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Director of the Protection of Indonesian Citizens and Legal Entities at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Lalu Muhammad Iqbal said that the idea of ​​making this application emerged after the devastating earthquake shook Nepal in 2015. At that time, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs did not have accurate information on how many citizens were victims in Nepal.In fact, in 2017, the Ministry launched the "Safe Travel" application, in Beta version and only available on Android for the purpose of getting input from users. A year after the trial, in 2018, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will re-launch the latest version or Full Version of the Safe Travel app on April 14th. This application can be downloaded via Android and iOS phones.In regard to the launch of "Safe Travel", a spokesman of Foreign Affairs Ministry, Armanatha Nasir argues that this application will be one effective tool to improve the protection of Indonesian citizens abroad. There are many benefits for Indonesian citizens with this application, including obtaining the latest information about the situation in the destination country, including the security situation and weather conditions.In addition, "Safe Travel" also provides information on the location of worship places, halal food restaurants, and contact addresses of Indonesian representatives abroad. With this application, Indonesians traveling overseas can identify other Indonesian fellow citizens.This app also provides "Panic Button" feature that can be used by Indonesian citizens in emergency situation overseas. The "Panic Button" will continue to connect with the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia (KBRI) and the Consulate General of the Republic of Indonesia (KJRI) to enable representatives of Indonesia to find the newest location of users who are in an emergency in a bid to provide the necessary assistance. The "Safe Travel" application will also make it easier for Indonesians to report themselves to an Indonesian representative office in their destination country.


Bangladesh plans to move  around 100,000 Rohingyas to  a remote island starting on June 2018. The plan was presented by the Bangladeshi  Secretary of Disaster Management to the UN in Dacca on Wednesday (April 4, 2018). It  is an  effort of Bangladesh to relocate the Rohingyas who are currently  crowding the Cox Bazaar area. The place has become a temporary shelter for refugees who fled from Myanmar, after the conflict in 2017.Bangladesh doubts Myanmar's promise that it will take back the Rohingya ethnic, as the country only verifies about 300 of the thousands of refugees’ files. Myanmar argues that in the files, there are 3 people related to terrorism.With the placement, Bangladesh has to accommodate 700  thousand refugees around the border. The relocation plan is considered to have not solved the problem. Currently, the Rohingyas are living  in a very unfit environment in refugee camps. Meanwhile, the Bangladeshi Navy have planned to  build around 1.400 shelters ready to be lived in by the end of May.The relocation itself is carried out on a voluntary basis. In Cox Bazaar, their life  is difficult because of disease prone, especially facing the rainy season next June. But their placement on the island is also not without problems. The place  to  be inhabited is known to be  prone to tropical cyclone disaster.Earlier, in February, Myanmar agreed to take back  6,000 Rakhine refugees, in the no-man's area of Tombru. Bangladesh argues that those in the region have not been considered refugees and Myanmar agrees to repatriate  them. But it  remains agreement; there is no guarantee of security, and the Rohingyas are still afraid of returning.The Rohingya ethnic shouldn’t be displaced  and live for long in such  an uninhabitable place like now. It is also  not fitting to let their fate in an uncertain situation.Indonesia has been very concerned about their fate and has provided humanitarian assistance. President Joko Widodo also had a direct view of their condition when making a visit to Bangladesh some time ago. Now, all that needs to be done is to keep the refugee repatriation process going on. Myanmar should also be willing to open up and provide security for the returning Rohingya ethnic, as well as giving them  the rights as citizens.


Forest Farmer Group (KTH) Kampung Cibulao, Tugu Utara Village Puncak, Bogor Regency, West Java is developing Kampung Kopi agrotourism which provides various interesting tourist attractions to visit. Chairman of Cibulao Forest Farmer Group, Kiryono said on Wednesday (4/4) that tourism attractions include tea gardens, spot selfie, bike park, horse riding, bamboo gazebo, and camping zone. The development of Agrotourism Kampung Kopi Cibulao is an initiative of residents of Kampung Cibulao through the farmers group. Residents want Kampung Cibulao to be better known by community widely, especially coffee plantation managed by the residents with conservation concept. This has received national recognition as the best coffee at the national level through the event of the 8th Indonesia Special Coffee Contest which took place in Takengon, Aceh in 2016. Kampung Cibulao Tourism Area invites tourists to know more about the phenomenal Cibulao coffee, to feel the sensation of planting coffee, to see the harvest as well as to look at the process of post-harvest management. To visit Kampung Kopi Cibulao, the visitors can feel the sensation of staying overnight in local residents' house and watch the native culture of surrounding community. The development of Kampung Kopi Cibulao agrotourism encourages the local people's economy who work as tea planters.

Further information is that the government of Central Aceh Regency supports Rafting Tour Development. Central Aceh Regency government does support the development of Lukup Badak rafting location in Pegasing District to attract more tourists to visit the region. Head of Tourism Destination Development Division at the Tourism and Youth Tourism Office of Central Java, Munawar Khalil told reporters in Takengon on Thursday (5-4) that he plans to build supporting facilities at the tourist sites, such as the construction of Pergola (public houses) and public toilets. He explained that the plan to build the public facilities will use Special Allocation Fund from the Ministry of Tourism in 2019. The rafting activity in Pegasing sub-district has become one of the new tourism objects in Pegasing, Central Java.

The construction plan of New Yogyakarta International Airport -NYIA- in Kulon Progo Regency will begin in early June 2018. President Director of PT AP I, Faik Fahmi in Yogyakarta said on Thursday (5/4) that the construction will begin in June 2018, and The construction of the airside zone is targeted to be completed in January 2019.  Faik also explained, if the international airport is realized, Yogyakarta Special Region can build various new facilities that benefit the community and economy, such as embarkation of Hajj and cargo. Currently, a number of large airlines from various countries have also begun to explore the potential of cooperation.


Endah & Rhesa

Published in Music

Endah N Rhesa is a duo of Indie musicians with two personnel Endah Widiastuti (guitarist & vocalist) and Rhesa Aditya (bassist). Both were met in a rock band in 2003. One year later, Endah and Rhesa decided to leave.

Both are still closely connected in the music after coming out of the rock band. Endah then back to a solo career, with Rhesa as the producer. Later, Endah and Rhesa tried to duet in an acoustic nuance project. It turns that they suitable to play music in a duo namely Endah N Rhesa, in 2005.

The minimalist acoustic music style by  Endah N Rhesa is inspired by various acoustic musicians especially from Indonesia like Anda, Bonita, Bondan Prakoso, and Cozy Street Corner. Starting from the inspiration, Endah N Rhesa continue to released a variety of simple acoustic works but still nice to listen. Every year, Endah N Rhesa regularly performs in various music stages in Indonesia and some countries such as Malaysia, Singapore, Kazakhstan, Australia, and France. Moreover, Endah N Rhesa has received many awards as a musician of alternative music gender.