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Zona Integritas



West Nusa Tenggara –NTB has two main islands, namely Lombok and Sumbawa. Currently, there are 3 main tribes which are the original population of West Nusa Tenggara, namely Sasak from Lombok Island, Mbojo and Sumbawa from Sumbawa Island. Every tribe has a traditional weapon which has historical and cultural values. One of the weapons is Tulup from Sasak tribe.Tulup is one of traditional weapons from Sasak tribe, which is used for hunting. The weapon is made from Meranti wood which is perforated. Its bullet is called ‘Ancar’, made from midrib of palm tree which is formed like arrowhead. Usually, the head of Ancar is smeared with sap of Tatar tree. The sap is very effective to kill animals. Tulup has three important components which must be brought when hunting, namely Tulup handle, Ancar, and Terontong or Ancar storage.According to the history, Tulup has been known in the tribes’ culture, who live in hinterland of Indonesia such as  Kalimantan, Sumatera, Papua, and Nusa Tenggara. Usually, they use Tulup to hunt animals. For hunters of Sasak tribe, Tulup is considered as sacred object. According to them, hunting is their livelihood. Tulup is a tool which helps to get livelihood. Thus, it needs to be honored. Until now, people who live near forest still use Tulup. The thick forest of Lombok and the existence of pigs and monkeys make the local people enjoy hunting. But, the provincial government of NTB alone with the Ministry of Forestry and Environment cooperated to prohibite the people to hunt monkeys because these animals are protected ones. As a result, the number of traditional hunters decreases.


The administration of Joko Widodo and Jusuf Kalla is intensively building facility and infrastructure, such as the construction of toll roads, ports to industrial areas. President Joko Widodo has just inaugurated Java Integrated Industrial and Port Estate (JIIPE) and supporting ship of sea toll in Gresik, East Java more recently (9/3/2018).Currently, 10 new industrial areas are already in operation. In fact, there are three additional industrial areas following the completion of construction in 2018. The government targets that in 2018, the value of investment that can be drawn from 13 industrial areas spread across several regions in Indonesia reaches Rp250, 7 trillion.The development of an industrial estate is in line with one of the Nawacita programs, namely the nine prioritized agendas of the administration of Joko Widodo and Jusuf Kalla. The point is that the government builds Indonesia from the periphery by strengthening regions and villages within the framework of the unitary state of republic of Indonesia through increasing people's productivity and competitiveness. The development of an industrial estate is also a step by the government to reduce domestic economic inequality.Many benefits can be obtained through the industrial area in a region. In addition to attracting foreign investors to invest their funds in Indonesia, the development of industrial zone can also invite foreign investors to open branches and establish factories in the region. Thus, the export activity will increase and bring about positive impact on foreign exchange earnings and employment.Industrial zones are usually built outside the city center and on vast lands. This can reduce the dependency of the population to live and work in the city center. The flow of urbanization will be controlled and the equity of the population will also proceed well. The workforce is not focused in the city center, because the people will live around the industrial area. Of course, this will reduce the density of the population in the city and make the distribution of the population spread  in several areas.Industrial areas are also usually equipped with various facilities. The Java Integrated Industrial and Port Estate -JIIPE industrial area, for example, is the first integrated area in Indonesia and the largest in East Java with a total land reaching ​​about 3,000 hectares. Using the concept of merging industrial estates, ports and settlements is expected to absorb a lot of manpower and can lead to multiple impacts, such as the establishment of various supporting facilities.Industrial zones will not only affect the economy of business actors, but also will be able to move the economy of the community around the industrial area.Aside from a lot of benefits that can be enjoyed from the development of industrial zones, one thing that must be kept in mind is to pay attention to the principles of environmental sustainability that are oriented towards the welfare of the community. Do not let industrial zones cause environmental problems, such as increased air pollution from industrial smokes or water pollution from factory wastes. Industrial zones are built for the sake of equitable development and bring about more benefits not only to the government, but also to the people in general.


Riau Provincial Government held an alert roll call for the preparation in facing the dry season and preventing the occurrence of forest and land fires. The roll call was held in the yard of Riau governor office, Pekanbaru, recently. Riau Governor Task Manager, Wan Thamrin Hasyim appreciated the active involvement of various parties in a bid to prevent and control smoke from forest and land fires, especially in Riau Province, including the active role of private sector. Wan Thamrin Hashim said that at first, it was only handled separately, but now the private and government agencies joined together to do it. According to him, with the participation of all parties, the monitoring of forest and land fire disasters can be done properly. Therefore, the prevention becomes more leverage.

