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Indonesia is well- known with its culinary which is delicious and rich of taste. Without the exception in North Sumatera, there is Batak typical food, called ‘Arsik’ which is very delicious and arousing appetite. Arsik is Batak typical food which is very delicious because the food is rich of various kinds of ingredients. Another name of the food whose raw stuff is golden fish is called ‘Na Niarsik’. The name is taken based on cooking process. Na Niarsik means its cooking process by dimarsik or being dried. So, the fish is cooked continuouslyuntil its sauce dries and its ingredients are absorbed into the fish. Arsik is very important in Batak tradition. According to people’s belief, fish which is cooked wholly is a symbol of the unity of human life. Thus, Arsik is a very common dessert because it is closely related to the indigenous philosophy of the Batak community. In certain traditional ceremony, there is special way in serving Arsik. Besides, the fish must be intact from head until tail; its scales cannot be thrown away. Besides, the position of the fish head to be served is facing to someone who receives it. The number which is given must be odd such as one, three, five and seven. One fish is given to new brides. Three fishes are for a pair of wife-husband who has kid. Meanwhile, five fishes are for a couple or old people who have grandchildren and seven fishes are for the leader of Batak people. The number of Arsik, which is given in variety, has a meaning in it. Take for example; three fishes are given to a pair of husband and wife who have kid. It is to symbolize that their family’s member has added one person.  One for father, one for mother and another is for kid who was just born.  Meanwhile, for a couple who just married, the number of fish which is given by the parent of the girl is only one because it is to symbolize that the two persons, who got married, have become one.


Earth Day, which is celebrated every April 22nd, aims to raise awareness and human appreciation of the planet, Earth. Its history dates from 1970. At that time, many environmental issues surrounded American soil, as well as student movements against the war. Environmental issues and student movements inspired Senator Gaylord Nelson who announced the idea of ​​national environmental education in the mass media.Hearing the idea of ​​Senator Nelson, on April 22, 1970, about 20 million Americans took to the streets, parks and auditoriums, demanding a healthy and sustainable environment. Who would have thought, all parties showed strong support and gave birth to the Department of Environmental Protection in the United States as well as some laws related to the environment.Earth Day has long become a global annual warning. The general public and stakeholders are requested to again show their support for a sustainable environment. Religious leaders are also invited to protect the creations of God, namely, the living, the environment, and the planet Earth.Earth Day is celebrated every year in various ways. Some groups chose to take peaceful action to again demand more environmentally friendly policies and to raise public awareness of the importance of protecting the Earth. Some prefer to take direct action, such as cleaning the environment, planting trees, and making bio-poreus. Earth Day 2018 theme set by Earth Day Network is "Stop Plastic Pollution". The anti- plastic waste campaign again reminds of the dangers of plastics to the environment. Moreover, according to Earth Day Network reports, of the 9.1 billion tonnes of plastics produced, only nine percent are recycled. Meanwhile, the remainder is dumped on the ground. Earth Day Network estimates that about 13.2 billion tons of plastic waste will be dumped on the ground by 2050. In the same report, Indonesia is named as the 2nd largest country that does not treat plastic waste well.Thus, any individual is invited to perform five "R" ie "reduce" or, "refuse", "reuse", "recycle" and "remove plastic usage. In addition, individuals are also invited to record and calculate the use of various plastic products throughout the year. In Indonesia, the 2018 Earth Day celebration has been prepared since January. The Ministry of Environment and Forestry launched the Three Months Clean Trash (TBBS) program. It is run through a circular of the Minister of Environment and Forestry sent to regional heads. From 21 January to 21 April, local governments have been instructed to increase waste management.In addition to the government, various organizations and groups in Indonesia also have their own way to celebrate Earth Day. Wahana Lingkungan Indonesia (Walhi) chose North Sumatera Province with a series of events such as the Earth Day Carnival and also a dialogue about the environment. University of Surabaya students also made a map of Indonesia from hundreds of bottle caps of mineral water. Music concerts were presented in various regions in order to commemorate Earth Day.


Directorate General of National Export Development of Trade Ministry continues to strengthen penetration of non-traditional market to South Asia. One of them is through the event of Bangladesh mission trade which will be implemented on April 26-28, 2018. Director General of National Export Development, Arlinda said in Jakarta on Friday (20/4) that Bangladesh is non-traditional market which is very potential for Indonesia’s export. In the mission, the Trade Ministry will carry out a number of big companies from various sectors such as palm oil, fashion, food and beverage, automotive, a state-owned enterprise, service, furniture, and regional institution. Until now, a number of 46 companies have made sure to participate in and the delegations are as many as 96 participants. The entrepreneurs have established trade communication with 122 buyers of Bangladesh, consisting of 103 importer companies and19 delegation of Bangladesh chamber of commerce. Directorate General of National Export Development also has scheduled important meetings of the entrepreneurs of the two countries in a number of events, such as Business Forum and Business Matching and the visit of palm oil importers. The event of the mission will be synergized with Indonesia Fair 2018 which is initiated by the Indonesian embassy in Dhaka.

