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London is interested to invest in infrastructure in Indonesia. Mayor of London as special region which includes London financial region, Charles Bowman said that his office wants to increase further cooperation in finance, especially infrastructure finance. The World Bank mentioned that Indonesia still lacks of finance amounting to $1.5 trillion dollars for infrastructure development. Mayor Charles Bowman will visit Indonesia and Singapore this week to increase cooperation. He is planned to open trade at Indonesia’s stock exchange before doing a series of meetings with officials of the Indonesian’s finance to promote London as one of financial centers which sales obligation is with rupiah denomination with the name ‘Komodo Bond’. Mayor Charles Bowman also said that there are a lot of infrastructure projects offered by Indonesia such as transportation and  energy.

Chinese Prime Minister, Li Keqiang welcomed friendship cooperation with Indonesia and ASEAN. This was stated in his statement in a signing article on Saturday (5/5) entitled “Starting new trip of China-Indonesia” friendship cooperation”, which was published by The Jakarta Post. PM Li said that Beijing will support Indonesia in developing corridor of regional economy, increasing infrastructure and industrial development and making marine relations of the two countries stronger. In addition, China also will cooperate with ASEAN to develop joint vision in a bid to connect Beijing-ASEAN. PM Li Keqiang is also scheduled to meet Indonesian President Joko Widodo on Monday (7/5) in his state visit to Indonesia on May 6-8, 2018. Prime Minister Li’s visit to Indonesia is his first visit to overseas since he serves as Chinese prime minister.

Indonesia and Senegal explore cooperation in maritime sector after the two countries met on the 24th International Maritime Pilot's Association (IMPA) in Senegal. The existence of the Indonesian delegation in the conference in  Dakar, Senegal on April 23-27, 2018 has attracted attention of the authority of Dakar port to establish cooperation in the maritime sector.


Tuti Maryati

Published in Music


We present Keroncong songs by Tuti Maryati.  The singer who was born in Makassar, South Sulawesi on October 8, 1956, also known as Tuti Tri Sedya. The song entitled “RAYUAN PULAU KELAPA” composed by Ismail Marzuki tells about the beauty of Indonesia. The islands with coconut trees become an idol of the people all the time. This song is one of the national heroic songs of Indonesia.Tuti Tri Sedya spent her teenage years in Bandung, West Java. After that she continued his education to ASMI Jakarta, then continued her study at the Faculty of Law UPN Veteran University, Jakarta. During her education, Tuti achieved a number of achievements. In 1975, she was elected in the 'Indonesia-Canada World Youth Exchange Program'. In her singing career, Tuti’s name began to be known since she won the first title of Radio and Television Singing Contest, Bintang Radio Televisi (BRTV) in 1986 in keroncong category. Previously she also won the first winner in the competition of keroncong Kotama TNI-Navy Jakarta II and won second place in 1983. Tuti said, she never learned to sing keroncong and only learn from hearing Waldjinah and Sundari Soekotjo. Tuti was dedicated as an official singer of the State Palace in 1988, who was usually dedicated to sing in front of the State guests. Tuti also served as the host, singer and coordinator of the event in 'Gebyar Keroncong', broadcasted on the national television station TVRI. Together with group of Indonesian arts, she went around various countries for several times. Tuti also founded Warung Keroncong Gaul (WKG) which became a gathering place for keroncong lovers, and became a forum for young keroncong singers to exercise their voice’s ability. The studio has found several young keroncong singers who have entered the recording music, for example Sriyono, a golden-voiced blind singer. During her singing career in the music industry, Tuti has released more than 15 keroncong albums, both old keroncong songs and new keroncong songs.


To increase national investment, President Joko Widodo asked all cabinet officials to expand the export market to non-traditional countries. The request was affirmed by President Joko Widodo in a limited meeting on the topic ‘Enhancing cooperation between Indonesia and South Pacific Region countries’ at the Presidential Office in Jakarta on Friday (4/5). President Joko Widodo wants Indonesia to strengthen its trade relations with countries in the South Pacific Ocean region. This is one of the efforts to open the export market of Indonesian products. He views that Indonesia is in a very strategic position. This should be able to be utilized to improve diplomatic and economic relations with other countries, especially those close to Indonesia. The President also reminded that Indonesia lies at a very strategic location between two continents and two oceans, Indian Ocean and Pacific Ocean. This condition should shape the direction of Indonesia's foreign policy and economy and be used for the national interest. Especially for countries in the Indian Ocean region, President Joko Widodo has formed a cooperation forum called ‘Indian Ocean Rim Association’ -IORA. But for the Pacific Ocean region, especially the South Pacific, there needs to be initiation to improve cooperation in the region. He is convinced that countries in the South Pacific region such as Nauru, Vanuatu, Fiji, Solomon Island, Samoa, and Tonga are open to cooperating with Indonesia in various fields, such as inter-community, culture, education of scholarship assistance, investment and trade. The leading products of Indonesian manufacturing industry which are ready to be offered include fishery products and services. Trade relations with Western Pacific countries could be the acceleration corridor of eastern Indonesia. The key is to strengthen connectivity, both cultural and economic connectivity. In addition, there must be smooth connectivity of Indonesia's transport system with countries in the South Pacific Region.


The government of Magelang city, Central Java province promoted various local tourism objects through fun bike event which was participated in by around 7 thousand people on Sunday. The event was to celebrate the 1112th anniversary of Magelang city. Head of the committee of the event, Suryantoro said that the participants of fun bike which were local people and outsiders of the region, took distance around 16 kilometer. Fun bike aimed at promoting sport and Magelang tourism. Suryantoro also said that the participants rode through various tourism objects in the city. Besides that, the participants also enjoyed the beauty, neatness, and cleanliness of Magelang city which is also well known as the city of a million flowers. Meanwhile, Magelang mayor, Sigit Widyonindito appreciated the event. On the occasion, the mayor along with his staffs also participated in the event.

The provincial government of Yoyakarta encouraged all local businessmen of micro, small and medium enterprises to go online in order to be able to compete at global market. Head of micro, small and medium enterprises sector of Cooperative office and micro, small and medium enterprises of Yogyakarta, Agus Mulyono said in Yogyakarta on Sunday that by `go online`, he believed sales trend of the micro, small and medium enterprises will be more easy to increase. Agus also said that "Go Online" campaign will keep being intensified to the businessmen to market the product by "online". Agus valued that market by online is more effective to reach and to attract than the traditional one. Moreover, in the digital era, currently most of the businessmen in other countries also use digital technology to market the products.

The government of Kendari city, in Southeast Sulawesi province held cultural carnival of the archipelago which was participated in by 23 ethnics of the city on Saturday. The carnival was an event to celebrate the 187th Kendari anniversary. Acting mayor of Kendari, Sulkarnain, appreciated the participation of all ethnics and groups in the city. That showed that Kendari is Indonesian miniature. The mayor also said that Kendari is occupied by multi ethnics and hoped that with the anniversary commemoration all people feel comfortable and all representatives of the ethnics introduced their cultures. Sulkarnain was amazed by the ethnics from outside of Southeast Sulawesi province which participated in the event and showed attractions of their regional cultures. The ethnics which performed at the event, were among others the big ethnics in Southeast Sulawesi such as Tolaki, Buton, Muna, Moronene, Wakatobi, and the ethnics from Java, East Nusa Tenggara, Sumatera, Kalimantan, Bali, South Sulawesi and many other ethnics.