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Dozens of ornamental boats belonging to fishermen in Pangkajene regency and Pangkep island, South Sulawesi enlivened the ornamental boats competition in Fisherman Festival 2018. Secretary of  Fishery Service at Pangkep regency, Sabrun said that the competition was held on Tuesday (17/4) by Pangkep regional government and fishery service. There are some creteria which must be fulfilled for the boat to become the winner, one of them is that the boat must have complete document. The competition which was held at Maccini Baji fish auction, Labbakang district, was participated in by dozens of boats from villages and hamlets at Liukang Tupabbiring and North Liukang Tupabbiring district. The competition was directly witnessed by regent ofPangkajene and island, and Director General of CapturedFish, Ministry of Marine and Fishery.

To measure the ambient air qualityby using measuring parameters of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide, The Environment and Forestry Office of Bengkulu conducted Technical Guidance for Ambient Air Quality Control by using Passive Sampler methode, which was participated in by representatives of environment and forestry office of regencies and cities throughout BengkuluProvinceMeanwhile, the event was to equate perceptions of stakeholder capabilities of the Environment and Forestry Office, either province or regencies/cities, in monitoring Ambient Air Quality by using passive sampler methodeThis was stated by head of environment and forestry office of Bengkulu, Agus Priambudi, in Bengkulu, on Tuesday (17/4). According to Agus, based on data, index of air quality of Bengkulu Province in 2017 was 92.5, or far from the National intensive care unit -ICU which is recorded 82.For that, it is hoped the environment and forestry office of Bengkulu will maintain decent environment for people. In addition, Agus Priambudi mentioned that there are 4 aspects in measuring ambient air quality, namely transportation, housing, industry and settlement. With those aspects, it will be known what factor which influences the air quality. Agus further said clean Bengkulu is the hope of all parties, especially in welcoming Visit 2020 Wonderful Bengkulu.

Securing and monitoring the Southern borderline of Indonesia and Papua New Guinea becomes the committment of the Indonesian Navy which is on duty at the border of Torasi river.Although, Indonesia and Papua New Guinea border at the area is relatively safe, monitoring of the area, especially borderline of the two countries become special attention. Commander of the Navy XI Fleet, Brigadier GeneralI Ketut Suarya, explained that Navy task at Torasi river is not only to protect stability of the security from threats and disturbances through the sea, but also to help Border Security Task Force of the Indonesian Army,especially Kondo post for borderline checking in the outer regions. This was stated by I Ketut Suarya in Merauke, on Tuesday (17/04). He added that the borderline and its existence must become serious attention, because if borderline of the state is not monitored maximally, it will be easy to be damage or moved by people who are not responsible.


Ministry of Industry keeps trying to introduce the beauty of Indonesian culture in the world through the exhibition of small and medium industry’s products. The exhibition with the theme 'Indonesia Kain Party 2018' is held at Meguro accessorries Museum and Flagship Store Tokyo, Japan in April until July 2018. Director General of Small and Medium Industry, of Industry Ministry, Gati Wibawaningsih said in Jakarta on Sunday (15/4) that the event becomes one of momentums of the 60th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Indonesia and Japan. According to Gati Wibawaningsih, this year, Indonesia Kain Party 2018 raises the theme, Indonesian fashion from traditional until modern. The participation of small and medium industry in the exhibition is hoped to increase export market of Indonesian products in Japan, especially produced by national small and medium industry. In addition, the exhibition also aims to empower Indonesian women, set Indonesia as tourism destination of international people, especially Japan, and develop Indonesian cultural products. In the exhibition which is held through the cooperation of the two governments, the Ministry facilitates 8 small and medium industries of national fashion, namely Wignyo Rahadi who displays woven fabrics with non-machine that produce innovation, such as woven spots, freckles, and broken threads. Various kinds of Wignyo woven are exhibited in the form of clothes, saroong, shawl until ready-made clothing. Furthermore, Boroko Batik exhibits ethnic batik with a natural coloring technique that has a "fish" icon as a characteristic of this cloth.Another industry, namely Batik Pohon shows batik clothes which was made by using natural coloring techniqueswhich is taken from various kinds of trees or plants so that it has friendly environment characteristic. Besides, it uses local content such as alum, limestone to tunjung or rust of iron as a material lock on the fabric. Then, Zie Batik Semarang, which produces batik with coloring technique by using waste and cultivation of natural color-producing plants.The other products which are exhibitedbelongs to GLAM, which produce bags from leather and also batik and weaving with writing technique and stamp as the material of manufacture. Then, Dyah Kuncoro Kumalasari, owner of contemporary batik painting Dyah Kuncoro Handmade using synthetic coloring technique. The last, small and medium industry which participates in the exhibition, is Sofie Design, which has received a number of awards in various events, such as Indonesia Fashion Competition and Bali Fashion Week. According to Gati Wibawaningsih, fashion industry is one of 16 groups of creative industry which is able to contribute on national gross domestic products worth 3.76 percent in 2017. In that period, export of fashion industry reached 13.29 billion US dollars, an increase of 8.7 percent from the previous year.


