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On April 12, 1815, exactly 203 years ago, the Tambora volcano on the remote island of Sumbawa, West Nusa Tenggara -NTB erupted so violently. Consequently, thick ash clouds were brought around the world. As is known, if the mega-eruption of Mt. Toba is believed to have plunged the earth into volcanic winter for 6 to 10 years, and the explosion of Mt. Krakatau in 1883 produced the loudest sound ever heard in the world in modern history, Mt. Tambora volcano eruption also created a global catastrophe at that time. One year later in 1816, it erupted again. In Europe and America, it was remembered as the "Year Without Summer", which resulted in the worst season of the nineteenth century. Its mighty eruption in April 1815 left an impressive 7-kilometer area with a 6.2 km caldera containing two colored lakes with a depth of 800 meters. This caldera is also considered the largest caldera in Indonesia. Currently, scientists recognize the Tambora eruption as the most powerful in the history of volcanic eruptions. To commemorate this dramatic event as well as commemorate the anniversary of Dompu Regency, Sumbawa, Wonderful Tambora Festival 2018 –FPT 2018 will be held again on 9 - 11 April 2018. The implementation of FPT 2018 is the fourth time and this is centered in Dompu Regency, West Nusa Tenggara Province -NTB. In addition to commemorating the anniversary of Dompu Regency and the eruption of Mt. Tambora, the Wonderful Tambora Festival 2018 is also aimed to introduce and promote various tourism potentials in Sumbawa Island, especially tourism in Dompu Regency. Wonderful Tambora Festival 2018 will be enlivened with attractions of paragliding, folk cultural art, and Kebo Barapan. A day later, the release of participants of Tambora Challenge 32K, Barapan Chicken, and Culinary served in West Sumbawa. Besides, there is also a choreography workshop at Asi Mbojo, Bima City. Aside from art and cultural performances, Wonderful Tambora Festival 2018 also offers adventure trail, mountain bike, fishing, para-motor and other activities. Like in the previous years, this activity also presents creative economic development, greening of Mt. Tambora forest area, exhibition of superior products such as Tambora coffee, folk market, and regional culinary feast.


Musikimia band

Published in Music

We will present the songs from MUSIKIMIA band. A song “Apakah Harus Seperti Ini” is sung by Musikimia Band. The sad song was the first single from Musikimia band. Musikimia is a band that was formed exactly on the 67th anniversary of Indonesian Independence Day, on August 17, 2012. Musikimia consists of four personnel, namely Fadly (vocalist), Rindra (bassist), Yoyo (drummer), and Stephan Santoso (guitarist ). The three personnel Fadly, Rindra, and Yoyo have familiar among Indonesian music lovers. They were personnel of Padi Band. Fadly, Rindra and Yoyo started the Musikimia project with a twitter account to share interesting information about music. From the twitter, they also agreed to use Musikimia as the name of their music project that symbolizes the bonds of inter-personal in music.

Although it was formed in 2012, Musikimia launched its debut single entitled "Apakah Harus Seperti Ini" and the album entitled "Indonesia Is ..." in 2013. Then in 2016, Musikimia released a second album entitled "Intersisi." The musical works of Musikimia have quite different styles from Padi band, although three of the four personnel have long been working in Padi. Talking about Musikimia Band, it cannot be separated from Padi band. Some media or netizens always compare the two bands. Moreover, some people said that Musikimia is a protest of Fadly , Rindra, and Yoyo when Piyu, their friend in Padi band, is still busy with his solo project. With the re-unification of the Padi Band in 2018, many people, especially the fans are worried about the existence of Musikimia for the future.


March 2018, will be a historic month for Indonesia in its effort to bring peace to Afghanistan. Ulema or Islamic clerics from Afghanistan will meet those  from Pakistan, including  from the Taliban, in Jakarta,  Indonesia. The meeting of clerics from the  three countries; Afghanistan, Pakistan and Indonesia, is a follow-up of President Joko Widodo and Vice President Yusuf Kalla’s visits  to Afghanistan some time ago.

The plan to gather the clerics from Afghanistan and Pakistan was discussed during a follow-up meeting between Vice President Yusuf Kala, Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi and Central Executive of the Indonesian Ulema Council, last week. It was decided that not only from the governments but also from Taliban elements are to be invited in the upcoming meeting.As is known, armed conflict in Afghanistan has not subsided, especially with the presence of Taliban militia and the Daulah Islamiyah movement.

The question is, will the meeting in Jakarta immediately resolve the armed conflict and the violence that occurred in Afghanistan? Armed conflict in Afghanistan, does not involve the scholars directly. But this conflict has taken lots of casualties among  security forces, Taliban militia and Daulah Islamiyah jihadists as well as civilians. The presence of foreign parties in Afghanistan on the grounds of securing the situation, does not seem to solve the problem.

