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Thousands of moslems in Biak participated in the commemoration of Isra Miraj of Prophet Muhammad SAW 1439 Hijriah, which was held by the committee of Islamic Great Days of Biak Numfor on Saturday (14/4) in Baiturrahman Great Mosque, Biak. Imam of the mosque, Ustadz M.Taufiqurrahman Halim in his lecture said that the real implementation of the Isra Miraj event is following the orders of Allah SWT and avoiding His prohibitions. M.Taufiqurrahman also said that Moslems interpret the commemoration with awareness and willingness to change themselves to be more obedient so that Moslems will really obey Allah SWT. The commemoration of Isra Mi'raj this year is themed "Through wisdom of Isra Mi"raj of Prophet Muhammad SAW 1439, we improve quality of five time prayers to form character of Moslems namely being honest, trusted and strong brotherhood.

With the opening of Fashion parade and Fashion exhibition of Semarang city at Srigunting park of old city area on Saturday (14/04), the city proclaimed itself as one of fashion cities in Indonesia. Through the typical design of batik Semarang, all designers of Semarang city are called on to make innovation and creativity in a beautiful fashion creation. Deputy Mayor of Semarang, Hevearita Gunaryati Rahayu in the event highlighted that batik Semarang with creation and innovation must be able to compete with batik from other regions. The fashion parade and Fashion exhibition, besides to commemorating anniversary of Semarang city, is aimed to attract and to socialize the people about clothes which are produced from batik Semarang motif

The Army’s community service program -Tentara Manunggal Membangun Desa TMMD of Kodim 1204/Sanggau in this year has received sympathy and compliment from Head of Empoto village, Noyan district, Sanggau regency, West Kalimantan, Dono. He viewed that the program is successful to connect infrastructure of the country, especially in remote area which is not maximally touched by development yet. This was stated by Dono in Sanggau, West Kalimantan on Sunday (15/4). He further said that this year, the program targeted infrastructure development sector such as increasing road as long as 29.2 kilometers, making water tunnel and building connecting bridges among the districts. Dono also said that the development of a number of infrastructures could improve the economic activities of local communities. Besides, it can increase value of people’s income and accelerate the development process in other sectors. Not only economy, but also tourism objects will be accessed by visitors who want to enjoy the natural attractions around Kembayan and Noyan.



East java has various kinds of typical foods which have been well known, such as Pecel, Rawon, Rujak Cingur, and many others. Besides those foods, East java, especially Blitar has snack, namely Enting Geti. Enting Geti is traditional snack from Blitar which is made from peanut, sesame and palm sugar. The food is usually served in the feast day or wedding party to welcome the guests. Savory flavor of the peanut, which mixes with sesame, gives sensation which is little bit different. The taste of savory, crunchy and sweet palm sugar is mixed in one to make the snack always be interested in not only by Blitar people but also tourists who come to this town. Enting Geti has special and durable taste. So, the snack is suitable to be souvenir when having holidays in Blitar. Enting Geti is usually produced in Kademangan district, which is located at the middle of Blitar regency. It is very easy for the producers to market throughout the regency. The traditional snack will taste delicious when being enjoyed along with coffee when being relaxed. The process of making Enting Geti is quite simple. Firstly, peanut is fried without cooking oil until it is well done or the color of the peanut changes to look brown. Afterwards, the fried peanut is lifted and mashed roughly. Then, you prepare palm sugar, granulated sugar and vanilla to be mixed together and add little water. This is cooked while stirring until the sugar dissolves to thicken like syrup. After that, the peanut is put into the thickened sugar water and stir in order the dough is blended and thickening. Then, the dough is put in a pan which has been covered with oil paper. Then, it’s flattened. After the dough is dried, cut it into pieces as you like the size and the taste. The price of one portion of Enting Geti varies from Rp 5,000 until Rp 35,000.


Student team of Diponegoro University succeeded to bring home gold medal from 21st Moscow International Inventions and Innovative Technology Salon "Archimedes". The event was held in Moscow, Russia starting from April 5 until 8, 2018. They introduced a work of artificial tree which was named ‘ATOMP or Artificial Transparent Tree of Membrane Photo-catalyst’. Besides “Archimedes” gold medal, the team also obtained special award of Gold Medal from Association of Thai Innovation and Invention Promotion.  One of the team’s members, Christian Sinaga said that the Artificial Tree works by absorbing air from atmosphere and filters it out with membrane which is installed in the air hose. The membrane of the carbon dioxide gas will be converted by plasma technology into oxygen gas (O2) which will be released out of the system and the carbon monoxide (CO) gas to be stored for further conversion to alternative fuels. Moscow International Inventions and Innovative Technology Salon “Archimedes” is an annual international event which is competition and research and technology exhibition. The exhibition is participated in by delegations from 26 countries.

