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Sakai Mayor, Osaka Prefecture, Osami Takeyama and Indonesian consulate general in Osaka agreed to cooperate to organize a music concert at Sakai city on June 24 to celebrate their 60-yeardiplomatic relations ofIndonesia-Japan.  The agreement was confirmed when Indonesian consulate general in Osaka honorable visit Sakai mayor on Friday (25/5). The concert will present music groups which consist of students of the two countries. The two groups are The Resonanz Children’s Choir and collaboration of Angklung of Senior High School 3 Bandung which will become guest star special coming from Indonesia and will be collaborated with Taiko, Sakai Daiko group. The three groups will perform in Sofia Sakai presenting their musical art ability to people in Osaka and surrounding area. The honorable visit was the first time and to introduce consul general Mirza Nurhidayat to Sakai mayor who begins his duty in Japan on April 20, 2018. Indonesian consulate general and Sakai mayor also committed to seek expansion of cooperation in various fields, especially economy and relation among people so that its benefit can be felt directly by people of the two countries.

Indonesia’s mamin product and creative industry attracted visitor of trade exhibition in North Korea. Various food and soft drink products, body care and handicrafts which were exhibited by Indonesian embassy in Pyongyang, North Korea, on Spring Trade Exhibition on May 21-25, attracted the visitors’ interest, either local people or foreign community in Pyongyang. The 21st exhibition was participated in by around 280 participants from 15 countries among others China, Indonesia, Iran, Italy, Germany, Cuba, Mongolia, Russia, New Zealand, Syria, Thailand, and North Korea.The productswhich were exhibited among others electronic stuffs, land transportation or trucks, material or building machine, household appliances, health or medicines, textile, cosmetic or body care, foods and soft drinks and other of consumption stuffs. The first secretary of the Indonesian embassy in Pyongyang, Darusman Afrikoko conveyed that Indonesia’s stand was never empty of visitors every day. The visitors wanted to know the products which were exhibited at the Indonesian stand at this time because in every exhibition, the Indonesian embassy always displays new products. Viewing the visitors’ interest to buy various products, the Indonesian ambassador to North Korea, Bambang Hiendrasto, hoped North Korean businesses will be more excited to import Indonesia’s products .

King of Cambodia, Preah Bat Samdech Preah Boromneath NORODOM SIHAMONI when receiving Credentials from Indonesian ambassador to Cambodia kingdom, Sudirman Haseng on Friday (25/5) at Royal Palace, Phnom Penhstated that he appreciated Indonesia-Cambodia good relations and mutual trust and solidarity which have been established fromKing Father Norodom Sihanouk period until now. He hoped, in the next future,the relations of the two countries can be developed in various fields such as trade, investment, tourism, culture, industry, energy, economy, technology and international cooperation.The king also congratulated the new Indonesian ambassador’s assigment to Cambodia and hoped he would be able to conduct his mission and duty well, especially in improving bilateral relations and the people’s welfare of the two countries.


Although there has been a psy-war through harsh statements, the United States and North Korea, apparently continue to prepare for the High Level Meeting between US President Donald Trump and North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un. US State Department Spokesman Heather Nauert in Washington said Monday, a US delegation had been on the border of the two Koreas , and that  South Korea was already  in  talks with North Korean officials. He said  both sides continue to prepare  for the meeting between Donald Trump and Kim Jong Un. Previously , it was reported that a number of South  Korean officials had even visited North Korea, and met up with the country’s  Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs. Besides preparation for possibile High Level Conference in  North Korea and the borders of the two Koreas, both US and North Korean officials  have  visited   Singapore which is planned to be the location of the Summit. Preparatory efforts can give  signal that Wahington and Pyong Yang are still committed to resuming talks, although diplomatic statements may  heat things up. One of the US allies, Japan, issued a declaration that gave pressure to  North Korea. In a telephone conversation between Washington and Tokyo, Donald Trump and Prime Minister Shinzo Abe agreed to urge  North Korea to dismantle all its nuclear testing sites. The Trump and Abe talks came just after high-ranking North Korean and US officials met in Pan Mun Jom to discuss the possibility of a high-level meeting. Trump and Abe, also agreed to meet before the Singapore Summit. The steps of the United States and its allies are openly expressed through media coverage. What remains unknown is the North Korean move with its greatest  ally, China. North Korea certainly does not stay silent in the face  of diplomatic moves by Washington. However, China’s  position as a North Korean ally certainly can not be disregarded.


