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The ancestors of Indonesia were excellent sailors. Not surprisingly, Indonesia is the largest archipelagic country with the second longest coastline in the world. It is a maritime country or a country surrounded by oceans. Approximately, two-third (2/3) of Indonesia's territory is sea. With such a large and wide coverage, of course Indonesia's sea deposits biodiversity of marine natural resources both biological and non-biological resources with high value. In addition, the Indonesian sea also has much potential that can be utilized. Take for example; there are marine tourism and renewable and non-renewable sources, such as oil and gas, rare minerals and the sea can also be used as an inter-island transportation that is very economical. Historically, Indonesian nation is characterized by maritime history that starts from the western region to the central and eastern archipelago. Long before independence, Indonesia was already known to the world as a nation that has advanced in maritime civilization. The history records that Indonesian seafarers have sailed away by the outrigger ships. By using a simple navigational tool, they were able to sail north, then west to cut the Indian Ocean up to Madagascar and continue east to Easter Island. But the maritime spirit became faded when Indonesia experienced colonization by the Dutch colonial government. Lifestyle and orientation of the nation were "changed" from maritime to agrarian orientation. To revive Indonesia's maritime culture, Indonesian National Navy -TNI AL from 4 to 9 May 2018 held ‘Multilateral Naval Exercise Komodo’ -MNEK 2018 in Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara -NTB. This multilateral exercise has been held for the third time, and it was followed by 36 Navies from different parts of the world. The navy exercise featured 15 sophisticated warships from the participating countries along with Indonesia’s 36 Naval Warships, 11 transports and combat aircraft. This exercise was also followed by more than 5,500 troops. As a country with large sea territory, Indonesia should also have a powerful navy with capable and strong personnel and its main weapon system equipment -Alutsista is sophisticated. This multilateral naval exercise is expected to improve the strength of Indonesian Navy. In addition, it is also expected to revive Indonesia's maritime culture y showing to the world that Indonesia was once a maritime country to be reckoned.



Last Sunday (29/4), Japanese Prime Minister, Shinzo Abe started his trip to the Middle East by visiting the United Arab Emirates -UAE. After meeting the officials of the UAE, including the crown prince of Abu Dhabi, PM Shinzo Abe continued his goodwill visit  to Jordan on Monday (30 April). In addition to visiting  the two countries, PM Zhinso Abe's mission was to meet Israeli Prime Minister, Netanyahu, and Palestinian President, Mahmoud Abbas. PM Abe said that his Middle East mission's priority this time is for peace. For Japan, the Middle East region is very important to maintain the continuity of energy supply to Japan. The trips  to the Middle East had been done several times by  PM Zhinso Abe. It should be noted that this was  the  first visit of  a major state’s leader  to Palestine and Israel, after the United States recognized Jerusalem as Israel's capital. To Prime Minister Netanyahu, Prime Minister Abe expressed his interest to increase Japanese investment in Israel. In addition, the two countries agreed to open a Japan-Israel direct flight. PM Netanyahu welcomed Japan's plan to increase Japanese investment in Israel. Before meeting PM Netanyahu, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe met Palestinian President, Mahmoud Abbas in Ramallah, West Bank. If in the  meeting with PM Netanyahu, he discussed the improvement of economic ties. With President Abbas, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe emphasized Japan's plan to keep the current Japanese Embassy Office in Tel Aviv, and not to transfer it to Jerusalem. To President Mahmoud Abbas, Prime Minister Abe expressed Tokyo's support for Palestinian independence within the two-country framework. For PM Abe, the dispute over the status of Jerusalem must be resolved by dialogue between Israel and Palestine. Prime Minister Abe's visit is considered positive in a bid to achieve peace in the Middle East region. Indeed, this region is still turbulent compared to the decline in tension in the Korean Peninsula. Indonesia supports every step taken to bring peace in the Middle East. More specifically, the two-state solution presented by Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is  similar to what Indonesia has been proposing. 