The conflict in Afghanistan continues to occur not only because of the political reason  but also due to the difference in  ideology or sects related to  Islam which  is the religion of that State. From the aspect of ideology or religious approach, it seems that the role of ulama needs to be optimized. In this perspective, although not necessarily solve the problem instantly, this inter-clerical meeting can be one way of realizing peace in Afghanistan. The clerics in Afghanistan and Pakistan can see the  condition in Indonesia as well as observing the role and position of ulama in maintaining a conducive situation in this predominantly Muslim country,

The results of the discussions and agreements to be  reached at the clerical meetings in Jakarta, could be a new starting point for further dialogue in Afghanistan, which will discuss technical issues and tactical strategies in realizing peace. Indonesia's credibility and experience in pioneering peace has been proven.In Cambodia for example, Indonesia succeeded in initiating peace talks that eventually were realized. In addition, the role of ulama in Indonesia in maintaining a condusive and united situation can also be a concrete example on how the ulama playing their roles.


Prior to the end of his working term in November 2018, Regent of Bondowoso in East Java province, Amin Said Husni received award as the best regency in East Java in its commitment to support the program of prevention and eradication of corruption in 2017. Regent Amin Said Husni to RRI on Tuesday (13/3/2018 hopes that the award, which presented on March 7 by provincial government of East Java, becomes a heritage that must be protected and increased to create better Bondowoso. The Regent also said that a lot of things have been conducted by regional government of Bondowoso to create good government, such as synergizing with Corruption Eradication Commission, Audit Board of Indonesia and Ministry of Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform in conducting bureaucratic reform. Meanwhile, to prevent corruption, the regional government of Bondowoso continues to strengthen the government's internal control system (SPIP) which is currently reaching level 3. And only 16 regencies/cities in East Java reached that prestigious level. He added that currently, the regency is preparing integrated zone to free corruption zone and clean bureaucracy and service zone. The integrated zone is manifestation of the award. There are 3 organizations of regional devices which are targeted for the integrated zone. They are Office of Integrated Services, Office of Population and Civil Registry and Regional Hospital.

Ministry of marine and fishery still prohibits trawl ship in North Sumatera Waters by referring to the regulation of marine and fishery ministry No. 2/2015. It was confirmed by Director General of Capture Fishing at the Marine and Fishery Ministry, Sjarief Widjaja after having dialogue with traditional and modern fishermen in Sibolga on Monday (12/3). However, Sjarief gives solution to modern fishermen who so far have used trawl, either through state’s budget or banking. Ships under 10 Gross Tonnage (GT) will be facilitated by the state’s budget. Meanwhile, ship above 10-30 GT will be facilitated by banking in order to have low interest, without having to burden business entrepreneurs, using friendly tool for environment. In addition, Sjarief further said that his office encourages traditional fishermen in Sibolga, to maintain coastal area which is damaged due to trawl. Thus, for citizens who rely on their life from the result of fishermen’s capture such as trade of salted fish and splitting fish, Sjarief also said that his office also encourages citizens to form fishermen cooperative. According to Sjarief, the solution will be realized soon, so that supervisory on trawl activity in North Sumatera can be strengthened to protect ecosystem of fishery at the sea.

Indonesian architecture has chance to perform in international event and equivalent with architecture of Europe, the United States of America and many others. However, it depends on attitude of every person in viewing the position of Indonesian architecture. The Indonesian architecture is not only pride of Indonesian people, but also part of world architecture. This was stated by professor of architecture faculty of Surabaya Institute of Technology Prof Dr Ir Josef Prijotomo March on the sidelines of seminar and architecture workshop with the theme "Peng-konsteks-an Arsitektur Nusantara" or in English contex of Indonesian architecture in Surabaya, on Monday (12/03/2018). Josef Prijotomo also added with the rapid progress of technology, knowledge on modern or overseas architecture so quickly present in Indonesia. Ir Budiman Hendropurnomo, one of panelists also said that modern architecture has become tradition in Indonesia. Even, the modern architecture begins to replace Indonesian original architecture. Unfortunately, all parties are fascinated with foreign architecture so that they forget the great thing belongs to Indonesia. Besides that, Gunawan Tjahjono from the university of Indonesia also explained his opinion on the Indonesian architecture. According to Gunawan, education is one of thins which has important role in changing mindset for architects or candidate of architects. The event also included a paper contest which consist of research paper, discourse, case of studies and devotion. The best paper will be presented in the seminar of Indonesian architecture. In the event, it was also conducted opened discussion related to applying Indonesian architecture in educational and professional world. Later, it ishoped that new ideas and views will contribute to the presence of Indonesian architecture that does not leave character and characteristic of Indonesia itself.