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President Joko Widodo wants Muslim fashion to dominate the world market, remembering the current economic value reaches Rp54 trillion. When receiving 28 Muslim Fashion Community at the Presidential Palace in Bogor, West Java on  last Thursday (26/4), President Joko Widodo wants the sales value of Indonesian Muslim fashion to be increased, especially for overseas markets. President Joko Widodo also said that to make this come true, he has asked the related ministers to provide a forum in a bid to introduce Indonesian Muslim fashion in other countries. He also affirmed that there is  a great opportunity for Indonesian Moslem fashion to dominate the world market. Besides, Indonesia has the largest Muslim population in the world. But there must be good cooperation among designers, Moslem fashion entrepreneurs, and the government. President also remarked that to support the development of the Muslim fashion industry, the government plans to provide more funds for this industry. He hopes that in the near future, there will be talks between the government and Muslim fashion businesspeople in a bid to open the domestic market and export. The President believes cooperation between the government and Muslim fashion can encourage Muslims to enter the world market. Meanwhile, National Chairman of Indonesian Fashion Chamber (IFC), Ali Charisma, who is also a fashion designer, said that Indonesia has great potential to dominate the world’s Muslim fashion market. However, to encourage the expansion of Muslim clothing market markets abroad, the government also needs to provide better-quality raw materials. After meeting President Joko Widodo at the Presidential Palace in Bogor, West Java on last Thursday (26/4), Ali Charisma also remarked that what is needed is the adjustment of Indonesian products to the world’s standards, including the stylishness. He perceived that the export of Indonesian Muslim fashion products will adapt to the stylishness of local communities and the season in every country. The expansion of Indonesian Muslim fashion market share is also inseparable from government support. Secretary General of the National Craft Council, Euis Saedah also expressed the same statement. He said that the growth of Muslim fashion in Indonesia increases every year. He also explained that the average growth of the fashion industry reaches more than 10 percent per year. One indicator is the growing number of Muslim fashion industry players who market their products through various exhibitions.


Heads of states and governments of ASEAN member countries have just met in the 32nd ASEAN Summit in Singapore on April 28, 2018. The theme of the Summit was "Resilient and Innovative ASEAN”. Minister of Foreign Affairs, Retno Marsudi expressed that Indonesia was satisfied with the positive results agreed at the 32nd ASEAN Summit. In addition, Indonesia also welcomed the initiative of ASEAN Smart Cities Network. Each country proposes a maximum of three cities to become part of the ASEAN Smart Cities Network's cooperation. In the plenary session, President Joko Widodo said that he viewed the initiative as very good one. The urban problem is very complex and the ASEAN Smart Cities Network is one of the answers to the challenge by building a sustainable and inclusive city with the support of technology and innovation. It’s natural for Indonesia to support this smart city network proposal. Because, Indonesia is currently developing the Movement towards 100 Smart Cities in 2018. The President includes three cities in Indonesia in the network of ASEAN Smart Cities Network, namely Jakarta, Banyuwangi and Makassar. Banyuwangi and Makassar are considered to have fulfilled six smart city indicators in Indonesia, namely Smart Living, Smart Environment, Smart Mobility, Smart Governance, Smart Economy, and Smart People. Indonesia, especially Jakarta, Banyuwangi and Makassar should make use this ASEAN smart city network. Because it will open big opportunities for small and medium enterprises to further develop and find new markets. In turn, this will improve the welfare of Indonesian people. It is hoped that the presence of this ASEAN smart city network will also increase collective security against common threats, trans-boundary threats such as terrorism, transnational crime and cyber-crime. May ASEAN Smart Cities Network be the answer to the challenges of building an innovative and resilient ASEAN community.


