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We will present songs from the East Java region. The song sung by Umar Dhani is unknown who composed it. This song tells about the tradition that is commonly done by Madura community, namely “Kerraben Sape”. Sape or Karapan Sapi or cow racing is a term for the cow racing that originally comes from Madura, East Java. In ancient times, many tourists came to Madura Island to witness the Karapan Sapi which is held annually. In this race, each cow that is contested is ridden by a small jockey to quickly reach the finish line. Another East Java song entitled "Tanduk Majeng" is also the one from Madura people. Tanduk Majeng means the pleasure of fishing. This song tells about the life of Madura people who live as fishermen. Life as a fisherman is very hard because every time, there is always anxiety about danger at sea. Although being dangerous and threatening, Madura fishermen still go to catch fish at sea for their family’s life.


Nyangku traditional ceremony is a tradition which has existed since the Kingdom of Panjalu. Until now, the tradition is still conducted every year by Panjalu people. The Nyangku tradition is carried out on  Monday or Thursday of the month of Maulud (Rabiul Awal) in an Islamic calendar. The aim is to commemorate the birth of Prophet Muhammad S.A.W which falls on the month of Rabiul Awal. Besides, the Nyangku tradition is conducted to commemorate Prabu Sanghyang Borosngora service, the King of Panjalu who was a follower and spreading out Islam teachings in Panjalu. Nyangku comes from Arabic language, ‘Yanko’ meaning to clean. But, Sundanese people pronounce the word of ‘Yanko’ becoming ‘Nyangku’. The point of the tradition is to clean heirloom objects which belonged to Panjalu kingdom. In the past, the family of Panjalu descent provided ingredients for Nyangku ceremony, such as red rice which must be peeled by hand. The red rice was used as ingredient to make Tumpeng and offerings. Tumpeng is a cone-shaped rice dish with additional dishes of vegetables and meat. To peel un-hulled red rice has been begun since the date of 1st Maulud until one day before the implementation of the ceremony. Nyangku ritual stars by making pilgrimage to the king cemetery at Situ Lengkong, Panjalu. The ceremony usually starts at around 07.30 A.M. local time by putting out the heirloom objects from place, namely Bumi Alit. Afterwards, the heirloom objects are carried by being picked up by the descent of Panjalu king to Nusa Gede. Arriving at Situ Lengkong, the carriers of the heirloom objects which wear Moeslim and Sundanese clothes, cross by boat to Nusa Larang. Then, the heirloom objects are paraded to small building at Nusa Larang. The carriers of the heirloom objects are accompanied with tambourines rhythm and Shalawat or prayers to the main stage where the ceremony is held to clean the heirloom objects. Thus, the heirloom objects are put on special mattress. And one by one, the heirloom objects begin to be opened from its wrapping. Then, they are cleaned immediately by using water from 7 springs and added with lime water. Washing the heirloom objects starts from Prabu Sanghyang Borosngora sword. After that, it is continued with the others. After finish, those heirloom objects are smeared with special coconut oil. And then, they are wrapped again with young coconut leaves and wrapped again with 7 layers of white clothes and tied with thread. Afterwards, it is dried by using smoke of frankincense and being paraded to be stored again at Pasucian Bumi Alit.


Vidi Aldiano

Published in Music

We will present some popular songs from Vidi Aldiano. The song "Tak Sejalan" was the latest single released by Vidi Aldiano in early April 2018. The song tells the story about the man who wish to be in love with the beloved girl. However, he is dissapointed because the girl has already choose another one. "Tak Sejalan" is one of the songs made by Vidi Aldiano when he was on vacation in the United States. The song "Tak Sejalan" was taken from the experience of watching a musical performance in Broadway which, according to Vidi Aldiano managed to touch the audience. So, Vidi wanted to make similar music through the song "Tak Sejalan". The song entitled Definisi Bahagia was inspired by the people closest to Vidi Aldiano such as friends, family, and producers. The song "Definisi Bahagia" by Vidi Aldiano was released in two versions. The first version is cheerful and full of dynamic nuances. While, the second version re-arranged with Andi Rianto has solemn nuance. In the Indonesian entertainment industry, Vidi Aldiano has undergone various changes, both in terms of music and appearance. Not only play in front of the screen as a singer and actor, Vidi Aldiano was also ventured to be a music producer. Through his record label VA Records, Vidi Aldiano wants to realize his dream of becoming a businessman. However, Vidi will not stop entertaining especially his fans and the whole Indonesian music lovers.


