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Minister of Foreign Affairs, Retno LP Marsudi held a bilateral meeting with her counterpart from Brazil Minister Aloysio Nunes Ferreira in Bogor, West Java on last Friday (11/5). Both ministers also utilized the meeting to boost market access for Indonesian products in Latin America, such as fish, palm oil and rubber. In the meeting, the two ministers also discussed the effort to increase trade cooperation, agriculture and people-to-people contact through Visa Free Approval. In addition, the meeting also discussed issues of multilateral and regional cooperation which become mutual concern. 3 agreements signed by the two ministers are the exchanges of notes among the government of Indonesia and Republic of Brazil for ordinary passport holders, MoU of approval changes between Indonesia and Brazil on visa exemption for diplomatic and service passport, and there was also MoU of technical cooperation between the government of Indonesia and Republic of Brazil.


Minister of Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform, Asman Abnur received the visit of South Korean Ambassador to Indonesia, Kim Chang-beom more recently. Minister Asman said that currently, South Korea has used many technology-based systems in running the wheels of the government; one of them is in public service. Minister Asman wants cooperation in public service later. He also said that the Indonesian government will keep trying to unite application of information technology which has been owned by the regional or central government. Meanwhile, South Korean Ambassador to  Indonesia, Kim Chang-beom expressed his support on Indonesia in this case the Ministry of Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform in applying e-government system. His office is ready to support the program which is being run by the Ministry.

Mercu Buana University signed Memorandum of Understanding with Tun Hussein Onn University of Malaysia on Thursday (10/5). The MoU emphasized cooperation with similar level which has been pioneered together, such as mentor along with PhD student and mutual international publication. This was stated by Head of International Cooperation and Innovation Center of Mercu Buana University, Prof. Darwin Sebayang. The two universities have also succeeded to have patent on product which is registered in Indonesia and Malaysia.


The people of Indonesia, especially the people of Surabaya, East Java are shocked with the action of suicide bombing. Three suicide bombings took place in the churches of the Immaculate Santa Marian, Central Pentecostal Church, and GKI Church. At least, 11 people died, and more than 40 people were injured and needed special treatment. Criticism and curse were directed to suicide bombers. Even, President Joko Widodo called this act of terror as a barbaric act, beyond the limits of humanity. What makes people more furious at the perpetrators is the involvement of children in this suicide bombing act. The target of this terror is the houses of worship. As a result, some people condemn this action on the name of a religion. The unity of Indonesia is re-tested.

The hope is that this act of terror does not make religious people accuse each other. The religious followers must not make verbal war in social media to blame one another. Of course, this tragedy is hoped to strengthen the brotherhood among religious people in Indonesia, to jointly to face acts of terrorism. President Joko Widodo, Chief of Indonesian National Police (Polri) –Tito Karnavian, Chief of Indonesian Military –TNI, Hadi Tjahjanto and a number of ministers came to check out the location.

On the occasion, President Joko Widodo emphasized that terrorism has nothing to do with any religion. The Indonesian government has a tough task to address the roots of terrorism in Indonesia. The government must be able to carry out thorough investigation relating to acts of terrorism such as the recruitment and the source of funds for each of the terrorists’ acts. It’s expected that there are no longer new recruitment and brain-washing of prospective terrorists who voluntarily conduct acts of terror, despite committing suicide by oneself or her/his family. Indonesia's alertness to all acts of terror should be further enhanced. Moreover this year, there is regional election in several provinces, cities and regencies. There  are Asian Games that will be attended by more than 40 countries, the annual meeting of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund. It is the task of all stakeholders of the Indonesian nation to create and maintain security across Indonesia. May the terror act in Surabaya, East Java be the last one!


Some regions in Indonesia have unique traditions which are conducted to welcome the holy month of Ramadhan. One of them is Dugderan tradition from Semarang, Central Java. Dugderan tradition has been conducted since 1881 and until now, it is still conducted by Semarang people. The difference is that today’s Dugderan is folk party such as dances, carnival, and Bedug percussion. The name of Dugderan comes from “Dug” which is the sound of Bedug, and “Der” which is the sound of explosion of firecracker. The name is a sign of fasting month; it is begun by Bedug and ended by firecracker. The tradition is held to remind residents that the month of Ramadhan has closed. For one week, before Ramadhan, there will be market which sells various kinds of stuffs and there is mascot related to the festival, namely “Warak Ngendok”.Dugderan will be over one day before fasting and the peak event of the dugderan tradition contains of cultural carnival. The carnival is begun from the yard of Semarang City Hall. Opening of the event is signed by beating Bedug by Semarang mayor. After the opening, the mayor rides Kencana cart which is guarded by Pandanaran troops to Semarang Kauman Great Mosque. Over there, the mayor will be welcomed by Warak Ngendok. Warak Ngendok represents acculturation of the culture from diverse ethnics in Semarang, namely China,  Arab and Java. Dugderan tradition has been begun since 1881 in the government of Regent Kyai Raden Mas Tumenggung Purbaningrat, based on his awareness on peace of Semarang people, because there was movement which has disunited since the arrival of the Dutch colonial.  As a result, there were groups of communities in Semarang. Dugderan tradition is aimed at assembling the whole communities in a joyful atmosphere in a bid to unite, to gather and to greet without differences. Besides, it is ensured that the beginning of the month of Ramadan is strictly and simultaneouslybased on agreement of regent and priest of the mosque. So, there is unifying spirit felt in the tradition.