Provincial Government through the Office of Culture and Tourism showcased the diversity of tourism in the region, especially adventure tourism in "Deep & Extreme Indonesia 2018" event which lasted until 11 March at the Jakarta Convention Center. Head of Marketing Department of Culture and Tourism of Aceh, Rahmadhani, in Banda Aceh on Friday (9/3) said that Deep & Extreme Indonesia 2018 is an event for Aceh to promote a variety of tourism in the western tip of Indonesia. In this event, the Department of Tourism, Youth and Sports of Southeast Aceh Regency, related institutions, and the tourism industry also took part. According to him, the participation of Aceh in various national and international exhibition events is an effort to increase the value of tourism in Aceh. Rahmadhani added, in addition to tourism promotion, the Office of Culture and Tourism of Aceh also promotes Aceh’s Calendar of Event 2018 which informs all tourism agenda held throughout 2018 in Aceh Province. Rahmadhani mentioned a number of tourism activities in the calendar of activities 2018, including Aceh International Marathon, Tour de Leuser, Surfing Championship, Rafting Championship, International Freediving, and others. He hoped the promotion of various tours, adventurous tourism, can increase both local and foreign tourist visits to the province of Aceh.

President Joko Widodo inaugurated the Java Integrated Industrial and Ports Estate
(JIIPE) located in Gresik, East Java, Friday (9/3) which is expected to be the largest in East Java. It is claimed to be the first in Indonesia, which combines harbors, industries and housing. This industrial estate also has good infrastructure facilities. It will be directly connected to toll roads and railways. President Director of PT AKR Corporindo TBK, Haryanto Adikoesoemo, as one of the developers said, with integrated deep sea ports, the area will have direct access to domestic and international markets. It is also expected to support the Indonesian economy. Haryanto who held a press conference on Friday explained, the value of investment to build facilities in an integrated industrial area has reached almost five trillion rupiahs. He estimated that the development of Java Integrated Industrial and Ports Estate will be entirely completed within 15 years. Director of Technical and Information Technology Pelindo III, Husein Latief, explained deep sea port in this area will be equipped with 4 docks capable of supporting all activities at ports and industries. He hoped
that the number of vessels to be served will increase along with the development of industry in this integrated industrial zone.


Indonesia is very rich in biodiversity. Various plants can easily live and thrive in this tropical climate. Among these plants, many also contain medicinal properties. Some of these have been used for generations by Indonesians, such as herbs or herbal medicines made from natural ingredients. However, various researches still need to be done to further maximize the potential of these biological wealth. One of the parties involved in this research is the Indonesian Institute of Sciences -LIPI. Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) has built facilities for the development of traditional medicine with the standard of Good Traditional Drafting Method or (CPOTB). The facility built in Serpong, Banten aims to accelerate the downstream results of medical research and medicine. LIPI head caretaker, Bambang Subiyanto in his written statement in Jakarta, recently said that the construction of this facility is also providing support related to research and product development to industrial partners. He said this is in line with the 11th Economic Policy Package on the development of the pharmaceutical industry and medical devices. Traditional medicine research facilities are needed to answer various health problems and support the independency of drugs raw materials nationally. LIPI pays great attention to the research and development of medicinal health with various researches related to the use of medicinal plants as well as its active ingredients for medicinal raw materials. Bambang Subiyanto said Indonesia has 1,247 industries and traditional medicine business which 10 of them including big scale traditional medicine industry companies. However, Traditional Medicines (IOT) Small Traditional Medicine (UKOT) and Traditional Medicines (UMOT) industries do not have facilities for Good Traditional Medicine (CPOTB). The existence of this facility is expected to be a pilot laboratory of CPOTB in order to facilitate small and medium industries to accelerate the development of traditional medicinal products in the country. Up to now almost 95 percent of raw materials of the pharmaceutical industry in Indonesia are still dependent on imports though Indonesia has more than thirty thousand species of medicinal plant herbs. The development of natural medicine deserves attention considering the practice of traditional drug utilization has taken root in Indonesia. In addition, the development potential is very open with the increasing demand of domestic and overseas market. Meanwhile, Head of LIPI Chemical Research Center Agus Haryono said his working unit is very focused on the development of traditional medicine. From the research conducted has found many new compounds from indigenous plant extracts of Indonesia, such as plants that are efficacious as anti-cancer, anti diabetes, anti malaria and anti oxidants. Agus added that the construction of this research facility will focus more on research and provide more adequate facilities for research related to traditional medicine. With this facility is expected the results of research can be more qualified and acceptable by the industry.