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The Ministry of Trade held an export-import training for Afghan businessmen in Kabul, Afghanistan. The "Training on Export-Import Procedure" takes place from May 7 to 9 2018. The Ministry of Trade hoped that the training will contribute to improve trade relations and trade balance of Indonesia-Afghanistan in the future. Indonesian Export and Export Training Center, Directorate General of National Export Development of the Ministry of Trade held the training as a capacity building program, in synergy with the Indonesian Embassy in Kabul.The training encourages Afghan businessmen to hold cooperation with Indonesian businessmen. The training materials focused on improving Indonesia-Afghanistan trade balance through export and import activities. In addition, the training also provides knowledge about international trade to entrepreneurs. It was said by the Director General of National Export Development, Arlinda, on separate occasions in Jakarta on Monday (7/5).The import-export training in Afghanistan is a follow-up visit by President Joko Widodo to Afghanistan last January to boost economic and trade cooperation between the two countries. The training is also a form of support of the Indonesian President in an effort to bring peace to the people of Afghanistan. About 30 participants follow the training. The participants consist of Afghan businessmen who want to implement import-export activities with Indonesia, and officials of Afghan government agencies. The export-import training is also one of Indonesia's ways to increase export to non-traditional export destination countries. Indonesia's export value to Afghanistan in 2017 was recorded at 20.2 million US dollars. While the value of Indonesian imports from Afghanistan in 2017 was recorded at 29 thousand US dollars. Arlinda moreover said, Indonesian entrepreneurs have a great opportunity to increase exports to Afghanistan, so as to encourage greater economic growth. It can be seen from hundreds of Afghan buyers who visited the Trade Expo Indonesia in 2017. The Afghan buyer's visit resulted trade transactions amounting to 64 thousand US dollars. The main interesting products including household appliances, wood products, herbal products, paper and paper products. The speakers in the export-import training came from practitioners in the fields of export and import. The materials including introduction of Indonesian and Afghan potential products, an overview of export-import activities, export-import procedures and documents, export-import payment systems, transport procedures and handling of export-import cargoes, international trade provisions, calculations and export pricing, filling export documents, as well as success stories of exporters.


Various kinds of Indonesian arts and cultures were introduced to thousands of Hiroshima people on Hiroshima Flower Festival (HFF) on May 3-5, 2018. Ponorogo regency and South Sumatera Provincial government sent Reog Ponorogo and Kemaro island dance troups to the event. Besides, Nawang Sekar dance from Central Java, Gemufamire from East Nusa Tenggara and Enggan dance from East Kalimantan and Angklung music from West Java were performed by groups of Indonesian Student Association in Hiroshima. Indonesia’s art and culture delegation led by deputy of Indonesian representative in Tokyo, Indonesian consulate general in Osaka and Ponorogo regency, was introduced to Hiroshima people through a parade on May 3rd. The uniqueness and typical form of Indonesian traditional cultures, especially Reog Ponorogo and dances from South Sumatera gained great attention, both during the parade or on the stage. During the event, Indonesia also promoted Asian Games 2018 in Jakarta and Palembang and tourist destination in Palembang, the host of the big sport event in Asia, through exhibition As one of the contingents which will compete in the games, Japan is hoped to be one of the source of foreign tourist during Asian Games 2018 especially in Palembang. Indonesia’s participation in the event is to enliven the commemoration 60th year of Indonesia-Japan (1958-2018) Diplomatic relation.

Indonesian embassy in Tashkent keeps utilizing every chance to promote Indonesia to Uzbekistan people and other foreigners. Currently, the Indonesian embassy participated in the 16th Food Festival which was held by Department of Diplomatic Facility of Uzbekistan Foreign Affairs Ministry. Supported by warm and sunny weather, the festival which is meant to collect charity and took place at UzExpoCenter Tashkent  (5/5) flocked by many visitors. In the event, various kinds of Indonesian typical foods were also introduced to the visitors. The Indonesian ambassador to Uzbekistan, A. A. G. Alit Santhika hoped through culinary and culture promotion, Indonesia was able to attract Uzbekistan people to visit Indonesia, and can socialize the name of Indonesia to local people.

The existence of Indonesian delegation on the 24th International Maritime Pilot's Association (IMPA) has attracted the attention of Dakar port authority to cooperate in maritime sector. Held in Dakar starting from April 23-27 April, the conference attended by 600 participants, maritime professionals as well as experts from various countries in the world, among others Indonesia, Senegal, the Netherlands, Norway, Morocco, Poland and Mexico. Indonesian delegation was led by Capt. Pasoroan Herman Harianja, Chairman of Indonesian Maritime Pilots Association (INAMPA). Indonesian delegation also opened stand to promote MarineM products of PT. Innovez One which attracted the attention of the visitors. MarineM is a mobile application to arrange process and traffic of ships at the port in real time and integrated, beginning from the arrival of the ship until invoiceis issued.The Indonesian embassy in Dakar utilized the visit to reconcile Indonesian delegation with director general of Dakar port authority, Aboubacar S. Beye, to promote MaritimeM product of PT. Innovez One and explainin more detail the potetial of Indonesian maritime, and also to explore the possibility of cooperation in maritime sector. The Indonesian ambassador in Dakar, Mansyur Pangeran, who led the Indonesian delegation with directorate general of authority of Dakar port said that after knowing potential and the improvement of the system of regulation of the entry of vesselsat bigports such as Tanjung Periuk Jakarta and the improvement of maritime pilot education systemin Indonesia, Senegal is interested in the presentation which was delivered by Indonesian delegation in the conference and wanted to explore cooperation in maritime sector and port with Indonesia.


