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Minister of Foreign Affairs, Retno Marsudi met her counterpart –Peruvian Minister Néstor Francisco Popolizio Bardales in Lima, Peru on last Wednesday (23/5). During the meeting, they discussed bilateral cooperation between the two countries. A press release of the Indonesian  Foreign Affairs Ministry  in  Jakarta on Thursday (24/5) stated that the working visit of Minister Retno Marsudi to Lima was the first official visit to Peru since the opening of diplomatic relations between the two countries in 1975. In the meeting, Minister Retno Marsudi said that Peru is an important market for Indonesia, and the economic cooperation between the two countries has not yet reflected the existing potential. Peru is the 4th largest trading partner for Indonesia in South America. The value of bilateral trade between Indonesia and Peru in 2017 increased by 5.3 percent compare with the previous year. To enhance trade cooperation, the two Foreign Ministers agreed on the importance of trade agreements between both countries. Minister Retno also expressed the importance of working harder to improve interaction between entrepreneurs and diversifying  products in trade between the two countries. Thus, she invited Peruvian entrepreneurs to attend the Trade Expo Indonesia (TEI) in October 2018. She also conveyed Indonesia’s planned participation in the "Expoalimentaria and Mistura Food Festival" in Peru this year. In addition to trade cooperation, both Foreign Ministers also discussed efforts to improve cooperation in agriculture, fisheries and socio-culture. Related to this, the government of Indonesia proposed the establishment of Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (CEPA) between Indonesia and Peru  to be implemented gradually,  starting with "Trade in Goods Agreement" (TIGA). Beyond bilateral issues, both of them also exchanged ideas on various regional and global issues, such as the issues of refugees from Venezuela and Rakhine State, efforts to overcome the use of chemical weapons, and issues of concern in the UN Security Council. Furthermore, the Peruvian government expressed support for Indonesia's nomination as a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council, and the  election will be held on June 8, 2018.



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Besides long holidays, Lebaran in 2018 will make the business world more exciting. Businesspeople, especially in the tourism sector, are prepared to welcome the tens of millions of travelers who will spent their money up to hundreds of trillions of rupiah in their respective regions. Transportation infrastructure, such as toll roads, national roads, double track railways, and airports, are ready to serve travelers who will celebrate Idul Fitri 1439 Hijri in their respective villages. Ministry of Transportation predicts nationwide the number of Lebaran 2018 travelers as many as 19.5 million people or up 10-15 percent compared from 2017. The pattern of movement of people in homecoming causes a large number of economic activities. According to Kompas's note, the circulation of money during Lebaran 2017 was around Rp 163.6 trillion. Indonesia estimates the circulation of money will be around Rp 200 million or increase around 10-12 percent this year. The value is almost seven times the value of West Java regional budget. The economic activities will grow more and more  after the government provides holiday allowances and the 13th salary for officials, state apparatuses and retirees.

The prices of some basic staples have increased at the second week of Ramadhan 1439 H. Based on reports from various regions across the country, the increased prices can be found at chicken eggs and flour. Chairman of the Association of Traditional Traders of Indonesia, Abdullah Mansuri said meat demand is low and the percentage is around 47 percent in Ramadan. He assumed that such condition occurs because some people may consume fish and Tempe.

The development of an industrial estate in Morowali brings about widespread effects to the region's economic growth. The people of Morowali Regency, Central Sulawesi did think before that that their lives would be as prosperous as they are today. When compared to the condition five years ago, their average monthly earnings were saddening, and far from being enough. The development of industrial parks in Morowali District creates widespread effects to regional and national economic growth. Regent of Morowali , Anwar Hafid said that the move is in accordance with the Nawacita of the present government led by President Joko Widodo and Vice President Jusuf Kalla who have built Indonesia from the periphery.


