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Almost a year since leaving the EU, the British government is facing problems in realizing its policies. Prime Minister Theresa May, struck by an internal political crisis, had to concentrate on taking steps after Britain officially left the European Union in March 2019. The decision was taken two years after a referendum that ruled the conservative party's government out of the EU. 

The internal split in Prime Minister Theresa May's administration, manifested itself when two Ministers declared their resignations. They are two key holders of the Brexit implementation, namely, Minister of Brexit Affairs, David Davis, and Foreign Minister Boris Johnson. The resignations of Davis and Johnson from the government, did not seem to worry Theresa May. The second female British prime minister after Margaret Tatcher, immediately overhauled her cabinet and appointed two ministers to fill in the post left by Davis and Johnson.

This decision prompted expectations that the referendum could still be validated in March 2019 though many are is still questioning it. Politically, the opposition party gets more power to criticize government policy. The exit of David Davis and Boris Johnson is like being a new bullet for the opposition to launch a cornering attack. Both Davis and Johnson, after their resignations, argued that this was due to the fact that they were no longer in line with the Prime Minister's policy. The two stated they could no longer cooperate and support the government's steps to follow up on the results of the referendum. Both Davis and Johnson, rate the Prime Minister's policy as too pragmatic and compromising. In this regard, Britain can not completely free itself economically from EU member countries and EU policy. Economically, Britain still has an attachment to other European countries. As a producer of Airbus, BMW, Jaguar and Landrover, England is unlikely to take a drastic policy that cuts off business with European countries that are related to the export of goods production. On that basis the Theresa May Government should adopt a more pragmatic policy.

 Prime Minister Theresa May should concoct a post-Brexit policy that combines idealism and reality. This difficult move has led to a government crisis that is indeed not a majority in Parliament. In addition to corroborating the opposition, this government crisis could have made Northern Ireland, that initially opposed the Brexit, once again voice its pressure.These conditions reinforce the view that the future of the conservative government under the leadership of Theresa May, becomes questionable. The future of Brexit before March 2019 can also be questioned again.


Culture or tradition of a nation is the national identity, because with the existence of the culture, we know who we are and where we come from. Indonesian has many cultures and traditions because every region has different and unique culture, such as West Nusa Tenggara –NTB which has Gendang Beleq. Precisely, Gendang Beleq is from Sasak tribe, Lombok, NTB. The word of Beleq is from Sasak language meaning big. Earlier, Gendang Beleq was for the spirit of the soldiers who fought in the war and returned after the war.  The sound, which was produced, was believed to make the soldiers be braver defending the kingdom. Now, Gendang Beleq is played to accompany traditional ceremony, such as wedding, circumcision, Aqiqah, and other ritual ceremonies. Gendang Beleq is made from Meranti tree which is flourish in Lombok. It produces big and echo sound. The sound is produced with 50 diameters and length 1.5 meters of tree trunk. Its center of the tree is perforated and covered with leather of goat, cow or buffalo. Gendang Beleq is traditional instrument which is played in a group. It is usually played along with other instruments such as gong, terumpang, pencek, oncer, and fluteWith a thunderous sound, Gendang Beleq performance is more interesting and entertaining. Gendang Beleq player is called “Sekaha”. Sekaha consists of 2 main players. Those Sekahas perform by wearing Lombok traditional clothes including “Sapo”, Lombok typcal headband. Although the size of Gendang Baleq is big, Sekahas have no difficulty to play it by hanging on their shoulder.


As follow-up and implementation of documents of comprehensive partnership, Jakarta Declaration, in the 3rd meeting of Bilateral Steering Committee in Berlin, on July 6, 2018, Indonesian and German delegation agreed to enhance economic cooperation. The cooperation is aimed at boosting performance on trade and bilateral investment as well as  exploration on cooperation in cyber security. The two countries also cooperate in the fields of politic and security, vocational cooperation, maritime, education and research and technology, culture and law cooperation. Chairman of Indonesian delegation, Muhammad Anshor emphasized that both countries agreed to strengthen cooperation in various fields as the implementation of Jakarta Declaration to reactivate some mechanism cooperation which had stopped. The two delegations also discussed the meeting plan of foreign affairs minister of the two countries, cooperation of the two countries in capacity as non-permanent member of The UN Security Council, Bilateral Maritime Forum and Bali Democracy Forum Chapter Berlin. The two delegations agreed the importance to strengthen trade and investment cooperation through fast track mechanism in a bid to bridge entrepreneurs of the two countries, including to encourage I-EU CEPA solution. Some of the next programs which have been identified, are that Indonesia will become host of the implementation of the 16th Asia Pacific Conference of the German Business on November 2nd – 3rd 2018, which will be attended by more than 1000 entrepreneurs of Germany and Asia Pacific countries. Indonesia will also become a Country Partner of Hannover Messe 2020 exhibition. In the meeting, Germany also agreed to start over discussion of Diplomatic and Official Passport Visa Free Agreement.