East Java Business Forum Meeting was recently held in New Delhi, in the work visit to India, starting from April 9 and 10, 2018. Chairman of Chamber and Commerce of Surabaya held “East Java Business Forum Meeting" with 19 Indian entrepreneurs. Governor of East Java, Dr. H. Soekarwo stated that provincial government of East java will facilitate candidates of foreign investors with the acceleration of licensing, the availability of employment, the ease of land procurement in industrial areas, and the smoothness of the electricity supply. India is the seventh biggest trade partnership of East Java after Japan, the United States of America, China, Singapore, Swiss, and Malaysia. After from New Delhi, the East Java governor’s entourage met Indian entrepreneurs in Maharashtra, Mumbai. This visit to India was part of the work visit to Georgia, Asia, Azerbaijan and India in promoting trade, investment and tourism. 

Indonesia is committed to supporting agricultural modernization and development of developing countries in Pacific regions, especially  Small Island Developing States through South-South Cooperation program and technical assistance. This was stated by Dr. Mat Syukur, expert staff of Indonesian Agriculture Ministry in a bilateral meeting with Fiji Agriculture’s Minister, Inia Seruiratu on the sidelines of the 34th Regional FAO conference to Asia Pacific region in Nadi, Fiji on Thursday (11/4). The participants of the meeting agreed to follow-up Memorandum of Understanding -MoU which was signed by the two ministers on August 2017. The government of Fiji hoped that the follow-up of the MoU can be conducted in form of Joint Working Group which discusses various technical cooperation programs related to adaption and mitigation of climate change, intensification, and modernization of agriculture and development of agricultural experts. Besides,   Fiji hoped to be able to learn from efforts to develop farmer cooperatives in Indonesia, aquaculture and small and medium enterprises. Fiji’s Minister, Inia Seruiratu did appreciate the grant plan of a number of hand tractors to Fiji which are in line with the modernization program of Fiji agricultural sector as one of countries of Small Island Developing States in Pacific region.



This week,  , Spring Meeting of IMF and World Bank Group will take place in Washington DC, the Unites States of America. This meeting is really a regular thing for IMF and WB, because it is held every year. But for Indonesia, this meeting is something special because it is related to the preparation of Indonesia to host the Annual Meeting of IMF and WB group in October. Indonesian team led by Coordinating Minister of Maritime Affairs, Luhut Binsar Panjaitan attended the meeting. In addition, Minister of Communication and Informatics, Rudiantara and Director General of Public Communication and Information at the Ministry of Communication and Informatics, Niken Widiastuti were also present at the meeting. The annual meeting of IMF and WB Group 2018 is very prestige for Indonesia. The place is in Nusa Dua, Bali and will be attended by about 15 thousand participants and supporters. Some time ago, Managing Director of IMF, Christine Lagarde came to Jakarta in a bid to carefully check Indonesia's preparations to hold the IMF-WB’s annual meeting. She appreciated all aspects that are very well prepared by the organizers in Indonesia. Besides, she also checked the area to be used for the IMF-WB’s annual meeting at Nusa Dua Convention Center in Bali. As we know, Indonesia is believed to host the implementation of the IMF-World Bank annual meeting in October 2018.This great event will be a moment of business and tourism promotion to delegate guests estimated to reach more than 15,000 people, consisting of finance ministers, governors of central banks, bankers, and CEOs from around the world. The current condition of Bali is also very safe. Mount Agung has stopped erupting. Everything has been prepared carefully by Indonesia, including security guarantees. Indonesia will implement extra-high security standards for the meeting in Bali. Currently, One of Indonesia’s best elite forces –the special force (Kopassus) is ready to safeguard unexpected happening in the next meeting of IMF-WB in Bali. In addition, there is also detachment of Jala Mangkara which is a special amphibious force. As for the National Police -Polri, Indonesia has a Special Detachment 88 Anti-Terror which is highly respected. Thus, it’s hoped that the participants who will participate in the annual meeting of IMF-World Bank 2018 can either attend the meeting or enjoy the beauty of Bali which well-known as the God’s Island. Bali is unique, interesting and sophisticate.