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Indonesian permanent representative to the United Nations, World Trade Organization and other international organizations in Geneva,Ambassador Hasan Kleib, was selected as chairman of Committee on Development and Intellectual Property (CDIP), World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) of the 21st and the 22nd session for 2018 period. The first meeting of the 21st CDIP is starting from May 14 – 18, 2018 at WIPO headquarter in Geneva, Swiss and attended by delegations of 191 WIPO member countries. Ambassador Hasan Kleib,​ in his speech said the key of competitiveness in current global economy is through extra value, and almost all countries can produce anyproducts in the globalization era. Without extra value which is produced through intellectual property such as trade mark, design, copy right, patent, and trade secret will be difficult to compete internationally. Hasan also said that under Indonesia’s leadership the 21st CDIP will begin discussing on IP and Development agenda. It is an important moment since  IP and Development agenda will be discussed for the first time, after long negotiation between develop and developing countries since the first CDIP in 2007. Indonesia will also lead integrated discussion on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) with international intellectual property system. Ambassador Hasan Kleib also affirmed that Indonesia’s leadership in CDIP will focus to support one of the government’s priority program to encourage Indonesian economy which based on innovation and creativity.

Encouraging the increasing of Indonesia-Turkey Trade Relation. As part of the efforts to strengthenIndonesia’s economic diplomacy in Turkey, Indonesian Consulate General in Istanbul Herry Sudradjat conducted areach-outto business community of Turkeyoutside Istanbul on May 18-19, 2018. This time, he visitedBursa Province. The province is well known as one of the main centers of Turkey’s industry. During his visit to Bursa he met leaders 4 companies.Besides promoting Indonesian export, Herry Sudradjat  also invited Turkey to increase its sale to Indonesia. This was conveyed when he met with association of Bursa exporters.Before returning to Istanbul, consulate general Herry Sudradjat  met with Indonesian people included students in Bursa.

At Tashkent State University of Economics (TSUE) (08/05/2018) in Tashkent, Uzbekistan has signed Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on educational cooperation between TSUE with 7 Indonesian colleges. The MoU was signed by Rector of TSUE, Professor Bakhodir Khodiev with representatives of each the Indonesian colleges witnessed by Indonesian ambassador in Tashkent.Based on the MoU, contains among others students and teachers exchanged, joint conferences, research and publication: exchange of academic materials and also another form of cooperation which is agreed by the two parties. The signing of the MoU’s cooperation is not only to increase educational cooperation among colleges, but also to give contribution to increase relation and also people to people contact between Indonesia and Uzbekistan.


Ministry of National Development Planning along with United Cities and Local Governments Asia Pasifik (UCLG ASPAC) and Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH, Germany held a discussion with the theme “Localizing SDGs and Multi Stakeholder Partnership for SDGs in Indonesia”, in Surabaya, East Java on Tuesday (15/5). Director of Foreign Politics and International Cooperation Development, Dewo Broto Joko, conveyed that the purpose of the event is to socialize sustainable development in regencies and cities, and also to encourage stakeholders of regencies and cities to arrange Regional Planning Action in implementing the purpose of sustainable development. According to Dewo Broto Joko, the reason why Surabaya is chosen because the city is viewed as city which is able to implement the purpose of sustainable development well and more improvement than other regions. Meanwhile, Surabaya mayor, Tri Rismaharini, in her speech explained that there are various kinds ofsustainable development which are conducted by Surabaya administration, such as building the city or bringing prosperity to its citizens among others, to provide free health servicefor 24 hours. According to mayor Risma, the sustainable development can be carried out in Surabaya, because all stakeholders participated to provide assistance.

Regional Office of Religion’s ministry of Aceh Province along with Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysic Agency on Tuesday (15/5) conducted hilal observation at Hilal Observatorium office of Tengku Chik Kuta Karang, Lhoknga, Aceh Besar regency, Aceh. Hilal observation is meant to ensure the right time for the first Ramadhan 1439 Hijriah or 2018. Based on the observasion of Radio Republik Indonesia, there were 7 binoculars to observe hilalwhich were installed on the second floor of Observatorium building. Those binoculars were directed to sun, precisely at the West of Lhoknga.  Head of the office, Daud Pakeh, conveyed that from the result of the observation, hilal was not seen. It means muslim will start fasting on Thursday (17/5), while on Wednesday evening to conduct tarawih. 


As an effort on early detection on terrorism threat which many occured recently, regional government of Situbondo, East Java, invited all elements of society to voice again that guest must report within 1x24 hours. This was stated by Situbondo regent, Dadang Wigiarto, after an event to promote“Guest must report within 1x24 hours in Situbondo regency on Tuesday (15/5). According to Dadang Wigiarto, the “must report rule will be very helpfull especially for the government the Indonesian police and military apparatus to prevent the entering of radicalism and terrorism view which are expected to become a trigger for explosion of suicide bomb such as in Surabaya. Meanwhile, Police Chief of Situbondo Resort, Commissioner Awan Hariono, said that the ruleguest must report in 1x24 hours is mentioned in criminal law. Awan further said that there is criminal sanction to people who do not report, but the rule is still in process of revision.


