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During the ASEAN-Australia Special Summit 2018 that took place in Sydney, Australia, Indonesia and Australia signed a maritime cooperation agreement on Friday (16/3). The agreement contains in the Plan of Action on Maritime Cooperation which was signed after the 2 + 2 meeting between Minister of Foreign Affairs and the Defense Minister of both countries. Indonesian Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi and Australian Foreign Minister Julie Bishop witnessed the signing of the cooperation undertaken by the Director General for Asia Pacific and Africa at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Desra Percaya and Deputy Secretary of the Indo-Pacific Group of Foreign Affairs Ministry, Richard Maude. Maritime security in the Asia Pacific region is very important, because the world economy is currently still dependent on maritime routes, both as trade routes and lines of communication. This was stated by Indonesian Minister Defense, Ryamizard Ryacudu and Minister of Foreign Affairs, Retno Marsudi during a bilateral dialogue 2 + 2 Minister Meeting with Minister of Defense of Australia, Marise Payne and Australian Foreign Minister Julie Bishop. According to Minister Ryamizard, International Trade which is increasingly growing still relies on the marine domain so that the issue of maritime security guarantee becomes a very crucial thing. He acknowledges that to maintain maritime security, Indonesia cooperates not only with Australia but also with various neighboring countries such as Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand with cooperation in coordinated patrol (Corpat). Concrete evidence of such cooperation is that the crime rate in these waters drops dramatically even to zero incidents. The recent piracy action in the Sulu Sea, which has also directly impeded the economy and caused unrest for the users of the track has gradually been overcome by Indonesia along with the Philippines and Malaysia. The three countries have taken concrete cooperation measures through the trilateral cooperation platform in the Sulu Sea. Minister Ryamizard said that the dynamics of maritime security cannot be separated from the development of radical / terrorist groups affiliated with ISIS, so that Indonesia holds trilateral cooperation not only solely facing piracy or crime in the ocean, but also related steps to deal with terrorist / radical group. Thus, the signing between Indonesia and Australia is believed to be more in line with the concepts of cooperation of countries in the region that is currently reviewed and perfected by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Minister Ryamizard considers cooperation with Australia as a step towards ensuring stability of security throughout the Indian Ocean and Pacific Ocean and ensuring that the maritime sector is surrounded with peace, stability and prosperity. Meanwhile, in a bilateral meeting with Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull on the sidelines of the 2018 ASEAN-Australia Special Summit at the International Convention Center, Sydney, on Saturday (17/3), Indonesian President Joko Widodo hopes that the signed maritime cooperation action plan can be implemented immediately. Both Foreign Ministers have also exchanged ideas on the concept of Indo-Pacific region architecture. He also hopes that the consultation on Indo-Pacific will continue for the sake of stability, peace and prosperity in the Indo-Pacific region.


The Clean Trash inThree Months Movement (TBBS) was launched by the Ministry of Environment and Forestry-KLHK together with Palembang City Government, on 21 January 2018. The implementation of theMovement is until 21 April 2018, however, this massive garbage clean movement will not stop after the date.Director General of Waste Management, Waste and Hazardous Hazardous Materials, Ministry of Environment and Forestry, Rossa Vivien Ratnawati to RRI, in Palembang on Monday (12/3/2018) said TBBS agenda should be the trigger to spur awareness to always apply the three Rs lifestyle namely, reduce, reuse and recycle waste.According to Vivien, the activity is intended to invite the people of Palembang more concerned about waste management, as well as preparation and dissemination of “Less waste more games”campaign during the upcoming Asian Games. To date, approximately 1,500 TBBS activities in 20 Provinces have been conducted, involving more than 2 million people. The activity succeeded in collecting more than one million tons of processed waste, consisting of organic, and inorganic waste. While the residue sent to the Final Disposal was only less than 600 tons. This indicates that the waste management initiative which is a collaboration between community and local government has been well implemented and needs to be appreciated. In addition, Vivien adds, there will also be fostering waste management campaign to Boy Scouts. Meanwhile, ad interim Palembang Mayor, H. Akhmad Najib, stated that Palembang City is improving to host the 2018 Asian Games, and supporting the achievement of clean Indonesia 2020 garbage. Akhmad Najib revealed that the clean of garbage action in Palembang was also enlivened by some entertainers who are concerned with environmental issues along with seven Waste Patrol ambassadors. In addition, there was a dialogue with a number of communities, as a means of sharing the realization of "Palembang Clean from Waste. Along with the dialogue, a waste management training was also conducted to 100 members of Scout Saka Wanabakti, by LHK Expert Staff for Youth Generation Development, in the hope that Scouts can become agents of environmental change, especially waste management.Similar activities with the concept of "less waste event" have been held in Semarang, and will still take place in several cities, such as Makassar, Ambon, Yogyakarta, Jayapura and Banjarmasin, until 15 April.


