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Member of Regional Representative Council, Emma Yohanna said that there are many ways which can be conducted to invite children to learn as well as to memorize reading of the Qur’an, one of them by applying “coercion” value in positive meaning such as holding competition. Emma Yohanna recognized that children’s awareness to learn reading of the Qur’an tends to decrease every time if it is not addressed wisely by the people around them, either school or elder at home. As quoted by Radio National News Agency, Emma Yohanna said in Padang, West Sumatra on Monday that through tilawatil (recital) Qur-an competition, children will force themselves to learn maximally with the hope they will be a winner. Emma Yohanna gave example the recitation of Asmaul Husna or reciting the names of Allah as a real picture of daily life, could be heard in the past. Asmaul Husna became part or positive habit of students which cannot be heard now, because lack of competition. The experts have created learning methode of reading of the Qur’an which is more sophiscated and independent. Through this method, children must not go to the mosque, they can learn reading Qur’an anytime at home.

When preparing to cook food for sahur (dawn meal) in Ramadhan, most people who live on the slope of Mt. Merapi, either in Sleman regency, Yogyakarta Province or Klaten regency, Central Java province on Tuesday (22/5) must be evacuate to a safe place, due to phreatic eruption of Mt. Merapi at 01.47 of West Indonesian Time.   Head of Planning affairs of Balerante village, Kemalang Klaten district, Jainu, said there were around 500 residents who evacuated at Balerante village’s hall, office of Mamnisrenggo Military Regional Command, or to their relatives. The residents just knew it around 02.30 of local time, and they now have been returning to do their daily activities. Furthermore, Jainu explained that there were around 2 thousand Balerante villagers and from the number there are around 750 people who who live at three disaster prone areas, included 5 hamlets namely Sambungrejo, Ngipiksari, Gondang, Sukorejo and Banjirsari, which are around 4 until 5 Km from the peak of Mt. Merapi. Although most of villagers have returned to their home, there are still residents who still stay at the shelter. Meanwhile, head of Kemalang district, Kusdiyono, appealed the people to stay calm but still alert, especially those who live at disaster prone areas.

Indonesia-Malaysia Command of land border security control in West region of West Kalimantan is now carried by Border Security Task Force of Yonif 511/Dibyatara Yodha. The Infantry Battalion from Blitar, East Jawa replaced Yonif 642/Kapuas which has finished their task since May 18. Commander of Yonif 511/Dibyatara Yodha said that security system in the Western sector of West Kalimantan border with Malaysia is still similar with previous task. The command of Yonif 511/Dibyatara Yodha in Entikong, on Tuesday (22/5) said the existence of the border post which is held along the border will be strengthened by increasing the number of Indonesian soldiers. The strengthening of the personnel is to anticipate illegal event in the region.



The Chamber of Commerce and Industry -Kadin Indonesia together with the Embassy of the Republic of India in Jakarta established the Bilateral Committee of India to encourage the enhancement of economic cooperation between businessmen from Indonesia and India. Vice Chairman of Kadin on International Relations, Shinta Widjaja Kamdani, in the inauguration of the Indian Bilateral Committee for Indonesian Chamber of Commerce in Jakarta, Friday (18/5) said that the committee is ready to facilitate Indonesian-Indian businessmen who interested to expand their business in the two countries. The committee works under the coordination of Kadin on International Relations. Shinta Widjaja Kamdani also said that, the Bilateral Committee of India will become a catalyst in improving economic relations and achieving the investment and trade targets of the two countries’ businessmen, especially in six sectors, namely mining, infrastructure, manufacture, pharmaceutical, digital, and service sectors. In addition, the Indian Committee will provide needed informations, to simplify the businessmen of both countries. The six sectors are the focus of the deal generated by entrepreneurs from both countries at the CEO Forum Indonesia-India 2016, which was held on the sidelines of President Joko Widodo's visit to India in December 2016. Indian ambassador to Indonesia, Pradeep Kumar Rawat, on the same occassion said that there is still a lot of cooperation that can be explored by Indonesian and Indian businessmen. Indonesian Ambassador Pradeep Kumar Rawat moreover said that India opens wide opportunities for Indonesian business actors to cooperate with India in various sectors. Therefore, the existence of the Bilateral Committee of India will encourage the availability of relevant information for the development of Indonesian and Indian businesses. The committee also plays a role in promoting the Indonesian and Indian markets which become government’s priority and providing input to encourage conducive conditions for business cooperation between the two countries. He said co-operation can support each other to improve relationships and concern on the matter that happened in Indonesia and India, things that can be offered by Indonesia to India and vice versa. Central Bureau of Statistics noted that Indonesia-India trade balance in 2016 worth 12.9 billion US dollars, with a total export value of 10.2 billion US dollars and the imports value of 2.1 billion US dollars. In 2017, Indonesia-India's trade balance increased by 28.7 percent, and in the period of January-March 2018, Indonesia and India's trade balance declined. Both countries set a target of 50 billion US dollars for trade and investment by 2025.