Regional government of South Bengkulu, Bengkulu province will develop Rafflesia flower tourism to attract the interest of tourists to visit the region. Head of Tourism Office, South Bengkulu regency, Yulian Fauzi di Manna, explained on Saturday that Natural Resources Conservation Center has found three locations where Rafflesia flower appears, namely Padang Lebar and Kemang Manis village which is the habitat of Rafflesia Bengkuluensis, and Palau Lebar village which is the habitat of Rafflesia Arnoldi. Yulian said that there are 2 locations of Amorphophallus titanium habitat. He viewed that with the discovery of the 3 locations of Rafflesia’s habitats, the prospect of tourism development in South Bengkulu is expected to run smoothly. Rafflesia flower blooms any season. The flower can become interesting tourism destination. According to  Yulian Fauzi, his office is committed to developing tourism of Rafflesia flower in South Bengkulu, because it is the existence of not only other flora, but also history of the discovery of Rafflesia flower.

Governor of Jakarta, Anies Baswedan was accompanied by Vice President Jusuf Kalla to open 18th Asian Games 2018 Parade at national monument –Monas on Sunday (13/5). On the occasion, Governor Anies said that Jakarta is ready to hold Asian Games 2018. H also said that 99 percent of the Asian Games preparation is finished. He views that there are 3 components which make Jakarta administration focuses on the event, namely the implementation, facility and achievement. On the implementation aspect, Jakarta administration has conducted assignment from the central government such as providing equestrian, velodrome, BMX field, and training center for the athletes. The Governor also coordinated with association of shopping center to welcome the athletes who want to buy souvenirs of domestic products.

Rhino Kites Festival in Special Economic Zone of Tanjung Lesung tourism in Banten is concrete form to preserve Indonesian culture. Rhino Kites Festival is an evidence of cultural preservation of Indonesian nation, which must be developed to be innovative product to have economic value. This was stated by initiator of Indonesian Kite Museum, Endang Ernawati on the sidelines of the event on Sunday. She explained that Indonesian people must be proud of traditional kites because one of the products of Indonesian culture becomes primadona in the international kite festival. Meanwhile, Managing Director of PT Banten West Java & Chief of OC, Rully Lasahido said that Rhino Kites Festival is the socialization of great event of Rhino Cross Triathlon 2018. Rhino Kites Festival is part of Rhino Cross Triathlon 2018 event. The event consists of swimming competition, bicycle race and running-cross of the beauty and natural challenge of Tanjung Lesung to take place on September 29-30, 2018. As many as 24 participants participating in Rhino Kites Festival come from domestic and foreign countries such as the Netherlands, Malaysia, Singapore, Germany, and Belgium. Around 100 kites are flown at Tanjung Lesung beach, marking official launching of Rhino Cross Triathlon.


Minister of Foreign Affairs, Retno L.P. Marsudi has held a bilateral meeting with her counterpart from Brazil, Minister Aloysio Nunes Ferreira in Bogor, West Java on last Friday (11/5). This visit to Indonesia was the first for Minister Ferreira. Indonesia and Brazil have established strategic partnerships since 2008. This visit is a good momentum for both countries to improve bilateral relations and to revitalize existing and bilateral partnerships. In addition, both Ministers also utilized the meeting to expand market access for Indonesian products in Latin America, such as fish, palm oil, and rubber. During the meeting, both of them also discussed efforts to improve trade, agriculture and people-to-people contact via free visas. In addition, the meeting also discussed the issues of multilateral and regional cooperation that are of mutual concern. The result of the bilateral meeting is the approval of 3 documents by the two Ministers, namely the Memorandum of Understanding between the Government of the Republic of Indonesia and the Government of the Federation of Brazil regarding the Exemption of Visas for both ordinary passports and for diplomatic and service passports. There is the MoU on Technical Cooperation between the governments of the Republic of Indonesia and the Republic of Brazil. Minister Retno Marsudi also affirmed that the signing of the three documents is expected to have no barriers to communicate with each other among the public, officials, and others. The intensification of the process can occur further. By mentioning the Visa Exemption for holders of ordinary Passports, Indonesian citizens will get visa-free facility to Brazil for 30 days. The facility is expected to encourage people-to-people and business-to-business contacts to enhance cooperation in various fields, especially economy and trade. Brazil is Indonesia's largest trading partner in South America. The total trade between Indonesia and Brazil in 2017 amounted to $3.18 million dollars. The visit of Brazilian tourists to Indonesia was also the largest in South America, reaching 28,359 in 2017.