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Hungarian Minister of State for Family and Youth Affairs,Ms. Katalin Novák thanked and expressed appreciation to Indonesian ambassador, Wening Esthyprobo Fatandari who has donated the result of Charity of Indonesian Days and Bazaar 2018. The statement was conveyed through her letter to the Indonesian ambassador, Wening Esthyprobo Fatandari. Several weeks ago, the Indonesian ambassador conveyed donation to Early Intervention Center Budapest (Budapesti Korai Fejlesztő Központ), a foundation which handles and provides early education especially for disabled children who are 0- 5 year-old. The donation total 400,000 Hungarian Forint or around Rp. 20,000,000 was the result of collecting 10 percent of the profit gained by participants of Indonesian Days and Charity Bazaar (IDCB) 2018 which was held for 2 days, starting on May 5 – 6, 2018 at the Indonesian embassy in Budapest.

The Indonesian ambassador to Hungary, Wening Esthyprobo, for the 3rd time, received honorable invitation in annually event of Charity Rice Table Dinner organized by Netherlands-Hungarian Chamber of Commerce (Dutcham) which was held on May 31, 2018 at Marriott Budapest hotel. Unlike the last year, the Indonesian ambassador utilized the event to promote the main Indonesian products which have provided in the Netherlands. Before the event, the Indonesian Embassy in Budapest coordinated with Indonesian Trade Promotion Center ITPC Budapest held Trilateral Business Meeting at the Indonesian Embassy in Budapest. Indonesia invited counterpart and businessman in Hungary and also Dutch Ambassador to Hungary, Mr. Renne Van Hell and member of Dutcham. The Trilateral meeting introduced directly Hungarian businessman with importer of Indonesian products in the Netherlands. The ambassador hoped that Hungarian businessman will know that most of the Indonesian main products is easily found in the Netherlands and also opens the entrance of more Indonesian products to Hungary.

The Indonesian Ambassador to Budapest on June 2, 2018 held an event to celebrate Nuzulul Quran at the embassy in Budapest. The event was combined with iftar (breaking the fast) together which was attended by all families of the Indonesian embassy in Budapest, community, diaspora, students, and Indonesian experts who are working in Hungary. During Ramadan, the Indonesian Embassy in Budapest routinely conducts iftar together every weekend. The iftar event is organizedindependentlyby all staffs of the embassy and Indonesian Trade Promotion Centeras well as Indonesian people in Hungary.The budget is not taken from the budget of the Indonesian embassy in Budapest.


The United Nations Security Council -UNSC failed to produce a Resolution that opposes the use of force by Israel against Palestinian civilians. The draft resolution did not materialize due to a veto used by the United States. The draft resolution proposed by Kuwait,  a non permanent member of UNSC representing  Asia-Pacific, was  countered by the United States, a permanent member. As the US ambassador to the United Nations  Nikki Haley  said, the draft resolution is unbalanced for not mentioning the Palestinian Hammas group. According to the United States, Hamas can not simply be ruled out for violence in the Gaza Strip. The United States accuses Hamas of being a terrorist group that must be held accountable for the appalling conditions that have occurred in Gaza. The draft resolution to oppose Israeli violence against Palestinian civilians initiated by Kuwait over the weekend has received the support of other permanent Security Council members namely, France, Russia and China. The US became the only one who refused, while Britain abstained. Meanwhile, non permanent members encouraging the adoption of the draft Resolution are Ivory Coast, Kazakhstan, Bolivia, Peru, Sweden and the Equatorial Guinea. While  the Netherlands, Poland and Ethiopia abstained. As it is known,   a UN Security Council Resolution can only be ratified when it gets at least nine votes out of the ten non permanent members,   and none of the five permanent members of the Security Council is using a negative vote or  veto. Following the failure to pass a resolution condemning Israel, the United States, Israel's main ally, proposed a counter draft. The main Israeli supporter stated that Hamas is guilty of violence in the Gaza Strip. In fact, only the United States supports the draft that it made itself, while 3 UNSC members  refused and 10 other abstained. The United States, a key ally and supporter of Israel, will always be an obstacle to pressure Israel. The power of its veto in the UN Security Council will always be exploited to pursue any resolution that harms Israel. Since Donald Trump came to power, support for Israel has become more visible and stronger. For example,  the current conflict at the Palestinian Israeli border, was a result of the US embassy relocation to Jerusalem. The failure of UN Security Council resolutions may further make Israel feel more free to commit acts of violence to Palestinian civilians.