The meeting was conducted in Yogyakarta on Friday (6/7). The meeting between Indonesian Foreign Affairs Minister, Retno Marasudi and her Thai counterpart, Don Pramudwinaialso became part of the 9th Joint Commission Meeting (JCM) between both ministers on July 5-6,2018. The two ministers opened the meeting by signing Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between Indonesia and Thailand Kingdom. According to press release of Indonesian Foreign Affairs Ministry website, the meeting also discussed the increasing of economic cooperation between the two countries.

The government of Surabaya city held again agenda entitling ‘Remo and Yosakoi Dance Festival’ on Sunday (8/7). The annual agenda has been held 16 times since it was held for the first time in 2003. The event was the implementation of collaboration of the two cultures of cooperation relation of sister- city between Surabaya and Kochi city, Japan in cultural sector.  Vice Mayor of Surabaya, Wisnu Sakti Buana in his speech said that the festival is one of events of sister- city cooperation between Surabaya and Kochi, Japan in the cultural sector. This year is the 16th Remo and Yosakoi dance festival. Meanwhile, Japanese Consul General in Surabaya, Masaki Tani in his speech stated that his side did appreciate and support the implementation of the event in 2018. Through cross-cultural festival, Masaki Tani directly felt how the event  got high enthusiasm in Surabaya community.


Fish Quarantine and Quality Control Station (SKIPM) stated that tuna exports from Gorontalo Province to some countries in the first half of this year reached 11.9 tons. Head of SKIPM Gorontalo, Hamzah said in Gorontalo on Saturday (6/7) that the number is increasing compared with the previous years. He explained that his team recorded exported tuna 2.5 tons in January, February 1.5 tons, March 2.1 tons, April 2 tons, May 2.4 tons and June 1.3 tons. He further said that currently in Gorontalo Province, there are only five fish processing units (UPI) which can do the export because they have had certificates. He also asserted that for the export of fishery products, each fish processing unit -UPI must have Hazard Analysis & Critical Control Point certificate (HACPP). HACPP is an internationally known structured method of operation which can help organizations in the food and beverage industry to identify food safety risks, prevent hazards in food security, and convey legal compliance. He further said that the quarantine station always carried out monitoring related to licensing because exports are different from domestic ones.

Indonesia Port -Pelindo III began construction of cruise ship docks and containers at Gili Mas Terminal, West Lombok regency, West Nusa Tenggara -NTB. The gradual investment value from the development of multipurpose terminals for cruise ships and container vessels reaches Rp 1.3 trillion. CEO of Pelindo III, Ari Askhara in his press release on Saturday (7/7) said that the Gili Mas Terminal built as a Sheet Port development can indicate that the economy of NTB region is experiencing positive growth trend and becoming the gateway of modern international tourism for Lombok Island in particular. He also explained that the growing international cruise size that can carry thousands of tourists becomes a trend that needs to be anticipated by preparing adequate infrastructure. That is the reason why Pelindo III builds Gili Mas Terminal with projection to be ready to accommodate the needs in the future. Ari Askhara further said that the construction of Gili Mas Terminal actually extends the momentum of Lombok tourism revival. Moreover, President Joko Widodo has inaugurated the operation of Special Economic Zone of  Mandalika. Seeing the magnitude of the economic potential, Pelindo III expects the support of all related parties, both regional governments and investors to collaborate to take advantage of the momentum of Lombok tourism revival by creating new tourist destinations as well as developing the concept of tourism tour packages for the growth of tourists to destinations in Lombok in a sustainable way.

Regent of Situbondo, East Java, Dadang Wigiarto said that he will optimize the promotion of Year of Visit 2019 through social media. The Government of Situbondo Regency will launch Year of Visit 2019 at the end of 2018. Regent Dadang Wigiarto said in Situbondo Regency on Saturday (7-7) that the role of every regional apparatus organization (OPD) of Situbondo Regency Government will determine the success or failure of Year of Visit 2019. Therefore, his team asks all Heads of OPD to participate in promoting tourist destinations through social media. Before the launching, all tourist destinations in Situbondo regency have already been known to the public. He also affirmed that promoting tourism requires community participation and it invites various communities to help the government succeed in the Year of Visit 2019. He also asked officials to start promoting tourist destinations through social media. So, people will also promote take part in the promotion.