Trade Minister Meeting of Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation -APEC was held for two days on May 25 – 26, 2018 in Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea -PNG. The meeting resulted in some agreements, such as another access expansion for participation of all elements of Asia Pacific people in economic and trade activities, optimization of the use digital technology, internationalization of micro, small and middle enterprises, strengthening of connectivity throughout the region, and creation of inclusive and sustainable growth. Representing Indonesian Trade Minister, Director General of International Trade Negotiation at Trade Ministry, Iman Pambagyo welcomed APEC’s various initiatives and emphasized the importance of inclusive element in economic growth. He also wants all Indonesian people to get benefits from the economy as much as possible because the changing can encourage welfare distribution. PNG as the host of APEC 2018 carried a theme “Harnessing Inclusive Opportunities, Embracing the Digital Future”.

Indonesian handmade jewelries succeeded to attract visitors of  the 22nd International Jewelry Kobe (IJK) starting on May 16 until 18, 2018 in Kobe, Japan. The jewelries made Indonesian pavilion get attracted. This was stated by Head of Indonesian Trade Promotion Center (ITPC) Osaka, Ichwan Joesoef. The event was one of the biggest jewelry exhibitions in Japan. Indonesian Ministry of Trade through ITPC Osaka in cooperation with Indonesian Consulate General in Osaka facilitated 12 Indonesian brands in the exhibition this year. From the exhibition,  Indonesian pavilion recorded transaction and transaction potential more than 10 million yen or $90 thousand dollars.

Indonesia continues to expand export market for industrial products to European Union region. Some national manufacture products which are increasing the exports’ value are like foods and beverages, textile, cloths and foot-wears,  palm oil and its derivatives. The Indonesian and European Union economy has been synergized so far. Minister of industry, Airlangga Hartarto said that after receiving the visit of European Union Ambassador to Indonesia, Vincent Guerend in Jakarta on last Friday (25/5) that the commodity competitiveness between both parties is different so that they can complement each other. The Ministry of Industry recorded that total value of Indonesia-European Union trade in 2017 reached $25.2 billion dollars by Indonesian export to European Union worth $14.5 billion dollars and import around $10.7 billion dollars. So, the surplus was around $3.8 billion dollars. Meanwhile, investment value of European Union in Indonesia in 2016 reached $2.6 billion dollars, with 2,813 projects. To enhance bilateral economic cooperation, Minister Airlangga also encouraged acceleration of settlement of negotiation of Indonesia-European Union Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (IEU-CEPA). The 4th negotiation of IEU-CEPA was conducted in February 2018 in Surakarta, Central Java. The 5th negotiation will be conducted in July 2018 in Brussels, Belgium.


Papua nature presents amazing natural enchantment endlessly, such as beach, mountain, cave and lake. One of the lakes which has amazing scenery, is Paniai lake located at East Paniai district, Paniai regency, Papua province. Earlier, Paniai lake, Tigi and Tage lake are named Wisselmeren. The name is a name of pilot of the Dutch nation, namely Frits Julius Wissel who discovered the three lakes for the first time. In the Dutch colonial, the name of Wisselmeren was more popular compared Paniai. Wisselmeren comes from the Dutch language meaning Wissel lakes. Paniai lake is the best and the most beautiful  lake throughout the world which was announced in the World Lake Conference in India on November 30, 2007 among 157 countries that own lakes. Paniai lake has 14,500 hectares wide and it height is 1,700 meters above sea level. Because of its high location,  Paniai lake’s air is so fresh. Besides having fresh air, Paniai lake also has stones and sand on its banks and is also surrounded by high cliff; it creates interesting attraction for tourists. Behind the beauty of the nature of Paniai lake, the lake also stores various kinds of fresh fish and shrimp. There are many species of freshwater fish which are found in this lake; rainbow fish is the most searched by fisherman and fish collector because the fish has high economic value. Tourism activities at Paniai lake that can be enjoyed by visitors are walking surrounding the lake, fishing or  grilling fish. The visitors can also climb hills at the lake. From peak of the hills, they can witness the beauty of amazing nature. To go to the lake, we can depart from Enarotali city, the capital city of Paniai regency. And from the city, we can go by bus heading to the tourism object. If the visitors want to stay at night around the lake, they can stay at some lodgings or local residents’ houses.