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After disappointing many countries, by moving its Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem some time ago, the United States of America once again shocked the international community last Tuesday (19/6). US Ambassador to the United Nations -UN, Nikki Haley announced that her country withdrew from the UN Human Rights Council. She accused the UN Human Rights Council of having been biased against the issue of US traditional ally, Israel. The US criticized the actions of members of the UN Human Rights Council who are considered to be hypocritical. The Geneva-based body was founded in 2006 to call for and protect human rights worldwide. But its statements and reports are often contradictory with US priorities. Along with US Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, Ambassador Haley defended the setback from the UN Human Rights Council on the grounds that the US appeal for reform is ignored. But both insist the United States to keep leading the implementation of human rights for many people. According to the US, reform is needed to form a serious advocacy council dealing with human rights. Washington's announcement to step down came after UN Human Rights Council officials criticized the US for separating migrant children from their parents after crossing from Mexico. Interestingly, after protests from many sides, US President, Donald Trump issued an executive order to stop the policy. However, Ambassador Nikki Haley said that the Human Rights Council has been a protector of human rights abusers, while the US appeal for reform has been ignored. She also called the Human Rights Council biased, unfriendly, and an anti-Israeli organization that betrays its mission as a protector of human rights. Being defended, Israel is naturally very grateful to the US. Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu called this a "bold decision". The acknowledgment was conveyed via his Twitter account on Wednesday (20/06). The Indonesian government that upholds human rights deeply regrets the US move. According to the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the UN Human Rights Council is a forum of multilateral cooperation and international community commitment to uphold human rights protection worldwide. Ironically, the United States, which has always declared itself a democracy and a protector of human rights, has left the UN Human Rights Council established to protect the basic rights of every human being, simply because it wants to defend its ally, Israel. It should be questioned whether the US still deserves being called ‘a state that upholds human rights’.


Indonesian Industry Ministry facilitated some national small and medium batik industry players in joining international exhibition entitled, “Indonesia Batik for the World” at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris, France. One of the participants was Batik Azmiah, a premium-class batik small-medium industry from Jambi province which had penetrated European market. The exhibition held on June 6-12 was to commemorate the 9-year Indonesian Batik being listed as the Masterpieces of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO since October 2 2009. That was said by Indonesian Industry Ministry’s Small-Medium Industry Director General, Gati Wibawaningsih in Jakarta last Monday (18/6). She said that the aim of holding the Indonesia Batik for the World was to show the wealth of Indonesian batik culture, craftsmen’s competence, and continuity of batik industry to the world. According to Gati, Indonesian batik keeps showing its identity in various international exhibitions. Gati also explained that this year’s exhibition, there are 100 premium batik cloths exhibited by batik craftsmen from many regions of Indonesia. In 2015, Industry Ministry awarded Three-Star One Village One Product (OVOP) for Batik Category to Batik Azmiah. According to Gati, Rumah Batik Azmiah is a batik small-medium industry, famous for its classic colors and unique patterns. Some of the produced patterns are kapal sanggat, tampuk manggis, bungo keladi, and merak ngeram. Something special about Azmiah batik is its batik-making process which is through six-time coloring until pretty colors appear. Gati further said that the batik industry plays an important role for the national economy. As market leader, Indonesia had conquered global batik market as well as moved both regional and national economy through it. In addition, the batik industry has provided thousands of job opportunities and contributed to national foreign exchange. The Industry Ministry recorded the value of batik export and product in 2017 had reached $58 million dollars. The main markets are Japan, the United States of America, and some European countries. According to Gati, this indicates that the national batik industry has comparative competitiveness in the global market. She also said, currently the batik industry is being dominated by small-medium industry players spread across 101 centers in Indonesia. The number of absorbed workers in the batik small-medium industry centers reaches 15 thousand people. Gati Wibawaningsih reaffirmed, the Industry Ministry keeps trying to increase the competitiveness and productivity of national batik industry. The strategic moves that have been implemented are manpower competence increase, product quality development, standardization, machinery and equipment facility, as well as promotion and exhibition.


