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On Lebaran holiday 2018, Management of PT Sari Ater Hotel and Resort Hot Spring Camping Park targets to reach tourist visit, either domestic and foreign tourists, more than 20 thousands tourists. In regard to this, Director of Sales and Marketing, Dian Rahadian said that his office is optimistic to be able to achieve the target of the tourist visit. If every single day can bring in average 4 thousand tourists, during the next week, his side  can reach 24 thousand tourists who will visit Sari Ater hot spring in Subang regency, West Java. This was stated by Dian Rahadian to Radio Republik Indonesia in Subang on last Saturday (16/6). Dian also remarked that to reach the target, his office tries to conduct several steps, beginning from giving free-charge entrance ticket to North Coastal people, carrying out advertisement in various mass medias, attaching billboard, until giving pamphlets and brochures, even giving special discount.

A day after conducting Idul Fitri 1439 Hijriah prayer as gratitude, Commander of Military Resort 162/Wira Bhakti, Col. Czi Ahmad Rizal Ramdhani held “Open House” in his residence in Mataram on last Saturday (16/6). The Open House was held starting from morning until evening to all personnel of Military Resort Command 162/WB along with staffs and the general public. Rizal Ramdhani hoped that such an event could be established well so that in the future, communication between leader and personnel or the public does not only limited about duty, but also more than that, namely as a family.  Commander Rizal also hoped that in this holy day, everything returns to the identity as servants of  Allah SWT, who always improve worship in a bid  to bring about good quality of work at their workplace.

Acting Regent of Subang, Ating Rusnatim viewed that people’s security and order during fasting month or Ramadlan until Idul Fitri was quite save, smooth and conducive in general. Her perceived that such a condition was established due to good coordination of state officials, good communication and synergy among Indonesian Military -TNI, National Police -Polri, regional government and all elements of Subang people. In addition, the prices of staple food have been controlled well. Take for example, during Ramadan, there was no price hike which might disturb the public.  Lebaran 2018 homecoming during H-7 until H-1, either at Cipali toll, or artery road was running smoothly, including Takbiran night implementation until Idul Fitri. This was stated by Acting Regent of Subang, Ating Rusnatim to Radio Republik Indonesia in Subang on last Saturday (16/6). However, there are still heavy duties to guarantee the security of Lebaran holiday at Ciater tourism object, and backflow of Idul Fitri 2018, and the implementation of simultaneous regional head 2018 which will be held on June 27, 2018.


Head of National Agency for Combating Terrorism, Commissioner General  Police Suhardi Alius met Director of Malaysia Special Branch, Commissioner Police, Dato Abdul Hamid bin Bador in Malaysia Special Branch Office, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on last Tuesday (12/6). On the occasion, Suhardi hoped that the cooperation to tackle terrorism, which has been established well so far, can be improved. Meanwhile, Dato Hamid said that the cooperation to tackle terrorism has run smoothly so far. Thus, his side hoped that in the future, it will be better and easier to conduct coordination between Indonesia and Malaysia.

For the first time, an Indonesian citizen was elected as member of the UN Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities by the United Nations. This was stated byIndonesian permanent representative to the United Nations in New York, Ambassador Dian Triansyah Djani on last Tuesday (12/06). Risnawati is an activist and founder of OHANA, non-governmental organization which engages in the rights of persons with disabilities. She competed with 30 other candidates. Ambassador Triansyah Djani said that the election of Risnawati as the committee was a result of the Indonesian government’s efforts in the field of Human Rights enforcement, especially the rights of disabilities, and form of trust of international community on ability and experience of Risnawati. Besides, the election of Risnawati is as realization of President Joko Widodo’s commitment in Human Rights, especially to honor, to protect and to fulfill the rights of disabilities which finally can improve the disabilities’ welfare.