Published in Sports

South Kalimantan becomes the overall champion in Amura Karate-Do National Championship 2018 after collecting 18 gold medals, 10 silver and 12 bronze,  and outperforms Jakarta that won 13 gold, 18 silver, and 28 bronze medals at Pasar Minggu Sports Venue, East Jakarta, Sunday (6/5). While Central Java team must be satisfied in third position with 13 gold medals, 12silver, and 32 bronze, just lost the difference in silver medal. Yogyakarta that entrenched in fourth position also only lost the difference in the acquisition of silver medal with 13 gold, 4 silver, and 12 bronze medals.

Former Chief Executive of PP Amura, Syahril Osen said that Amura Karate team of South Kalimantan came with careful preparation. South Kalimantan indeed deserves the gold medal and the coaching  is great. He added that in other areas outside Java, the karate coaching is developing, such as North Sulawesi, which in this national championship occupied the fifth position with 10 gold, 7 silver, and 10 bronze medals. Amura Karate-Do National Championship 2018 lasted for two days on May 5-6, followed by 574 karateka from 16 Amura provincial governments.

Persija Jakarta failed 3-2 from Home United in the first leg semi-final of Southeast Asia AFC Cup 2018 at Jalan Besar Stadium, Singapore, Tuesday (8/5). Goalkeeper of the Kemayoran Tigers Team, Rizki Darmawan admitted that he became one of the causes of his team to go home. Rizki was wrong while anticipating Home United player, Hafiz Nor, at 79th minute and resulting the final score of the match siding to host 3-2. It was said by Rizki as cited from Persija official page, Wednesday (9/5). When visiting Home quarters, the home team was superior ahead. Maman Abdurahman's goal in the second minute and a goal from Song Ui-young in the ninth minute made Persija left behind 2-0. However, Ramdani Lestaluhu equalized in the 32nd minute and 49th minute. Score a 2-2 draw last long until the game was over. Unfortunately, a goal from Hafiz Nor to Rizki’s goalpost made the final score become 3-2. Even, on the last 10 minutes before the game was over, this made the Kemayoran Tigers be unable to equalize. In the second game, upcoming Tuesday (15/5), it is Persija’s turn that will host the Home at Gelora Bung Karno (GBK) Stadium. Coach of Persija, Stefano Cuggura said that two goals are an asset at Home. It’s not too bad to face the second leg next week. In the match at Persija quarters later, his team certainly is highly motivated. One of them is the presence of Jakmania supporters who fill the stadium.

Indonesia Pencak Silat team won 6 gold medals, 2 silver, and 2 bronze in Pencak Silat 2018 Open Belgium competition in Schoten-Antwerpen, Belgium on last May 5th and 6th. This open tournament was the 23rd time held in Belgium by Bond Pencak Silat Belgium (BPSB), a Belgium Pencak Silat Federation which was established 36 years ago. This was stated by Head of Information and Social Culture of the Indonesian Embassy in Brussels, Ignatius Priambodo on last Tuesday (8/5). This annual championship was attended by 120 athletes from 12 countries, namely Indonesian, Belgium, the Netherlands, United Kingdom, Malaysia, Singapore, Vietnam, Thailand, Switzerland, United States, Azerbaijan, and Austria. At the opening of the tournament, the Indonesian Ambassador to Belgium, Yuri O. Thamrin appreciated Ludo Pieters, head of BPSB for his effort to introduce Pencak Silat to Belgium and other European countries. Thamrin encouraged the athletes of Pencak Silat from around the world as an ambassador of Indonesian traditional martial art.

Indonesia rated as one of the largest markets Mixed Martial Arts -MMA international championship, considering that many of the championship federations begin to spread their wings by holding competitions at home. This was stated by Chairman of the Professional Sports Agency of Indonesia, Noor Aman on the sidelines of weighing the Brave Fighter’s body in Jakarta, Thursday (10/5). MMA international championship which has entered Indonesia is One Championship. But now, it becomes the Brave Fighting formed by the Prince of Bahrain, Sheikh Khalid bin Hamad Al Khalifa and brings the international fighters to Indonesia. According to plan, the fighters from 15 countries will show their capability in MMA championship held at Sarbini Hall, Jakarta, Friday (11/5). The fighters are coming from the Netherlands, Russia, Jordan, Algeria, Poland, Malaysia, Bahrain, United States, Brazil, United Kingdom, New Zealand, Australia, the Philippines, and Indonesia.