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We will present Keroncong song sung by Indonesian talented singers Bram Aceh and Safitri. A song “Hanya Engkau”, sung by Bram Aceh is a love-themed song which tells about a man who is adoring his lover. He feels always happy when the beloved woman is close to him. That’s a glimpse of the song “Hanya Engkau” dedicated by Bram Titaley or better known as Bram Aceh. His ability to present keroncong songs has brought the man who was born in Banda Aceh a nickname of “the Father of Keroncong Indonesia”. Bram then gave birth to generation of singers who develop Indonesian music world. They are Harvey Malaiholo, Irma June and Glenn Fredly, his grandchildren. Bram’s career began when he won the competition of Keroncong Jakarta Raya in 1955 as the first winner. Ismail Marzuki is a talented music composer of Indonesia in the era of Indonesian independence struggle. The song is still enjoyable to listen and always inspires patriotism and nationalism spirit. The song was dedicated by Noor Agni Safitri or better known as Safitri with modern keroncong music. To present keroncong songs Safitri was usually accompanied by okulele, flute and violin. Thanks to the encouragement of her parents, Safitri was finally interested in kroncong music, and focused on the music. Moreover, singing keroncong is an irreplaceable pride during her life.


Indonesia was elected as Non-Permanent Member of the United Nations Security Council - UNSC for the period 2019-2020. This is the fourth time for Indonesia to be elected to that position. The result of the election makes Indonesia directly becomes viral in Indonesia. Shortly after the result election in the General Assembly of the UN read out, President Joko Widodo in his twitter account expressed his gratitude. With some promises, Indonesia will carry out the world’s order based on independence, eternal peace and social justice. Indonesia becomes a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council, replacing Kazakhstan whose membership period will expire in December 2018. Since the beginning of the nomination, Indonesia has already been in great confidence to be re-elected as a member of the UNSC. Through the voting process, Indonesian defeats Maldives that might want to expand its influence in the UNSC against sea level rise. So far, Indonesia has been known as one of the top 10 countries sending peacekeepers to various conflicting regions through the United Nations –UN. Indonesia’s contribution to frequently participate in fighting against terrorism and radicalism becomes an advantage to have reached 144 votes of 190 UN member countries. A lot of friendly countries delivered ‘Congratulations’ to Indonesia. One of them is the United Kingdom Ambassador to Indonesia, Moazzam Malik. In his twitter account, Ambassador Moazzam Malik said that the UK is ready to cooperate with Indonesia to maintain the world peace. By being elected as a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council, Indonesia is entrusted with the international community. Minister of Foreign Affairs, Retno Marsudi views that the support of member countries of the UN must not be separated from the track record of Indonesian diplomacy. They also see democracy and tolerance in Indonesia as an asset to be able to play an active role in the UNSC. The world is waiting for the concrete work of Indonesia as a member of the UN Security Council from January 1, 2019. The hard work to maintain and build world peace, prevent conflict in some regions across the world should be implemented in a bid to create a global peace and stability ecosystem.  The voice of Indonesia which also represents the Asia Pacific countries is expected to be stronger in every formulation of the UNSC policy. Hopefully, the trust of UN member states can be carried out as expected. Indonesia should become a permanent member of the UN Security Council with strong influence in maintaining world peace, countering terrorism problems and realizing independence for the Palestinians. Thanks to the people of the world who support Indonesia as a non-permanent member of the United Nations Security Council –UNSC.


Indonesia and Singapore agreed cooperation to anticipate the impact of employment from digital revolution. The cooperation was approved after Indonesian Manpower Minister, M Hanif Dhakiri and Singaporean Manpower Minister, Josephine Teo held a bilateral meeting on the sidelines of International Labour Organization (ILO) session in Geneva, Switzerland, on last Wednesday (6/6/2018). Indonesia hoped that the employment skill enhancement cooperation must be increased to anticipate the revolution impact of 4.0 industry. The two ministers are aware of the digitalization impact of industry or usually called revolution of 4.0 industrial, which eliminates many types of conventional work. But, at the same time, it will present many types of new works in the future. Thus, this is necessary to map the types of jobs that will appear in the future. Minister Josephine said that Singapore opens itself to cooperate and to share in mapping of the future jobs.

