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The 2018 Asian Games Organizing Committee -INASGOC released a music video sung by the renowned Indonesian band Slank and DJ Dipha Barus. This 3-minute music video can be watched on youtube and will be broadcasted also through television stations. INASGOC committee chairman, Erick Thohir in his official statement in Jakarta said Wednesday that the video was the fourth music video launched after "Bright as the Sun", Janger Friendship and "Unbeatable". He said Music Video is one of INASGOC's efforts in making the people of Indonesia get caught in a fever of Asian Games 2018 and he was sure people would love it. The music video featuring the Slank group takes a backdrop at the Main Stadium and Aquatik, Gelora Bung Karno (GBK), which is the center of the 2018 Asian Games. The video featuring some artistic swimmers has a modern pop feel with dominant blue and red colors. In the video Slank and Dipha Barus also performed a unique, interesting but simple "Asian Dance" in the hope that people can easily follow it. Related to the song, One of Slank's members, Bimbim said Slank take the theme of peace and invite the public to unite and support the upcoming grand sport eventand put aside various differences. Bimbim added that they created the Asian Dance, because usually dancing can make people forget differences . Support from the public is needed for the success of Asian Games 2018 to be held in Jakarta and Palembang, to be followed by athletes from 45 countries. The implementation of the whole games is not only held in two cities, but also involves the city around Jakarta such as Bekasi, Cibinong, Karawang, Bandung and Banten.


Binarundak is one of the typical foods in Motoboi Besar, Kotamobagu, North Sulawesi Province. However, something similar to it is also known in many parts in Indonesia. For instance, most people in North Sulawesi call it Nasi Jaha, or in Gorontalo it is known as Nasi Bulu. In some places on the island of Sumatra, Binarundak is known as Lemang.In Motoboi Besar, Binarundak has become an Icon. There is a Binarundak monument erected in the area with a height of 18 metersInaugurated by the Mayor of Kotamobagu on August 2, 2014 it stands upright and strong in the middle of the village. Eating binarundak in Motoboi Besar has become a tradition. Usually 1 week after Idul Fitri day, local people always hold the celebration of Binarundak Lebaran.  The tradition is said to be deliberately created by people who return home from other areas. Besides being a series of Idul Fitri celebrations, this tradition is also an opportunity to ask forgiveness from people at the hometown, especially the elders, for any wrongdoing made, intentionally or unintentionally, before the travelers return to their respective cities.At the peak of the celebration, tons of coconut husk and Binarundak ingredient are prepared by residents. The process is fairly unique, glutinous rice is mixed with herbs and spices such as onion, ginger, lemongrass, and coconut milk. Then a mixture of the rice and spices are put into bamboo stems covered with banana leaves inside. After that the bamboo is grilled with coconut husk and shell. Throughout the process of making Binarundak, people take turns flipping the typical food to cook evenly. When Binarundak is being pepared in every house, thick smoke will billow along the street. At this timeday , those who have not had time to visit each other during Idul Fitri fitri, will use the opportunity to do it.In the afternoon, most of the Binarundak is ready to be transported by a committee assigned to a designated place. Here, the Binarundak is set aside and served to be eaten together.


Cassava is very easy to find in various regions in Indonesia.  The part of this plant commonly used or consumed is the fruit or to be exact the tuber. Cassava peel is usually discarded and become waste,  but actually it can be utilized somehow.A group of students of Gadjah Mada University (UGM) Yogyakarta developed a breakthrough by making fish feed coatings or pellets from cassava peel waste. This innovation can increase the effectiveness of fish feed cultivation. One member of the team, Muhammad Burhanudding Fauzi, said this fish feed (pellets) coating provides benefits because it is not easily crumble. The peel serves as a holder so as not to easily absorb water. According to Fauzi, the edible coating nature on the cassava peel starch makes the fish feed not easy to absorb water and can last longer. In addition, it will not easily crumble in the water so it can reduce contamination of residual feed.The innovation named by the students Eating Paku which is an Indonesian abbreviation of Edible Coating of Cassava Peel Starch came from UGM Student Creativity Program 2018. Fauzi developed it with his colleagues in Agricultural Engineering and Biosystem Faculty of Agricultural Technology, namely Ahadian Ansor and Mochammad Idris Ramadana, with the guidance of Sri Rahayoe. Fauzi added, the test results showed this pellets coating can survive in water for 5 to 7 hours.The use of cassava peel starch as the basis for making the coating is chosen because it is relatively cheap compared to other materials such as protein and lipids. In addition, the raw material of cassava peel is available quite abundantly in the community. In fact, cassava peel usually only becomes a waste that has not been optimally utilized. The preparation of fish feed coating is done by processing cassava peel to become starch first. Then the starch is formulated and mixed with glycerol, carboxymethyl cellulose and water. Finally, the resulting solution is sprayed onto the pellet, so the fish feed is more durable in water.According to Ahadian, the idea of ​​developing this fish feed coating started from fish farmers in Sleman who often complained about the condition of their self-made fish feed which quality is not as good as fish feed on the market but the price is relatively more expensive.


President Joko Widodo and First Lady Iriana Joko Widodo welcomed the arrival of Malaysian Prime Minister, Mahathir Mohamad and First Lady Siti Hasmah at Bogor Palace in West Java on last Friday (June 29, 2018). Indonesia and Malaysia agreed to boost cooperation. One of them is the protection of Indonesian migrant workers in Malaysia and the construction of a school for the children of Indonesian citizens residing in Malaysia. Both President Joko Widodo and Prime Minister Mahathir Mohammad agreed that this cooperation is followed up in the ministerial level forum. President Joko Widodo in a press statement with Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad at the Bogor Presidential Palace, West Java, said that Indonesia and Malaysia have the same commitment to enhance cooperation. We also provide protection for Indonesian migrant workers in Malaysia, and the construction of schools of Indonesian migrant workers’ children residing in Malaysia. In relation to the International issues, we are also talking about the South China Sea and we share the same commitment that dialogue-based solutions to international law will be put forward, saidMalaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad.The two heads of government also discussed the problem of eradicating corruption, connectivity and border problem. President Joko Widodo also said that it is an honor for Indonesia to receive the visit of Prime Minister of Malaysia, Mahathir Mohamad. According to the President, Indonesia is the first country in ASEAN visited by Mahatir Mohamad after becoming the prime minister. Meanwhile, Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad said the two countries have the same problems, especially the threat of palm oil exports for both countries by Europe. According to PM Mahathir, the two countries must vote against a black campaign by Europe against Indonesia and Malaysia. The trade value of Indonesia and Malaysia last year increased 22 percent from 2016 to $16.89 billion dollars. This value makes Malaysia the seventh largest trading partner of Indonesia globally and the third largest trading partner in ASEAN after Singapore and Thailand.