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April 9 has always become an important day for the Indonesian Air Force -TNI AU. That is the day when the first President Soekarno in 1946 declared the establishment of the Air Force. The date is also celebrated as National Aviation Day. The establishment of the Air Force cannot be separated from the establishment of the People's Security Service -BKR on August 23rd, 1945. Later, on October 5, 1945, BKR changed into the People's Security Army -TKR. The then air force was named TKR Flight Bureau under Air Commodore, Soerjadi Soerjadarma as the first Air Force Chief of Staff. On January 23, 1946, TKR was upgraded again to the Army of the Republic of Indonesia -TRI, as a continuation of the development of the Air Force. So on April 9, 1946, TRI Bureau of Flight was removed, and it was then replaced with the name of the Air Force of the Republic of Indonesia. Since then, April 9 has been celebrated as the birthday of the Indonesian Air Force -TNI AU. In addition to the short birth process of TNI AU about seven months since the independence of Indonesia, the main equipment of the weaponry system Alutsista) owned by the Air Force at that time was only used aircraft obtained from the loot of Japanese soldiers, such as Chureng, Nishikoreng, Guntei and Hayabusha. The number of aviators and technicians was very limited. With the limited defense equipment owned at that time, the Air Force was able to inscribe gold ink in the history of Indonesian struggle. For the first time, a plane with a Red-and-White identity was flown by Air Commodore, Agustinus Adisutjipto on October 27, 1945. The Air Force is now 72 years old. Although the condition of the main equipment of the weaponry system -Alutsista of the Air Force has not been in accordance with the need to support its operations, this does not de-motivate the spirit to guard and maintain the integrity of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia in accordance with the motto “Swa Bhuwana Paksa” or "The Wing of My Homeland". May the Indonesian Air Force always be the protector of the entire territory of Indonesian sovereignty and can elevate the dignity of the nation and build a glorious Indonesia in the air. Long live the Air Force!


Indonesia and Singapore agreed to strengthen cooperation in three priority sectors, namely capital market, digital economy, and tourism and supporting infrastructure. This is one of the points of agreement in the 2nd Indonesia-Singapore Business Council -ISBC Meeting organized by the Investment Coordinating Board -BKPM along with Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry -Kadin in cooperation with the Economic Development Board -EDB Singapore and the Singapore Business Federation -SBF at the Office of BKPM in Jakarta on last Thursday (5/4). The meeting was one of the follow-ups of the implementation of the ISBC’s Memorandum of Understanding -MoU signed on July 28, 2017. Based on the MoU, it was agreed that the ISBC members' meetings are held twice a year alternately in Jakarta and Singapore. Indonesia-Singapore Business Council -ISBC is a joint venture between Indonesian and Singaporean businesspeople. Its establishment is supported by BKPM and EDB. ISBC members are top 10 entrepreneurs from Indonesia and Singapore respectively.

Head of the Investment Coordinating Board, Thomas Lembong said that the three sectors agreed were chosen so that both countries could benefit and optimize the potential. He explained that Indonesia can take advantage of Singapore which has been known as a financial hub in Asia to get finance from investment projects in the tourism sector and the digital economy. He also explained that in the first ISBC closed-door meeting held on September 7, 2017 in Singapore, it was agreed that from six sectors that become excellent, only three sectors will be prioritized in the medium term, namely capital markets, digital economy, and tourism along with its supporting infrastructure. Thomas Lembong added that from these activities, the delegation is expected to get direct information about potential projects in the tourism and infrastructure sectors.

From the data owned by BKPM, the realization of investment from Singapore for the period 2012-2017 reached $39 billion dollars. This realization listed Singapore as the largest investor in Indonesia. The realization of investment figures from Singapore is quite volatile; the position of 2016 which reached $9.1 billion dollars decreased to $8.4 billion US dollars in 2017. Singapore investors invested mainly in the transportation sector, warehousing and telecommunications, plant and plantation and paper industry. In terms of location, the distribution of Singapore's investment is fairly evenly marked by 51 percent outside Java and 49 percent in Java.