Indonesia’s Readiness in hosting the 2018 Asian Games Games received praises from two participating countries, namely the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Japan. Delegates from each National Olympic Committee-NOC arrived in Indonesia on Tuesday (22/5). During the checking for the preparation of the Asian Games they were accompanied by representatives of the Asian Games 2018 Organizing Committee-Inasgoc. The Saudi NOC delegation came with a group of 10 people, while Japan six. Although both NOCs came in small groups, they asked many things, especially regarding the readiness of athletes' accommodation, arena and transportation. Secretary General of Inasgoc, Eris Heryanto said on Tuesday (22/5) that both NOCs were satisfied with the readiness of Indonesia to hold the Asian Games 2018 August. He stated, overall, they expressed satisfaction, also gave some inputs. Saudi delegation leader Prince Fahad bin Jalawi Al-Saud was pleased with Indonesia's preparations. He in particular brought representatives from the board of some of the country's flagship sports who will compete in the Asian Games. The branches of the sport are Karate, shooting, bike racing, handball and Taekwondo. Prince Fahad said the concern of the Saudi NOC focuses on the readiness of athletes' kampong and a number of arenas, especially those that will be the battleground of Saudi Arabia's flagship sports branch. Meanwhile, the Japanese delegation, majority of whom represented by the sports department of the Japan Olimpic Committee-JOC, also expressed its readiness. During this visit, they also focused on ensuring the completion of all arena. According to the representative of the Japanese delegation, Kenji Kasahara, the number of new sports competed in the 2018 Asian Games is the main attention of the country. Like roller sports, climbing and baseball / softball, because these sports are also competed in the 2020 Olympics which will be held in the Capital of Japan, Tokyo. The Indonesian Asian Games 2018 Organizing Committee-Inasgoc-INASGOC Chairman Erick Thohir has confirmed, with only 86 days remaining, all preparations must be action oriented. According to Erick, with less than three months' time, any idea which is still ​​a discourse will only a waste of time. Erick also asserted, meetings with all departments related to the preparation of the Asian Games are always held. They are conducted every day to discuss what will be done in the next day. Management must be professional, transparent and have a vision and mission.


The implementation of the 18th Asian Games is a few months to come. The opening of every four years of this Asian Games will be held on August 18, 2018 in Jakarta, Indonesia. The implementation will be held in Jakarta and Palembang, South Sumatra. The preparation for the event, including Infrastructure and facilities has reached more than 90 percent. Serious efforts which are currently being prepared by the Asian Games 2018 Organizing Committee -INASGOC are both the opening and closing ceremonies of the 2018 Asian Games. Around 5,500 performers and 141 musicians are involved, including top Indonesian singers and musicians who take part in the 18th Asian Games to succeed. What is the message to be conveyed through artwork by artists for the Asian Games? Director of the Recording Industry Association of Indonesia – ASIRI, Jusak Irwan Sutiono expressed his true involvement because he feels that the Asian Games is for all and should be supported. This feels like in Official Theme Song Asian Games 2018, "Bright as Sun"

Raise the flag of your nation

Located on the highest pole

Make your young soul

Carve history

The spirit of competition is felt in the lyrics of this song. Because every athlete will certainly do his or her best effort to record history for Indonesia. The message is also a driving force for Indonesian athletes to present the best for the nation and country. The best contributions are also being prepared by other artists. Over 250 dancers from 18 high schools in Jakarta have joined intensive training to perform Indonesian modern packaged culture. While 2000 professional dancers, high school students and art college students are also engaged to be part of the spectacular opening and closing performances of the Asian Games. The involvement of artists in the 18th Asian Games means a lot. Because frequently, the success of a sporting event is measured from the opening and closing ceremonies. Moreover, the ceremony will be broadcast to 45 countries in Asia and some other continents, such as American continent. Great expectations are concentrated on the hard work of Indonesian artists or art workers who refer to the creative groups and the committees who have more than one year to prepare the opening and closing of the 2018 Asian Games. Moreover, there are Olympic standards that the Asian Games must be fulfilled. For Indonesia, the Asian Games not only organizes sports competitions, but also becomes one of the media to promote Indonesia's strength and potential. The opening and closing ceremonies of the 2018 Asian Games become golden moment to perform the work of Indonesian artists who are parallel with the world’s artistic creation.