Director General of National Export Development at the Trade Ministry, Arlinda said that the trade mission of the Trade Ministry to Bangladesh achieved total transaction and potential transaction amounting $279.19 million dollars. Trade mission to Bangladesh, which was held starting from April 26 until 28, 2018 in Dhaka, was implemented on cooperation between the Trade Ministry and the Indonesian Embassy in Dhaka. The event was one of the government’s efforts in increasing Indonesia’s export reaching 11%. In addition, it was also the follow-up of the visit of President Joko Widodo in January 2018 when meeting Prime Minister of Bangladesh, Sheikh Hasina and President of Bangladesh, Abdul Hamid in a bid to boost economic cooperation and bilateral trade. The Indonesian trade mission was conducted by holding business forum, business matching, and Indonesia Fair exhibition in Dhaka. In the event, the Trade Ministry brought in 93 businesspeople from 43 companies. Arlinda also said that the success of the trade mission in Bangladesh proved that Bangladesh is potential trade partnership for Indonesia so that the market of Bangladesh needs to be improved more seriously, especially in transportation industry (train, automotive, and spare parts); the main commodities such as palm oil, spices and tea, and other manufacture products, such as foods and beverages, fashion, and furniture. 

Indonesia, Malaysia, and Thailand are committed to focusing on boosting economic growth through increased connectivity and infrastructure cooperation in the border areas. The agreement was discussed on the 11th Summit of the Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand –Growth Triangle (IMT-GT) on Saturday (28/4) in Singapore. In the meeting, Minister of Trade, Enggartiasto Lukita was present at the meeting to accompany President Joko Widodo. Minister Enggartiasto Lukita also stated that the Indonesian President’s message which asserted that the member countries must play an active role and give real contribution in increasing trade in the IMT-GT. IMT-GT is sub-regional cooperation among Indonesia, Malaysia, and Thailand in the economic sector which involves 10 provinces in Sumatra, 8 provinces in Malaysia, and 14 provinces in Thailand. The cooperation is expected to play a major role in increasing economy in the region and to contribute economic growth all of the regions of the three countries, even ASEAN as whole.

The performance was part of Friday Tonic and Concrete Dreams Weekend series. Friday Tonic was a series of musical performance which was conducted on Friday evening. Meanwhile,  Concrete Dreams Weekend held on April 27-29 was conducted to celebrate the history of Queen Elizabeth Hall infrastructure in 1960s. 30 years ago, the government of Indonesia gave a set of Gamelan to British people as a sign of friendship. The Gamelan has been stored at  Southbank Centre until now. The Gamelan performance was conducted to celebrate 30th anniversary since the Gamelan was stored at Southbank Centre, and to celebrate the re-opening of Queen Elizabeth Hall which was for the last two-year closed to be renovated. Meanwhile, dances, which colored the performance at the evening, were attended by dance group -Lila Bhawa Iindonesia Dance UK.


Papua is an expanse of tropical rainforest and it consists of steep valleys and high mountains. Even, most mountains are covered with snow. Among the valleys, there is a mysterious and enchanting cave. The cave is called ‘Lokale’. Lokale cave is located at Woslimo village, Baliem valley, Jayawijaya regency, Papua. It was opened for the first time in 1992. It is believed to be the longest cave in the world, because until now the tip of the cave is not found, yet. The farthest trip in the cave just reaches 3 kilometers. Because of the long cave, many academicians predict that the cave can reach Jayapura region.  Although the tip of the Lokale cave is unknown, the cave is not a horrific place. Pleasure impression will be easy to get when someone enters the cave. One of the things which makes the cave delightful is that there are some points on the wall of the cave which has hollow, produces melodious sound when knocking. With soft knocking, sound will be heard. The sound produces irregular tones and can form unique musical composition. Besides, inside the cave, it is very dark. When entering the cave, it is suggested to bring flashlight or torch. Lokale cave has a distance around 25 kilometers from Wamena city. The access to the cave is quite easy because the road has been paved. The cave can be accessed by using two or four motor vehicles. It is located on the edge of the road axis of the regency. So, you do not need to walk far or climb to reach the cave. Its strategic place makes the cave good attraction for family.