Security problem such as terrorism which happened in several regions in Indonesia lately, turns to be the concern of many parties. Pancasila as the national ideology, is not anymore be the basic in raising humanitarian values. Terrorism grows through a process, namely intolerant thinking, if it is allowed, it will become radicalism. Radicalism view can grow as terrorism. Terrorism which is grown in Indonesia, is not alive in an empty room, but it grows when religion is not able to strengthen political vision, law enforcement and economic justice.This was stated by secretary of National and Political Unity Board, Gianyar regency, Tjokorda Gede Putra Darmayuda, on facility of National Assembly Forum Gianyar regency, in Gianyar, on Tuesday (5/6/2018). Darmayuda said the board is inthe process of strengthening the implementation of integration activities of community members of various race, tribe, ethnic through social interactionin the field of language, customs, art culture, education and economy to implement Indonesian nation without having to eliminate the identity ofevery ethnic, tribein the frame of The Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia.The board is also one of places for discussion, and socialization of values of Pancasila as state ideology, Pancasila as source of law andview of national life. The Forum of the board was participated in by 70 participants from various ethnic groups, religious and 7districts in Gianyar.

Before general election 2019, Indonesian Muslim Student Action Unity of Gayo offers program to reject money politic movement, as one of programs of the organization. This was stated by chairman of Gayo Action Unity, Mukhlisin, in an interactive dialogue with Radio Republic Indonesia, Takengon branch on Tuesday (5/6/2018). Thus, the program which will be offered in Regional Working Deliberation, is a movement to rejectmoney politic during the general election 2019. The organization will conduct intelligence movement on people so they do not vote based on money.

Dayak people who have Betang philosophy is believed will never away from religion and the laws of nature.Dayak people’s life has unique characteristic where obedient and pietyto God and also to honor universe. This was stated by figure and elder of Dayak people and figure of Central KalimantanSabran Achmad, on Tuesday (5/6/2018). He explained that one of the characteristics of Dayak tribe is to honor and to be obedient on law and the rules of the universe. Dayak people realize that in this life there is thing which is not seen by human, because of that, Dayak people really believe nature influences human life. Besides that, Dayak people actually cannot be separated and released from religion and belief. Through religion, Dayak people know and love the Almighty and life in accordance with sublime religious demand. In Dayak community today, there are various kinds of religions they believe, and although they are different they are still unite and live in harmony. Dayak people also glamorize philosophyof Betang culturewhich always love and respect other tribes who come and connect with Dayak Tribe.Morever, Sabran Ahmad said currently in Central Kalimantan, there are 4 big tribes, namely dayak Ngaju, Dayak Ot Danum, Dayak Maanyan dan  Dayak Lawangan. Meanwhile, there are 141 Dayak tribes who live in Central Kalimantan. Central Kalimantan is great Betang which requires that all citizens and members within it complement each other, help and appreciate each other in fraternity and togetherness.


We will present keroncong songs performed by talented Indonesian singers.Rangkaian Melati, an original keroncong song which was composed by R. Maladi Arimah Noramin, tells about strands of jasmine that became binding of two human beings. Although the hero will never come again, the strands of jasmine will be maintained until the end of life. The heroic song that shows soulful support to a hero who fight and sacrifice for the sake of the nation and state. In addition to Wiwit Sunarto, the song has also been performed by other Indonesian singers. Sumiati who is the older sister of Mus Mulyadi was popular as a keroncong singer in the 60s era. Sumiati has won several competitions of keroncong. The song Kicir-kicir is a song from Betawi or Jakarta, which is often sung on the official or unofficial occasions. The song has interesting lyrics like a poem. In addition to Jakarta, this song is also widely known by Indonesian people especially the keroncong music lovers, as well as in some neighboring countries. The lyrics of the song contains a message that we have to work hard with joyfull and happy.