Throughout 2018, Kim Jong-un has  visited Beijing three times. Last Tuesday (June 19th), the North Korean Supreme Leader met Chinese President Xi Jin Ping. Although the details of the talk were not revealed, it was expected that the discussions were related to Kim Jong-Un's meeting with US President Donald Trump, held a week earlier in Singapore. North Korea's relationship with China, as a fellow country with Communist ideology, has been going on since the era of Kim Jong-Un's predecessors, his grandfather Kim Il-Sung and father Kim Jong-Il. Kim also wants to seek support from China for reducing US economic sanctions in exchange for North Korea's commitment to denuclearization. China in a meeting at the UN, proposed that the UN Security Council  consider reducing the  economic sanctions. Although not directly involved in the Singapore meeting, Xi Jin Ping is suspected of having entrusted a certain message to Kim Jong-Un beforehand. China wants its behind-the-scenes position to remain important to North Korea. One of the things North Korea wants before the meeting with Trump is the cessation of US military exercises with South Korea. Reportedly, Trump has taken a policy to stop the activity without much consultation with the Pentagon. China hopes the outcome of Trump's meeting with Jong-Un will make the US withdraw its troops from the Korean peninsula. Since the meeting with Trump, Kim Jong-Un's star has been shining. There were at least two important invitations waiting  for him. One from Russian President Vladimir Putin who wants to meet the North Korea's leader, a country that has been an ally since  the cold war era. Another one is from Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, who also hopes to meet Kim Jong-Un to discuss among other things, the issue of Japanese citizens  abduction by North Korea. The contents of Kim Jong Un-Xi Jin Ping meeting is unknown, but at least the positive expectations that have been built do not get torn down. Indeed the peace process on the Korean peninsula will not immediately materialize. But what has been going well, should continue and grow as expected by many parties.


East Kalimantan is a province where Mahakam river flows. In this suburb of Mahakam river, a dance so-called ‘Jepen dance’ develops. It is a typical dance of East Kalimantan, developed by Kutai and Banjar tribe. The dance has various movements which are influenced by Islamic and Malay culture. Japen dance is one of the dances which describes Malay culture that is dynamic, attractive, energetic and graceful. The dance is usually danced by females. By the times, Jepen dance has many developments on which in its performance, Jepen dance consists of two types, namely Jepen Genjoh and Jepen Eroh dance. The Jepen Eroh dance is a creation dance of Jepen which does not leave its original movement, such as honor, waves, Satanic Samba or Samba Setangan, full Samba and Gengsot Anak. Eroh in Kutai language means crowded, boisterous and happy. While Jepen Genjoh Mahakam dance is one of creation dances of Jepen where most part of its movements are from Jepen dance, for example waves movement, half Samba, full Samba, swinging kid, Jalan Kenyak, Saluang Mudik, and Taktim movement. Generally, it can be said that Jepen Genjoh Mahakam dance is the one which describes Malay culture. In its performance, Jepen dance is accompanied with Tingkilan music. Tingkilan music is one of Kutai typical music. In the tingkilan music, the kinds of the instrument which are played are  Gambus or a string instrument, Ketipung or Gendang with small size, Kendang, and violin. Currently, the dance is accompanied with piano. Besides, it is also accompanied with song called ‘Bertingkilan’ which means to shout each other. The song is usually sung by two persons, which contains of religious advice and moral message. When performing the dance, Jepen dancers wear combined clothes of Malay and Indonesia, which is thick of Islamic nuance. With natural make up, the dancers are seen be well mannered and graceful. When dancing, the dancers are completed with shawls. In the past,  Jepen danced functioned as entertainment to crown king of Kutai Kartanegara sultanate in Tenggarong and as youth social dance. Thus, since 1970s, the dance has been used to welcome guests, wedding ceremony and for other great events.