Ora Beach is located on Seram Island, North Seram District, Central Maluku. It is located at the western end of Sawai bay covering two villages, Saleman and Sawai, on the edge of Manusela National Park. Ora Beach has the characteristic of white sandy beach with very clear and calm water and the wealth of coral reef, fish and various other marine biota.Actually the beach does not have a vast land area, because it mostly consists of a cliff or rock hill that is quite steep, yet can still be climbed. At Ora Beach, tourists can enjoy snorkeling or diving. You needn’t dive too deep, even just from a depth of 2-3 meters, you can enjoy the beauty of various coral reefs and small fish under water. Snorkeling can also be done in a location close to the cliff, which is a rare and exciting spot. At Ora beach you can also use motor boats or fishing boats to enjoy the scenery around Manusela National Park. In addition, you can also get around to some small islands in Sawai Bay, such as Sawai, Raja, Kelalawar ,Tujuh , Tengah, and Sapalewa Islands. You only need about 30 minutes to circle the islands.From the city of Ambon, the door to Ora beach is Hulnara Harbor, Toleho. In the port, better known as Toleho Port, there is a ferry with 350 seaters to Amahai port, Seram island with twice daily schedule. Because there is no public transportation to Saleman Village port which connects with Ora Beach, you can take Seram trans with travel time about 2.5 hours. During the trip you are guaranteed not to feel bored, because you will pass the beautiful mountainous path and Manusela National Park area. From Saleman, it takes about 10 minutes to arrive at the beach Ora. At Saleman Village Port, a small-engined boat will take you to the beauty of the famous Ora beach with a hidden paradise in eastern Indonesia.If you want to spend your holidays in Ora Beach, you can choose the lodging that suits your pocket. You can also stay at the local residents' homes. For those of you who like camping, you can also bring your own camping gear, and set up a tent near the cliff.If you are a beach person, you should include Ora Beach in your holiday list. Do not forget to prepare your camera to capture the beauty here, ranging from blue clear water to the green hills of Manusela National Park. Bring your own diving and snorkeling equipment, you have to be careful, so as not to damage the corals reef on this beach.


Music Corner

Published in Music

Voice of Indonesia presents  the songs from Bali. Balinese songs are sung in Balinese, an Austronesian language from Sundik branch and more specifically, it’s called Bali-Sasak language. This language is commonly used in Bali, the western island of Lombok and slightly on the eastern tip of Java. The song entitled “Memori Danau Beratan” tells about memory or recollection in Beratan Lake, one of the tourist objects in Bali. It’s a sweet memory when someone first acquainted with someone else. The content of this song is rhythmical and performed well by Widi Widiana. He is one of the male singers from Bali who mostly sings Balinese songs. Lake Beratan is so beautiful. Thus, it becomes one of the best and most beautiful lakes in the world. The fact was included in the World's 20 Most Beautiful Lakes, which is published on page Not surprisingly, many people come to visit and carve a beautiful memory there.

The song entitled Sukreni Balinese Girl tells about a young man who admires and loves the beauty of a Balinese girl named ‘Sukreni’. Unlike Widi Widiana's previous song, the nuance of traditional Balinese music is much felt in this song. The combination of pop genre and musical nuance of the song makes this song more comfortable to listen to. Widi Widiana is a popular singer among Balinese people. His debut as a Balinese pop singer began in 1994. It was marked by the release of his first album entitled "Tunangan Tiang", which is a compilation album with other Balinese pop singers. But in 1991, Widi and Diana Band have pioneered the journey as musical artists. The music group, which consists of Widi's family, usually performs from hotel to hotel. They bring different types of songs ranging from dangdut and pop to reggae. In singing, they use the Bali language, Indonesia, and English. Widi Widiana's first solo album appeared in 1996, entitled “Sesapi Putih”. The second solo album was released  in 1997 with the Sampek Ing Tay label. Until now, Widi has released nine compilation albums and 11 solo albums. His average cassettes were sold over 25,000 copies, even his album entitled ‘Tepen Unduk’ (Ketiban Sial) was sold over 50,000 copies. Throughout his career in the singing world , Widi had won the title of best singer, a version of Bali Music Award I.