The agreement was reached on negotiation of Preferential Trade Agreement -PTA of Indonesia and Mozambique at the first round which was held on May 31 and June 1, 2018 in Maputo, Mozambique. On the negotiation, Indonesian delegation led by Director of Bilateral Negotiation at the Trade Ministry, Ni Made Ayu Marthini along with Director of Law and Economic Agreement at the Foreign Affairs  Ministry, Amrih Jinangkung. The delegation of Mozambique was led by Director of National External Trade at the Ministry of Trade and Industry, Amilcar Arone. According to Made, Indonesia and Mozambique are committed to solving negotiation in the end of this year so that it can be utilized by entrepreneurs. PTA is agreement to decrease or to eliminate import duty tariff of a number of products. Mozambique has great potential market because it can become hub of the entry of Indonesian products to African regions, especially South African regions.

Manoj Kumar Udhyog (MKU) Pvt. Ltd, a company from India will officially open investment in Indonesian defense industry to support the bilateral cooperation between Indonesia and India. One of them is on renewal of cooperation in the field of defense and product of a number of strategic industries.  Director of PT Panorama Graha Teknologi, Aloys Sutarto explained that the investment is as follow-up of 9 agreements which were signed by Indonesian President Joko Widodo and Indian Prime Minister, Narendra Modi recently. In addition to the national interest,  the products can also be exported abroad either in ASEAN member countries or the country members of Organization of Islamic Cooperation –OIC. As a result, thus may increase state’s income from the export sector.


Before 500 farmers, President Joko Widodo pointed out that the role of farmers will be increasingly important and strategic in the future so it should continue to be developed along with the advancement of digitalization of agricultural technology. The President was quoted by Antara News Agency as saying that it is time for the farmers to improve themselves in order to increase their productivity. On the sidelines of a working visit, President Joko Widodo launched ‘the Agricultural Entrepreneurship and Digitalization Program of Agriculture’ in Sliyeg District, Indramayu Regency, West Java, on last Thursday (7/6). During his visit, President Joko Widodo was accompanied by Minister of State Owned Enterprises, Rini Soemarno, Agriculture Minister, Andi Amran Sulaiman, Minister of Industry, Airlangga Hartarto,  Deputy Chairman of Commission 6 of the House of Representatives -DPR, Dito Ganinduto and several directors of the State Owned Enterprises -SOEs. President Joko Widodo emphasized that the role of farmers is very strategic because food will become one of the commodities to be in great demand by most countries. The President also affirmed, the necessity to digitize agriculture supported by entrepreneurship capability of farmers becomes the main factor to win the competition in food sector. The President also emphasized the importance of developing the technology and entrepreneurial ability of farmers when post-harvest comes. Because, a lot of benefits can be obtained by the farmers. President Joko Widodo visited directly Mitra Usaha Milik Desa Bersama (MBB) Sliyeg who is also a partner of PT Telkom Indonesia. The MBB has a Village Owned Enterprise at regency level consisting of 14 Village Owned Enterprises and a Joint Group of Farmers (Gapoktan) Association, which consists of 127 Farmer Groups (Poktan) and 7,009 Farmers. Sliyeg's MBB production is 54,000 tons per year with a total land area of ​​4,384 hectares. MMB Sliyeg is one of the farmer entrepreneurship pilot projects that implement agricultural digitization system with an application of "Farm Logistics"  (LOGTAN). This application becomes a digital platform that integrates four cycles of agriculture. They are pre-planting, planting, harvesting, and post-harvesting in a bid to improve productivity and farmer's welfare. The types of MBB services include financing of People's Business Credit (KUR / Non-KUR), fertilizer distribution and horticultural marketplace with major customers of farmers and Village Owned Enterprises. President Joko Widodo said that such a business model would be evaluated within the next six months or a year. If the first program in Indramayu is successful, the government will do it for farmer groups in other regions. In essence, Indonesia wants to build a more efficient farmer corporation organization which is able to give farmers great benefits and  these models can be developed because the biggest benefit is post-harvest.