Rejang tribe is one of tribes which lives in Bengkulu province. Majority of the tribe live in some regencies such as Lebong, Rejang Lebong, and Kepahiang of Bengkulu province, especially in the central, north areas and hinterland of surrounding Barisan hills with inhabitants reaching around 900,000 people. Rejang tribe has typical dance which is conducted in every traditional ceremony. The dance is called ‘Kejei dance’. Kejei dance is conducted when there is the biggest ceremony in Rejang tribe, namely Kejei ceremony. The ceremony is called the biggest ceremony because it is conducted by people who are able to slaughter some cows, goats or buffalos as requirement of the implementation of Kejei ceremony. Kejei dance is conducted by young people at the center of the village at night. The dance is as an introducing event among young girls and boys. The dance has typical accompaniments of instrument which are made from bamboo, such as Kulintang, Seruling, and Gong.  

Kejei dance was performed for the first time when wedding of princess Senggang and Biku Bermano was held. This dance is believed to have existed before the arrival of monks from Majapahit Kingdom. Since monks came, the instrument was changed with metal and it is used until now. According to the history, the book of Kejei implementation  was stored in the stomach of  monk Bermano. Kejei event is conducted in the long run. It can be implemented for 3 days, 15 days, 3 months or even 9 months respectively. The dance is sacred dance which is believed by society to have mystical values, so that it is only conducted by Rejang people in welcoming monks, wedding and clan’s tradition. In 2017, the dance is determined as one of Intangible Cultural Heritages by Minister of Education and Culture, Muhadjir Effendy. The determination was signed by handing over certificate of Intangible Cultural Heritage  by Minister Muhadjir Effendy to Acting Governor of Bengkulu, Dr. Veterinarian, Rohidin Mersyah.


Ambassadors of ASEAN countries to Italia held a meeting with Mayor of Napoli, Luigi de Magistris. The meeting was implemented as the work visit of ASEAN Committee in Rome (ACR) to Napoli on Thursday (5/4). On the occasion, the Indonesian ambassador to Italy, Esti Andayani said that Indonesia initiated the event to strengthen relations which have been established well and to explore opportunity in a bid to enhance cooperation between ASEAN countries and Italy, especially Napoli. The government of Napoli can utilize the economic growth in the middle class society in ASEAN regions, which are recorded very good to increase tourism cooperation. In addition to holding meeting with Napoli Mayor, Luigi de Magistris in Palazzo San Giacomo, the ambassadors also met with chairman of Napoli Chamber of Commerce, Girolamo Pettrono to discuss about economic and trade cooperation. Mayor of Napoli, Luigi de Magistris said that Southeast Asian region is important for development of tourism or trade cooperation, handcraft and manufacture industry.

Indonesian Embassy in Washington DC held ‘Voyage to Indonesia 2018’. The event invited around 50 Executive Directors of IMF-World Bank. The event is one of Indonesia’s preparedness to be host of IMF- World Bank meeting and in accordance with  the plan of Spring Meeting of IMF-World Bank which is held in Washington DC in April 2018 , the implementation of Annual Meeting IMF-WB in Bali in October 2018. Around 15,000 delegations are expected to attend the annual meeting. In return, this event is also expected to bring about positive impact for Indonesian economy. This was stated by Managing Director of IMF, Christine Lagarde, when attending ‘Voyage to Indonesia’ at Tilden home in Washington DC on Friday (April 6,2018). On the same occasion, President of World Bank, Jim Yong Kim highlighted specially the Indonesian government’s commitment which focuses on human capital development. Christine Lagarde did appreciate the Indonesian government which pays extraordinary attention to infrastructure sector.

The city government of Semarang along with the city government of Jiaxing, China carried out cooperation through sister city program. Mayor of Semarang, Hendrar Prihadi expressed that the sister city is a joint concept of two cities which are different locations and political administrations in a bid to establish cultural relations and social contacts among both cities’ people. The cooperation with Jiaxing is related to tourism, investment, and trade. The signing of the sister city cooperation will be conducted in November. As early effort of the implementation of sister city program, the city government of Jiaxing conducted scholarship program for students of Semarang city. Meanwhile, the city government of Jiaxing has referred and determined state university of Semarang –UNNES to send students, especially students of Mandarin faculty to participate in the scholarships.