The Islamic State Group of Iraq and Syria, ISIS have left the Syrian capital. As reported, the Syrian Military have forced  the radical rebel group out of Damascus, after the Military completely controlled  the city. The expulsion of ISIS from Damascus has made the citizens of Damascus feel more relaxed and able to observe  their holy month Ramadan in peace. But not long after the ISIS left   Damascus, at least 26 Syrian troops and their allies were reportedly attacked and  killed by the ISIS group in the Badya region.

A human rights monitoring organization in Syria reported, ISIS attacked one of  military headquarters at dawn, targeting the government forces in Badiya desert area on the Iraqi and Syrian border. The expulsion of the ISIS group from Damascus and the following ceasefire, did not immediately stop the acts of violence by the ISIS. Attempts to eliminate the group  can not  be done by the Syrian government alone. The location of the radical group movements in the Iraqi and Syrian border should be jointly carried out by both countries.

The problem is, their concentration is not just to combat ISIS which   had entered the territory of Syria and controlled parts of Damascus,  from  2015 until they were forced out just recently. The civil war crisis in Syria then, became one of ISIS's opportunities to enter the country. Until now, Syria is still struggling  with the civil war that began raging in 2011 and has costed    thousands of lives and devastated parts of the region.

The same thing also happened to  Iraq. Therefore ISIS can still move by utilizing the chaos in both countries. Not only that, efforts to anticipate the development of ISIS also should be the attention of other countries. The impact of ISIS on a number of countries, including Indonesia, has caused them  to make serious efforts to anticipate the effects of this movement. ISIS has now become an international threat. The cohesiveness in  stopping the group should be a common concern.


Special envoy of Indonesian president seeking supports for non-permanent membership of Indonesia for the United Nations Security Council, N. Hassan Wirajuda visited Sao Tome and Principe, on Friday (18/5/2018). Hassan was received by President of Sao Tome and Principe, Evaristo do Espirito Santo Carvalho and Foreign Affairs’ Minister of Sao Tome and Principe, Urbino Jose Goncalves Botelho at the State’s Palace of Sao Tome. In the meeting, Sao Tome and Principe recognized Indonesia’s active role in creating stability for international security and its contribution in maintaining world’s peace and also appreciating Indonesia’s active role and leadership in Asia Africa Conference forum, among others the outcome of the Asia Africa Conference summit in Bandung related to strengthening declaration of New Strategic Partnership of Asia Africa. On the other side, the Indonesian special envoy appreciated the political stability and peace situation in Sao Tome and Principe at present, especially its success in reformation and democracy since early 1990 which gives positive impact for Sao Tome and Principe in developing its economy and creating democratic life in the next future. President Sao Tome and Principe declared good relations between Africa in general and Sao Tome and Principe in particular, with Indonesia has established traditionally since Asia-Africa Conference in Bandung in 1955. In line with this, his party hoped that it is necessary to increase cooperation in various sectors between the two countries, among other in educational, agricultural, technical and infrastructure cooperation sectors.

On Sunday (20/5/2018) around 200 Indonesian citizens flocked at auditorium of Indonesian embassy in Wellington to break the fast and to pray tarawih prayer. In family and warm situation, they attended in the first tarawih safari (Tarling) in Wellington, New Zealand. Tarling is special event of Indonesian Muslims which only holds in the month of Ramadhan and becomes a culture in various regions in Indonesia. Even, when staying abroad, Indonesian diaspora still conduct it to strengthen relationship. After the safari at the Indonesian embassy, it will be rotated in various places, not only in Wellington but also at other cities. In his speech, ambassador Tantowi Yahya emphasized that Indonesian citizens in New Zealand always show the real picture of Islam such as peace and dynamic. As the most muslim populated country in the world, Indonesia can be a model as a rahmatan lil' alamin country. Ambassador Tantowi  Yahya hoped that Indonesian citizens who stay in New Zealand, can explain well and objective thought to local people who want to know current situation and the fact. The ambassador also appreciated religious organization such as Umat Islam Indonesia (UMI), Himpunan Umat Muslim Indonesia Auckland (HUMIA) and the others which are actively to help the Indonesian embassy in various events. 

Tarian Piring or plate dance from West Sumatera wins international Folklore competition. Piring Bejamba dance which was danced by 5 dancers of Galang Dance Community from Padang, West Sumatera led by Deslenda won gold medal in the World Cup of Folklore in Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria on May 10-20, 2018. Indonesian Ambassador of Sofia, Sri Astari Rasjid, appreciated the achievement which was obtained by Indonesian team and also gave good image in International forum. Hopefully, they continue to gain achievement in the other world class competitions because the performance ofGalang team is good and dynamic. The participation of Indonesia’s dance team in the international competition is hoped to be able to support preservation effort of Indonesia’s traditional arts. In the competition, Indonesia competed with various teams from around 20 countries in the world.