After having been quite a long time Japan and China’s relationship have not been good due to territorial dispute issues, last Monday (April 16, 2018), Japan welcomes Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi 's visit to Tokyo with an invitation to have warm bilateral relations. Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe conveyed his call amidst a vulnerable security situation in Northeast Asia due to North Korean missile threats. Abe wants cooperation with China to encourage the North Korean ruling regime to stop its nuclear program. The role of the PRC is expected to bring North Korea to the negotiating table with the United States and Japan. Some time ago, North Korean leader Kim Jong Un visited Beijing and met with President Xi Jin Ping. Instead Abe will meet President Trump to discuss the halt of China's nuclear-assisted program. In an effort unsupported by North Korea, Japan supports a trilateral meeting between Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, with Chinese Prime Minister Li Ke Qiang and South Korean President Moon Jae-in scheduled to be held in May. The positive signs on Korean peninsula issues are North and South Korea’s plans for bilateral meetings as well as meeting between Kim Jong Un and President Trump. China and Japan have good reason to agree to improve relations. In addition to security concerns in the region, it seems also due to the policy of the US President Donald Trump in the form of import tariff plans from China and Japan. Trump even requested that the two countries open up a wider market for US goods. Although not specifically talking about US policy plans, the meeting between Foreign Minister Wang Yi and Foreign Minister Taro Kono remained to discuss global economic changes. The Japanese Foreign Minister said that both countries are aware, if starting a trade war, can affect the prosperity of the global economy. Instead Wang said that Japan understands how to keep the rules of the game in the WTO. Both countries are taking measures to maintain a free trade system under the WTO and to build a more open economy together. Improving relations between China and Japan is certainly something positive. Both have a great influence because they are world economic power today.For Indonesia this becomes an opportunity and a challenge. It is opportunity because because improving relationships makes Indonesia free to build relationships with both countries. But it becomes a challenge because Indonesia's products become more difficult to enter the market as they have to compete with similar products from both countries. But more importantly, what is the common desire of all parties are creating peace in the East Asia region.


In Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara province –NTB, there are many small islands or locally called ‘Gili’. But among the islands, there are two Gillis which are beautiful and exotic. They are Gili Sudak and Gili Kedis. Gili Sudak is a small island which is surrounded by beautiful beaches.  Located at West Sekotong district, Medang village, Batu Kijuk hamlet, West Lombok, Gili Sudak has around 30 hectares wide. Although it is a small island, Gili Sudak is very exotic with white sand and clear water. Currently, many tourists know Gili Sudak. Comparing with other Gilis which are well known such as Gili Trawangan, Gili Menok, and Gili Air, Gili Sudak is quieter. So, for you who want to be relaxed while enjoying the beauty of nature with calm situation, you can visit Gili Sudak as your next destination. Because this tourism object still lacks of facility, we suggest you to bring your own foods and beverages if you would like to go to Gili Sudak. Gili Kedis is also a small island. It is located at Central Sekotong, West Lombok or precisely cross to Gili Sudak. This small island is beautiful and fresh. This beach, which is covered with beautiful white sand and clear sea water, makes anyone feel at home for longer. This tourism object is uninhabited. Like Gili Sudak, this place has a very beautiful under-water panorama. Various kinds of beautiful coral reefs and colorful ornament fish can be found here.  Before arriving at Gili Kedis, you will pass Gili Sudak. To go to Gili Sudak, you have to rent a small boat that can accommodate 6 people. To rent the boat costs around Rp 300,000-Rp 500,000 including the trip to Gili Sudak and Gili Kedis. The trip takes 15 minutes from Mataram city to Gili Sudak. Meanwhile, from Gili Sudak to Gili Kedis, it takes around 10 minutes.