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The government of  Malang, East Java targets that the ceramic product in Dinoyo is able to go international in the future. This was stated by Regional Secretary of Malang, Wasto after receiving equipment assistance from Ministry of Industry. He assessed that so far, the ceramic products in Dinoyo Malang continue to develop. Even, these provide economic contribute local people. Unfortunately, the products are still dominated by domestic market reaching 87 percent. In the future, there is good opportunity from overseas market. To reach the target, Wasto hopes that there is synergy among industry office, craftsmen and central government. The local human resources are also qualified. The target only needs more encouragement from central and regional governments on the ceramic industry.

Ins Shakti (A57) and Ins Kamorta (P28) of Indian Navy warships anchored at Soekarno Hatta port in Makassar, South Sulawesi to strengthen cooperation between Indonesia and India. Commander of the Headquarters of the Navy, First Admiral Dwi Sulaksono said in Makassar on Saturday that the arrival of Indian Navy warships is aimed at boosting relations and strengthening cooperation with Indonesian Navy. In addition, they also enjoyed various tourism and social events. The warships were welcomed by Music Unit of the Indonesian Navy and continued by draping flower to Flag Officer Commanding Eastern Fleet Rear Admiral Dinesh K. Tripathi along with Commanders of Indian warships. By being greeted in Makassar, the honorable guests were presented Massanang traditional dance from Tana Toraja, South Sulawesi. According to the Commander of the Headquarters of the Navy, the Indian two warships are scheduled to anchor in Makassar for 4 days and will conduct logistic reset to return to India after carrying out joint exercise along with the US Navy on Guam Island.

As many as 327 artists of Denpasar took part to enliven the 40th Balinese Art carnival which was released by President Joko Widodo in front of Balinese People Struggle Monument on Saturday. Acting Mayor of Denpasar, IGN Jaya Negara in Denpasar appreciated the artists who performed and the performance was witnessed  by President Joko Widodo along with other invitees. Jaya Negara  supported fully the artists who performed at the carnival as annual event which is centered at Denpasar Art Center. He also said that the event can become media of  Denpasar’s artists to develop art and culture and  local wisdom, especially Denpasar city as preservation and strengthening in art. He further said that the event was an art appreciation for all artists in Denpasar in a bid to preserve and develop their art.


"Make the art work as a source of inspiration to unify the nation, and unify the existing tribes of this nation and make the art as a source of energy of civilization of the nation." This is the message expressed by President Joko WIdodo, while closing a public lecture at the Campus Institute of Arts Indonesia, Denpasar, Bali on Saturday. In particular, he delivered the message in his public lecture entitled "The Advancement of Indonesian Art in Maintaining Indonesian Diversity and Unity." The explanation of the art was indeed presented in the framework of the 40th Bali Arts Festival being held for one month by displaying various arts, including the art work from abroad. But a deeper message is meant that Indonesian people continue to explore, maintain and develop the art. Indonesian nation with 714 different tribes certainly has a lot of art. According to 2015 data from the Ministry of Education and Culture of Indonesia, there are more than 5,700 types of art. Unfortunately throughout Indonesia, there are at least 58 kinds of dance art and 33 kinds of musical which are threatened to be almost extinct. The loss of Indonesian art will certainly reduce the character of Indonesia. Because in every region in Indonesia, the art becomes one of the characteristics and it’s unique for each region. In fact, this diversity is one of the advantages of the Indonesian nation, which is not owned by other nations. This diversity and characteristic are also possibly developed to become attractive performance. Besides having cultural values, art also has creative economic values. The efforts to promote Indonesian art are not only the responsibility of the government, but also the task of artists, students, lecturers of art schools. All related stakeholders are certainly expected to produce art work by exploring wealth and strengthening local wisdom. It is expected that more opportunities and facilities will be given to art groups to showcase their artwork. It’s necessary for many parties to cooperate and to further promote the art of Indonesia. There are some Indonesian art works which have been registered at the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization -UNESCO. So, the sense of belonging is possessed by not only the tribe, but also by all Indonesian people. The art work becomes the identity of the Indonesian nation.