Bogor, once again became a city that marked the beginning of important dialogue among nations. Unlike the dialogue between the disputing parties in Cambodia some time ago, it was not the opposite sides that met in Bogor, but those who wanted a relationship that brought peace among Muslims in the world. Scholars from various countries gathered in Bogor yesterday to discuss steps to realize the concepts of Islam that brings peace. The meeting was opened by President Joko Widodo at Bogor Palace on May 1, titled 'HIGH LEVEL CONSULTATION OF WORLD MUSLIM SCHOLARS ON WASATIYYAT ISLAM'.The meeting was scheduled to last for three days. The attending scholars are from 29 countries including those from the Organization of Islamic Conferences (OIC), France, the United States, Palestine, Saudi Arabia, Russia and Iran. Also present at the conference that runs until tomorrow, are clerics from Syria, a war-torn country, partly devastated by bombs.Indeed, Indonesia’s initiative to hold the Wasatiyah (moderate) Islamic meeting is quite appropriate. There are at least two reasons for that. The first, because Indonesia as a country with the most Muslim population in the  world, has long been known as a relatively peaceful country. This because the majority of Muslims here are always trying to manifest themselves moderately and willing to overcome problems. Secondly, because the role of Indonesian Muslims, in dealing with conflicts in the world, has been proven to be necessary.President Joko Widodo in the opening remarks of the Conference, stated that Indonesia is a country that maintains diversity. Indonesia will continue to foster peace and unity, by prioritizing deliberation, tolerance, and trust, that bring social justice and lasting peace. Muslims must lead and pioneer efforts to create peace as well as the motor of world progress.Hopefully, the conference in Bogor will be able to formulate the position of ulema or scholars and Muslims in general, as middle people who are able to bring peace and solve problems. From Bogor a new hope has emerged on the concrete birth of the Wasatiyah (moderate) Islam. It's about not only on the concept level, but also how to implement it. Of course, this is with Aqidah (creed) based on Al Qur'an and Hadith.


The festival with the theme "New traditional: look good, taste good" is one of the flagships in 100 events of  wonderful tour of Indonesia launched by the Ministry of Tourism. The Aceh Culinary Festival is held for 3 days from 4 - 6 May 2018 at Blangpadang Square, Banda Aceh City. This culinary festival event is one of the efforts and commitments of Aceh Government to support the development of Aceh as Halal Tourism Destination. Aceh Culture and Tourism Office says that more than 100 culinary businesspeople, observers, and community lovers participate in the annual activity to preserve the culinary culture of Aceh. The participants will create innovative menus that combine Aceh's taste with the various culinary elements of the world. A number of famous chefs will show their ability of innovation and creation in cultivating a typical Aceh culinary into a dish that has a more premium appearance with the concept of fine dining. In addition to traditional Acehnese menus, this festival also pays special attention to the fusion food of Aceh with various culinary from all over the world. 36 tenants will offer innovative Aceh menu in the Fusion Food Market zone where it is the largest capacity in Aceh Culinary Festival this year. In this zone, the visitors can enjoy a variety of taste innovations such as Leughok cheese, Pie asoe kaya, kimbap sunti, roti/bread canai kuah/sauce, Pliek U, fried rice, coffee, smoothie bowl pisang/banana thok, sushi engkot tumeh, klapertart boh nipah, and various culinary delights. In addition, there are 30 typical tenants of Aceh in the Aceh Traditional Market Zone; 12 of them serve typical snacks in the Archipelago Delight Zone; 12 tenants of coffee, chocolate and fresh drinks, 10 tenants of hawker, and 12 tenants of  association hobby community and culinary observers. This three-day festival will be more cheerfully colored with the performance of various Acehnese art performances, talented Indonesian singers and songwriters and Fusion Ethnic music group whose work has reached the Java Jazz stage. The Festival of Culinary of Aceh 2018 is expected to be a catalyst in the culinary industry in Aceh so that the richness of local flavor can be a major host in its own region. This refers to the rapid development of culinary trends dominated by international food.