A lesson in Bahasa Indonesia or the Indonesian language on the radio, which introduces   some Indonesian vocabulary and guides you to use them in a conversation. The segment of Let's Speak Indonesia is a cooperation of RRI World Service Voice Of Indonesia, with the Language Development Agency, the Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture. Today’s topic is "Alamat Rumah" or in English, “Home Address”.

Next is a conversation about "Alamat Rumah" or in English ‘Home Address’. As usual I’ll say every sentence slowly, twice, and you can follow after me. The conversation is betweenJoko, and Tony. They are in an area of Prambanan Temple. Tony wants to go to Joko’s house and he asks for Joko’s address. Let’s follow the conversation.

Conversation :

Tony         : Alamat rumahmu ?

Joko         : Garuda Nomor 5, Sleman

Tony         : Aku ke sana

Joko         : Tunggu, Ya .

After the conversation, now I’ll introduce some expressions related to the topic today. I’ll say each word slowly, and twice and you can follow after me.



Your house

Di mana alamat rumahmu


Where is your home address

Jl. Garuda nomor  5


Jl. Garuda number 5

Besok aku ke sana


Tomorrow I will be there

Aku Tunggu, ya


Ok, I’ll wait for you


To know someone’s address, you can say “di mana alamat rumahmu?” If you want to know the office address of your friend, you can say “di mana alamat kantormu?” . To answer the question you can say “Jalan Garuda Nomor 5, Sleman”. Or a complete answer “Alamat rumah saya di jalan Aster Nomor 2, Senayan, Jakarta”.

After the conversation, now I’ll introduce some expressions related to the topic today. I’ll say each word slowly, twice and you can follow after me.

Tony :

Dimana kamu tinggal?


Where do you live?

Joko :

Di Yogyakarta


In Yogyakarta

Tony :

Dimana alamat rumahmu


Where is your home address

Joko :

Jln Garuda nomor 5, Sleman



Garuda street number 5, Sleman Yogyakarta

In the dialog, you listened the word “rumahmu”.   “mu” is a possessive pronoun and shortening of the word “kamu”. The word “rumahmu” means “rumah kamu” or your house. Likewise the word “ku”. “ku” is a possessive and shortening of the word “aku”. “rumahku is the same with “rumah aku” or “rumah saya”, in English “my house”. To know more about it, you can learn the use of possessive pronoun in Bahasa Indonesia.

Listener before we end today’s Let’s Speak Bahasa Indonesia, for your listening clearly, let’s follow again the conversation.

Conversation : (recorded/master)

Tony                 :  Dimana alamat rumahmu ?

Joko                 :  Garuda Nomor 5, Sleman

Tony                 : Besok aku ke sana

Joko                 : tunggu, Ya .

As an exercise, please send us your voice recording in Indonesian language to our email address at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. There will be interesting prizes for the selected senders. Pleasedescribe a tourist spot in your country by mentioning the country’s name, the name of the tourism object, the location and the weather in that place. Please convey more information if any.

For example : 

Selamat pagi, negara saya Indonesia, memiliki tempat wisata Candi Prambanan yang terletak di kota Yogyakarta. Cuaca sekitar candi Prambanan panas. Gudeg adalah Makanan khas Yogyakarta.



Your house

Di mana alamat rumahmu


Where is your home address

Jl. Garuda nomor  5


Jl. Garuda number 5

Besok aku ke sana


Tomorrow I will be there

Aku Tunggu, ya


Ok, I’ll wait for you