to take Flores route. Because the airport in Flores is near with Labuan Bajo. From  Labuan Bajo, the trip is continued to Gili Lawadarat by speed boat for several hours.


Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs in cooperation with Indian Embassy in Jakarta, and the government of Aceh Province held India-Indonesia Investment Forum on Monday (9/7). The event was the follow-up of “Shared Vision of India-Indonesia Maritime Cooperation in the Indo-Pacific" which was planned by President Joko WI dodo and Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi. Business delegation of Andaman and Nicobar Islands which are the closest Indian territory with Indonesia, was met with delegation of Acehnese Chamber of Commerce and Industry. The forum was attended by 50 participants which consisted of entrepreneurs of the two counties and also regional and central officials. The event was opened by expert staff of Governor in economic, financial and development sector of Aceh Province, Iskandar Syukri. Iskandar Syukuri hoped an increase of investment and trade among Aceh and India. Indian Ambassador to Indonesia, Mr. Pradeep Kumar Rawat, also conveyed the necessity to establish business connectivity between Sumatera with Andaman and Nicobar. Ambassador Pradeep Kumar Rawat also explained a number of potential and opportunities for economic cooperation of the two regions, among others tourism, air connectivity, sea connectivity and hospital service.

Indonesian Consulate in Tawau, Malaysia, officially released 235 children of Indonesian migrant workers who will continue their study to Indonesia. Indonesian consulate of Tawau, Sulistijo Djati Ismojo said that the returning of the children will continue their study in senior high school post-graduate from Community Learning Centre (CLC) in Sabah, Malaysia. The children are completed with official documents which guarantee their return. Consul of Tawau on Monday (9/7) appreciated the students, teachers and parents who take care the legal travel documents for the children to return to Indonesia. Coordinator of Sabah Bridge, a group of Indonesian teachers in Sabah, Aksar said that from 235 students, 135 students will continue their study to senior high school in Nunukan and Sebatik island, while the others will continue their study in a number of regions in Java, Sulawesi and Sumatera. As many as 65 students who continue their sudy in Indonesia after receiving scholarships from Sabah Bridge. Aksar added although their parents work as Indonesian migrant workers in Malaysia but some students after continuing their study in senior high school in Indonesia, recorded achievement and even received scholarships so they can continue their study in Indonesia’s state university based on the facility and recommendation of Educational and Cultural attache of the Indonesian Embassy in Kuala Lumpur. Sabah Bridge is a teacher social movement established by the Indonesian government to teach Indonesian children in Sabah, Malaysia.

Towards the Asian Games 2018, Indonesian athletes from various sports keep doing preparations. Indonesian karate national teamalso conducted sparring in a number of countries. Specially for kumite number, a number of karate athletes followed tarining in Cairo, Egypt. At least 10 karate athletes participated in training camp program in Cairo, Egypt. The activity held from June 28 – July 10, 2018. During the training, the karate athletes tried their ability by sparring with Egypt national athletes. Indonesian ambassador to Egypt, Helmy Fauzy welcome the attendance of Indonesian national athletes in Egypt. The ambassador recognized that the government of Egypt gives attention to develop sport achievement. Egypt has plenty sport facilities and the enthusiasm and participation of its people is very high. The ambassador hoped this can be learned and transmitted in Indonesia.