Indonesian Trade Ministry is committed to boosting potential market in African regions. Minister of Trade, Enggartiasto Lukita led directly a series of trade mission to Tunisia and Morocco starting on June 24-28, 2018. The implementation of trade mission to Morocco synergizes with Fes Meknes Economic Forum event in Fez. Minister Enggar said that Tunisia and Morocco are expected to become hub for Indonesian products in African regions, especially in the North of Africa and European Union. Tunisia has signed free trade agreement with European Union since 2008 so that import duty tariff from Tunisia to Europe became 0%. It can be utilized by Indonesia to export Indonesian products to Europe through Tunisia. The Indonesian trade mission to Tunisia is followed by 21 entrepreneurs of 11 companies and organizations from various business sectors. Meanwhile, the trade mission to Morocco is followed by 35 entrepreneurs of 18 companies and regional government of West Sumatra. The export products are coconut, cocoa, coffee, food and beverages, spices (nutmeg, pepper, clove), medical equipment, jewelry, furniture, building materials, military products, tires and rubber. In the trade mission to Tunisia, Minister Enggartiasto is scheduled to be received by Tunisian Prime Minister, Youssef Chahed on June 25. Thus, the Minister is scheduled to meet with some ministers of Tunisia. In Tunisia, the Minister also will conduct bilateral negotiation related to Preferential Tariff Agreement.

Uruguay will open its embassy in Indonesia. It  views Indonesia as strategic partner in Southeast Asian region. It is time for Uruguay to have embassy in Jakarta. This was stated by Minister of Foreign Affairs minister of Republic of Uruguay, Rodolfo Nin Novoa when handing over a copy of credentials of Indonesian Ambassador to Uruguay, Niniek Kun Naryatie in Montevideo on June 11, 2018. According to Uruguay Minister, Indonesia is a gate to ASEAN. With the opening of the embassy in Jakarta, Uruguay can be close to Southeast Asian region.

Five typical archipelagic dances -Kipah dance from Aceh, Belibis from Bali, Muda Mudi from Papua, Nagekeo Bangkit from Flores, East Nusa Tenggara and Mirah dance from Betawi will be performed in Wales, England starting from July 3-8, 2018. Head of Public Communication Bureau at Ministry of Tourism, Guntur Sakti said in Jakarta on Sunday that the cultural mission team of Al-Izhar Pondok Labu Jakarta, which is supported by Ministry of Tourism, will perform the 5 dances in cultural festival among nations of Llgollen International Musical Eisteddfod in Wales. The event will be participated in by more than  5,000 singers, dancers and music players from around 50 countries.


East Nusa Tenggara province is one of provinces in Indonesia which has many natural tourism objects, such as Komodo island, Kelimutu lake and many others. Besides tourism objects which are well known in domestic and abroad, the province also has beuatiful natural tourism object, namely Susuk reservoirThe tourism object is located at Dualaus village, Kakuluk Mesak district, Belu regencyEast Nusa Tenggara province.In local language, Susuk reservoir means mosquito’s reservoir. According to the legend, in the past, there were seven angels who stopped to clean themselves at the reservoir. Those angels were delegations of King Lifao from Oecusse. King Lifao intentionally sent mosquito to bother them when sleeping. So that those angels still awaked and were not closed by servants of the king. Based on the legend, local people call the reservoir as Susuk reservoirActually, it is because the tourism object is surrounded by shady mangrove forest to cause many mosquitos surrounding the reservoir.Susuk reservoir is formed naturally and has white land. So that it is exposed to the sunlight, its water reflects white glow like milk.  Location of Susuk reservoir is around 17 kilometer to the North of Atambua city,the capital city of Belu regencyFrom Atambua, the reservoir can be accessed around 20 minutes by using car. Its road is twist through valley and cliff. But, its road has been paved. This tourism object is usually visited on the weekend or holiday.Facilities at Susuk reservoir is quite complete, such as clear water, toilet, lodging and security post. There are also stalls of local people that provide  foods and beverages. Until now, local government still continues to develop Susuk reservoir as tourism object and also asbreeding center of shrimp and milkfish, so the reservoir can be maintained well.