On April 20 and 21, 80 wastra  or Indonesian clothes were exhibited at Indonesian Embassy in London. The event with the theme ‘Nusawastra Silang Budaya’: Indonesian Textiles at the Crossroads of Culture, displayed not only wastra or Indonesian clothes collections from various regions of the archipelago, but also book of  Nusawastra Silang Budaya: Indonesian Textiles at the Crossroads of Culture in English edition, discussion around Indonesia’s wastra, and workshop of batik. Indonesian Ambassador to United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland, Dr. Rizal Sukma expressed his appreciation on cooperation between the Indonesian embassy and the Nusawastra team in implementing the event. According to Rizal, Indonesia’s wastra is one of the promotions of Indonesian culture which is effective. Batik of Tiga Negeri, Batik Kompeni, Palembang Songket and Iban clothes amazed the visitors which were enthusiastic. Ambassador Rizal Sukma was happy because many British citizens were also collectors of Indonesia’s wastra. Opening of the event was attended by many British citizens which are collectors of Indonesia’s wastra, observers and lovers of wastra, and batik craftsmen in United Kingdom.

Film entitled “Marlina si Pembunuh dalam Empat Babak'' directed by Mouly Surya became opening film in MOOOV Film Festival which was held in 8 cities in Belgium. The festival was held in Concertgebow Brugge on Wednesday (18/4). 1,000 people who are from Brugge  or surrounding cities attended the theater. The audiences enjoyed every scene of the film which consisted of 4 phases. The film tells about a widow from Sumba, East Nusa Tenggara –NTT with the name Marlina who tells about her struggle to fight unfairly. At night, the festival was officially opened by Mayor Brugge, Renaat Landuyt, Deputy Head of representative of the Indonesian embassy in Brussel, Dupito D. Simamora, and Film Director Marlina, Mouly Surya. At the festival, the Indonesian embassy served Indonesian typical foods. MOOOV Film Festival was held starting from April 17 – 31, 2018 in  Brugge, Genk, Turnhout, Beringen, Dilbeek, Lier, Sint-Niklaas, Roeselare. As an annual event, the festival played more than 70 films in international scale. In every festival, a number of visitors reached more than 40,000 visitors. Film ‘Marlina Pembunuh dalam Empat Babak’ will be played in cinema in Belgium in June 2018.


To cope with the pepper price drop in Bangka Belitung province, currently, warehouse receipt team of the province is conducting a number of efforts in helping farmers to stabilize pepper prices through warehouse receipt program. The breakthrough program of the regional government of Bangka Belitung to stabilize the pepper prices, continues to be introduced among the people especially the pepper farmers who still do not know the program. Spices council of Bangka Belitung, Irman said in Bangka Belitung on Sunday (22/4/2018) that in warehouse receipt, the farmers can entrusted their pepper at the warehouse and the farmers get receipt in return. The receipt can be used to take money at the banks which have cooperation with the team with the amount 75 percent of the pepper which is entrusted. Later, if the pepper prices at the market have stabilized, the farmers can sell their goods in accordance to the market price.

The Words ‘art’ and ‘culture’ are two words that cannot be separated. Because currently art has typical culture and vice versa, every culture has priceless art. This was stated by chairman of selection independent commission of Central Aceh, Marwansyah in his speech at Art and Culture event in the art building of Takengon on Saturday (21/4). Marwansyah at front of leaders of political parties of 2019 general election participants who attended the event, said that diversity of the culture in Indonesia could strengthen brotherhood in the diversity of people, because art and culture is universal and comprehensive in relation to aesthetics. Marwansyah said, the wealth of art and culture could therefore become media to achieve the ideals of national unity.

Governor of Aceh, Irwandi Yusuf and Deputy Governor of Aceh, Nova Iriansyah keep monitoring the second day of handling Rohingya refugees in Bireuen on Friday (20/4/2018). On their first day, they arrived in Kuala. Then they instructed head of social office of Aceh, Alhudri and Aceh Disaster Management Agency, T Ahmad Dadek to quickly go to Bireuen on that day. Until the second day, the Governor and Deputy Governor of Aceh kept monitoring their condition at the field. They asked to serve the refugees well. This was stated by acting head of Aceh Disaster Management Agency Ahmad Dadek, on Sunday (22/4). Ahmad Dadek said the aid from the government of Aceh, social office and Aceh Disaster Management Agency, was handed over to deputy regent of Bireuen, Muzakkar A Gani on the first day of the refugees stranded in Aceh. That was Mosaic of the Archipelago.