Vladimir Putin officially returned to the Russian presidency after winning the March 18 election. Putin took  his oath  Monday, May 7, 2018 in an event attended by at least 5,000 people  in the Kremlin. Entering his fourth term, Vladirmir Putin reiterated his commitment to answer the country's survey results that show that there is  still a  wide gap  between the  rich and the poor in  the country. His opponents, who held a demonstration against him during his last presidency said that Vladimir Putin ruled Russia as the Tsars or kings in the past. In contrast, supporters, in addition to praising his success in leading Russia, also believe that Vladimir Putin, now 65, will be able to increase Russia's role in the international arena. His victory in recent elections has made Vladimir Putin hold the post of Russian President for the fourth time. Despite a one-time absence, Vladimir Putin has been in Russia’s top position  for the last 18 years. Putin served as Russia's President first in 2000 and was elected for the second time in 2004.Because the law prohibits a president from serving more than two consecutive terms, in 2008 Putin resigned. He then became prime minister under President Dmitry Medvedev. After serving as Prime Minister, Putin ran again for President, and was elected in the 2012 elections. He  was in office  until 2018 when  he was re-elected with 76 percent votes in elections. For Putin’s  success in becoming the president for the fourth time, US President Donald Trump, reportedly has congratulated him. Despite his  winning 76 percent of the votes, some Russian people showed opposition to Putin by demonstrating at least in 19 cities. Police have arrested at least 1000 protesters ahead of the  inauguration. Whether the hopes and optimism of most Russian citizens will be realized, or the concerns of those  who oppose him  will  become a reality, only  time will show.


Indonesia encourages the revitalization of the World's Wasatiyyat (moderate)Islam Axis. The statement was made by President Joko Widodo in his speech at the opening ceremony of High Level Consultation of World Muslim Scholars on Wasatiyyat(moderate) Islam held at the Bogor Presidential Palace on Tuesday (1/5). As adherents of a religion that is a blessing to the whole universe, the President said Muslims should be role models in developing peace and unity, and the driving force of world progress. According to the President, now there has been a lot of progress in Muslim countries. Economic, political as well as science and technology developments in Muslim countries, are growing rapidly and no less than in other parts of the world. On the other hand, there is also a disturbing development in various parts of the world. The rapidly expanding communication technology, the widespread use of social media, have brought significant social implications. Therefore, Indonesia welcomes the strengthening spirit of moderation in the great movement in the Islamic world. According to the President, this high-level consultation forum can be a place to share experiences in tasamuh or developing tolerance. In addition to sharing experiences, the President added, the Islamic Wasatiyyat movement should become a worldwide joint movement that can inspire leaders, ulama, youth and Muslims in general to stay firm on the path of moderation of Islam. The President also said the involvement of the ulama became very important because the scholars are the heirs of the Prophets and the exemplary torch for the ummah. If the clerics unite to immerse moderation of Islam then the President is optimistic that the World's Wasatiyyat (moderate) Islam Axis will become the mainstream that will give hope for the birth of a world that is peaceful, safe, prosperous and just. And it will become an Islamic movement to bring about social justice. At the beginning of his speech, the President introduced Indonesia as a diverse country but still lives in harmony. He said, the diversity is a gift from Allah SWT tht must be maintained. It is the source of power that makes Indonesia a strong nation. The opening ceremony was attended by Al-Azhar Grand Sheikh Prof. Dr. Ahmad Muhammad Ath-Thayeb, 100 prominent scholars and Muslim scholars from Indonesia and the world and ambassadors of Islamic countries in Indonesia.Meanwhile, Iranian Vice President for Women and Household Affairs Massoumeh Ebtekar said that her meeting with President Joko Widodo at the Bogor Presidential Palace on Tuesday morning discussed the steps of developing cooperation between Iran and Indonesia. During the meeting, they discussed the development of economic cooperation between the two countries in recent years. Currently, Massoumeh Ebtekar explained, Iran has many opportunities that can be utilized by investors from Indonesia to invest in Iran. Related cooperation in the field of women's development, Massoumeh Ebtekar explained, that Indonesia and Iran have different experiences in that regard. Both countries can share the experience, so that women's development will be directed to socio-economic development.