Positive role of sport in peace building has no doubt anymore. This was stated by Benny YP Siahaan as acting SOM Leader ASEAN-Indonesia when leading discussion of Heart-to-Heart Partners agenda  on the 33th ASEAN–Japan Forum meeting in Tokyo, Japan on last Wednesday (13/6). In regard to this, Japan conveyed briefing on Free and Open Indo Pacific concept as Japanese initiative in cooperation efforts among countries in Indian and Pacific Ocean’s region.  Japan viewed that the concept supports principle of  'ASEAN Centrality' and perceived ASEAN member countries as 'hub' of Indian and Pacific Ocean. So, ASEAN has a major role to implement it. Indonesia in responding it conveyed that the fast changing on geo-political and geo-economic order in the region demanded the existence of cooperation in Asia Indo–Pacific region which puts forward the principles of openness, transparency, inclusiveness and compliance with international law and encourage cooperation and friendship.


Friday June 15, 2018, most Muslims around the world celebrated Eid Mubarak so-called ‘Idul Fitri’ in Indonesia. This great holiday is the peak of the fasting month carried out during the month of Ramadan. So, it is no wonder if this Idul Fitri is said to be a victory day for all Muslims after a full month throughout the world, including in Indonesia, fasting and refraining from hunger, thirst and lust in the month of Ramadan. The day of triumph was greeted with joy. In the mosques, both in the cities and in the villages, there was an incessant sounding of takbir, praising God's greatness. For Muslims, Idul Fitri can mean returning to a holy state, or free from all sins and taints so that it is in a holy state or fitrah. On the day of Idul Fitri particularly in Indonesia, Muslims are encouraged to forgive each other for any wrong-doings whether intentional or not. After Idul Fitri, Muslims are expected to keep doing all good things like what they have practiced during the holy month of Ramadan. This means that they must refrain from carnal desire and keep doing something good. Indeed, the essence of fasting in the month of Ramadan is the improvement of one’s quality to become a better human being.


Indonesian Vice President Jusuf Kalla said political and economic stability of regional countries, especially Indonesia, is key to the sustainability and success of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). According to Antara , Jusuf Kalla in Tokyo, Japan recently said, as a country with a population that represents 40 percent of all ASEAN, Indonesia has such an important key to promote economic and political stability in the eyes of the international world. Therefore, Indonesia's domestic stability will affect the region. Jusuf Kalla stated this in his speech at The 24th International Conference on the Future of Asia in Tokyo, Japan on Tuesday, June 12.According to Jusuf Kalla, political conditions in Indonesia are increasingly democratic, especially with the general elections, both president and vice president and regional head elections taking place in 2,400 regions. The implementation of elections in Indonesia, since the 1998 reforms, has been transparent without being followed by the chaos that led to ongoing conflicts within the country. He insisted that all elections are peaceful, and that next year's election will also be peaceful, even better than ever. Meanwhile, from the economic side, economic growth in Indonesia which reached five percent indicates Indonesia can improve the economy after the economic crisis occurred in 1998. Jusuf Kalla explained, Indonesia's economy continues to grow about five percent per year.Despite the stable political life in Indonesia, Jusuf Kalla did not dismiss the acts of terrorism that occurred several times . But it is a lesson for Indonesia to continuebe prepared to anticipate all forms of terror. According to Jusuf Kalla, the increasing and sporadic acts of terrorism in the world have affected Indonesia as well. Some terrorist attacks occurred recently. However, the Indonesian authorities have managed to handle it well. Jusuf Kalla said Indonesia continues to improve its intelligence capabilities. In addition, Indonesia made several necessary revisions to the rule of law to enable more proactive and preventive action. Indonesia also educates the public to participate in prevention and preventive measures.In front of conference participants, Jusuf Kalla also presented a number of government subsidy programs for the community. Starting from social programs, health, to education. He said the program is important to maintain the unity and stability of the nation. As a diverse nation, Indonesia believes in the importance of common prosperity to maintain a sense of unity and political stability. Jusuf Kalla added that over the past three years Indonesia has been able to reduce income inequality, poverty level and unemployment rate. However, Indonesia needs to work harder to narrow the gap with neighboring countries. This is my Indonesia this time.