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Children Day  is an event which is held on different dates in various countries around the world. International Children Day is commemorated every June 1st and Universal Children Day is commemorated every November 20th. The other countries commemorate the Children Day on other dates. This commemoration is aimed to esteem the children’s rights around the world. The National Children Day in Indonesia is commemorated every July 23rd according to Presidential Decree of Indonesia No.  44/1984 on the date of July 19th 1984. In celebrating Children Day 2018, provincial government of West Sumatra has a creative way to campaign a habit of eating fish from early age. The regional government serves 50 thousands of Sala Lauak to thousands students of early childhood education (PAUD). The advantage of eating fish is helpful not only for the health but also the children’s development and intelligence as the next generation of the nation in the future. According to Governor of West Sumatra, Irwan Prayitno, the 50 thousands of Sala Lauak supply does not only to set the record in Indonesian World-Record Museum but also to promote the children with early age to love eating fish. Head of Department of Marine and Fisheries of West Sumatra, Yosmeri explains that Sala Lauak can be made of sea fish and various kinds of fish. He hopes that the promotion of eating fish through Sala Lauak culinary can boost the level of fish consumption in West Sumatra which is still 34.3 kilograms (kg) per capita for this year. Meanwhile, Head of Association of Education and Education Staff of Early Age Children of Indonesia (Himpaudi) of  West Sumatra, Nevi Zuairina says that the campaign has to target the early-age children. Becauce 50% of development of children’s brain occurs in their early age.


Indonesian Embassy in the  United Kingdom represented by attaché of Education and Culture, Aminudin Aziz  gave Angklung as Indonesian traditional musical instrument to  Havering Music School –HMS in eastern City of London on Monday  (23/7). It was received by Director Music of HMS, Paul Harris and accompanied by 2 members of parliament of  Havering city as well as students and their parents. After submitting the traditional musical instrument from Tatar Pasundan West Java, Indonesia recorded as cultural heritage of UNESCO, Havering Music School agreed to officially  make Angklung as part of curriculum besides Gamelan which has been a lesson before. Today, there are two schools as the center of learning of the Angklung: Havering Music School in eastern London and Whitefield School in Northern London. Indonesian embassy hoped that by granting the Angklung,  program and lesson in several educational institutions in the UK will introduce Indonesian traditional musical instrument and will become facility to strengthen  people-to-people contact of both countries.

Musical group of Angklung Mang Udjo from Bandung, Indonesia arrived in  Stockholm on Wednesday (25/7). The entourage will enliven the program in Kungsträdgården on Saturday  (28/7).  Besides Saung Mang Udjo, Sanggar Komite Seni Budaya Nusantara and   administration government  of  Boyolali Regency, East Java will also appear. In the hub of  Stockholm, the annual program will perform the previous program at the same place. Chairman of entourage of Mang Udjo, Taufik Hidayat expressed his pride as Indonesian while playing local songs at the international  stage. Saung Angklung Udjo has succeeded to promote Angklung to international world. For interactive program, the group brings additional Angklung so that after the performance, Angklung can be given to audiences as souvenirs .Moreover, Boyolali regency sent 27 dancers. The program is aimed to promote Indonesia in achieving higher target.

Indonesian General Consulate  in Ho Chi Minh City brought 3 Indonesian cosmetic producers to participate in Viet-Beauty 2018 in Ho Chi Minh City from 19 until 21 July to expand business through readiness for distributors and become service provider of original equipment manufacturer. Viet-Beauty 2018 was comprehensive promotion  platform, including cosmetic product, perfume, skin care, hair and nail as well as spa and beauty. There were also seminar discussing regulation, and marketing via social media, consumer trend and skin care as well as  marketing information in Vietnam. Moreover, other  activities  focused on introducing some products and new esthetic technic. The total value of the cosmetic import product and perfume to Vietnam in 2017  reached $680,42 million dollars  or grew 11 percent compared with in 2016. Meanwhile, the same product import in the first five months in 2018 grew 27,5percent from year to year to be  $243,347 million dollars . Today, 90 percent of Vietnam’s cosmetic market is controlled by some countries such as South Korea, European countries, Japan, Thailand and the USA.


The political and security situation in Afghanistan is expected to be better after a meeting of negotiators from both Taliban and the United States this week in Doha Qatar and other places in the Middle East. The meeting is a good move to end the pro-longed conflict in Afghanistan, a country in central Asia bordering on Tajikistan, Turkmenistas, Uzbekistan, Pakistan and Iran. With its mountainous and multi-ethnic geographic region, it has made the country a conflict-prone and difficult field to reconcile. To end the conflict, US officials met with former Taliban members amid intense efforts to end America's longest war. As quoted by AFP, Senior Officer of the Department of Home Affairs Bureau for Southern and Central Asian Affairs, Alice Wells has met with representatives of Taliban this week in a bid to find a way toward ending the 17-year-old Afghan conflict. The US State Department did not directly confirm the report, but noted that Alice Wella had been in Doha this week where he met with Qatari officials. Meanwhile, according to Taliban sources, talks with US officials have taken place in Afghanistan, Qatar, United Arab Emirates. Peace in Afghanistan, as it came to light, refers to a 3-day truce echoed by Afghan President Ashraf Ghani in June during Eid al-Fitr. The ceasefire has spawned a phenomenon that never happened when Taliban fighters and Afghanistan soldiers hugged each other and shook hands on Idul Fitri Day in the area where war always happened. Therefore, President Ghani wants the Eid al-Fitr truce could be a path to a more lasting peace, and calls on Taliban side to advance to the negotiating table. Since the fall of Taliban in 2001 after the US-led Coalition, the situation in Afghanistan has not been good. Violence often occurs despite the efforts of developing Afghan security forces and nearly 70,000 international troops, serving under NATO or as part of the US-led Operation of Endless Freedom. But peace in Afghanistan does not only involve the United States because it must also involve the state of Pakistan and Iran because of historical and geopolitical linkages. In addition, strong figures are needed to be able to unite the nation of Afghanistan among the people. The reinforcement of Loya Jirga, the high council of the people will continue to be strengthened so that the trust of the parties concerned in the conflict can be represented in the institution.


We will present Indonesian regional song, from Gorontalo.Eddy Silitongan is known as one of Indonesian top pop singers. Besides being popular singer, he is also skilled in singing regional songs like “Dabu Dabu”. Dabu Dabu is a kind of spicy flavouring.This spicy flavouring is often used in North Sulawesi seafood, specially grilled fish. However, the “Dabu Dabu” song does not tell the Sulawesi special food with Dabu Dabu flavouring. This song tells the beauty of an island. “Binte Biluhuta” is different from the previous one because it tells Gorontalo special food. In Indonesian language, Binte or bunde means corn, while Biluhuta means being poured. If we combine them, Binte Biluhuta means the poured corn. So, Binte Biluhuta is Gorontalo special food which is soup with corn added with fish or shrimp and they are flavoured in such a way. The taste is sweet, sour, and spicy. “Hulondalo Lipu’u” describes someone’s love towards Gorontalo City as his birth land.