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Indonesia consists of various tribes. There is no wonder, if Indonesia is rich of arts and cultures. But, there are some of the arts which are almost extinct. Therefore, to preserve them, the regional government of Pamekasan in Madura, East Java attempts to carry out some efforts.  One of its regional main arts is called ‘Gethak mask dance’. Gethak mask dance is one of traditional dances which becomes part of Ludruk Sandur performance. Ludruk Sandur or Sandur art is a kind of folk art which is most loved by Pamekasan people. The art is always performed in every event, such as wedding party, circumcision and many others. No wonder, all Pamekasan people know the art well. In Ludruk Sandur performance, Gethak mask dance is performed as opening of the art’s performance. Gethak mask dance is known with the name ‘Klonoan’ dance. Every movement of the dance depends on the sound of Kendang or drum which sounds “Ge” and “Tak”. The sound of the drum, which is followed with the dance, is named ‘Gethak mask dance’. Until now, the name of Klonoan has no more used and it is changed to be Getak mask dance. The traditional dance describes a figure of Prabu Baladewa in the Dhalang Maduramask performance. Madura people are very proud with the figure. Baladewa is a figure with strong and stiff character and he is open-minded in revealing every problem. The characters are considered to describe characters of Madura people in general. Pamekasan regional government has decided Getak mask dance as the main traditional dance of Pamekasan regency. Since 2010, the dance has been taught to students as extra-curriculum subject. It is valued effective to protect the preservation of the dance.


ASEAN leaders will meet in the 32nd ASEAN Summit in Singapore starting from April 25-28. In the summit, the ASEAN leaders are scheduled to discuss one of the proposals to form ASEAN Smart Cities Network -ASCN. For Indonesia, the cooperation can decrease the development gap and it's in line with the national agenda to improve the quality of people’s life. Thus, Indonesia supports the idea and has nominated 3 smart cities, namely Jakarta, Banyuwangi and Makassar. The meeting will also discuss preparation of ASEAN-Australia Special Summit on March 17 - 18 in Sidney, Australia. Furthermore, the meeting will legalize revision of the meeting to confirm mandate of the meeting in supporting ASEAN Coordinating Council -ACC to handle cross-sectoral and cross-cutting issues. In addition, the meeting will also elaborate the improvement of implementation of High Level Task Force on strengthening the ASEAN Secretariat and reviewing the ASEAN Organs. Some recommendations are the efforts to streamline ASEAN meetings, utilization of video technology of conferencing facilities to conduct ASEAN meeting, and assignment of Pillar Economic official to each Permanent Representative of ASEAN Member States in Jakarta.

​More than 2000 visitors flocked New City Hall of Tagum on the peak of Tagum city anniversary and Musikahan International Festival at Tagum City, Davao Del Norte, the Philippines on March 7, 2018. Indonesian Consul General in Davao City, Berlian Napitupulu said that there were 7 countries which participated in the Festival namely: South Africa, Indonesia, Japan, Germany, South Korea, Malaysia, and China. However, 2 countries opened pavilions, namely Indonesia and Malaysia. This was the first time for the Indonesian consulate general in Davao City to hold exhibition of trade, investment and tourism at Tagum city, as the biggest agro-industrial city in South Philippines. Indonesian pavilion displayed foods and beverages; one of them was the Indonesian main coffee product which does not have agent or distributor in the Philippines. The Indonesian consulate general did not only display Indonesian manufacture products through poster but also directly carry 1 unit of hand tractor. The tractor attracted a lot of visitors; most of them are the owners of plantation and businesspeople of agro-industry at Tagum City and surrounding areas.

Eighteen students of Junior High School of Altheneum Brussels, Belgium participated in Gamelan and Kecak workshop at Indonesian embassy in Brussels on Wednesday (7/3). Indonesian Ambassador to Belgium, Yuri Octavian Thamrin accosted and joined in young people of Belgium at the workshop for 2 hours. The workshop became one of the events of the cultural introduction which was held by the Indonesian embassy in Brussels in cooperation with the local schools of Belgium to give knowledge of Indonesian culture, especially through traditional instruments performance of Indonesia. Balinese dance, such as Kecak was also introduced to children and teachers. The students were very enthusiastic with Indonesian culture. Dance and music ate media which can be used to introduce the existence of Indonesian culture to European community,


Regional hall of Kalimantan River I will hold Dragon Boat and Sui Jawi Festival on March 17 - 18 to enliven the 26th Water Day 2018. Head of the organizing committee, Syamsur Arifin said in Pontianak on Sunday that a number of events will be shown. The center of the events is at Jawi river, Pontianak. Syamsur explained that the events will hold some competitions such as dragon boat, folk games, Kayak and Jawi River Festival. He also said that the events will also be enlivened with 40 stands. While watching the events, visitors can also taste typical foods of Pontianak. Syamsur also added that a seminar and social activities at the river area will be held at the event until the Water Day on March 22nd.

As many as 20,000 trees were planted at protected forest area of Mt.geuredong, located at New Nosar and Bener Pepanyi hamlets, on Saturday (10/3). The event was cooperation between the government of Bener Meriah regency, International Lauser Foundation (YLI) and Indonesia Climate Change Trust Fund (ICCTF) and also local people in effort of preserve and protect of the forest at the region. Regent of Bener Meriah, Ahmadi said on Saturday (10/3/2018) that to protect the forest area, his office will form some teams to monitor and observe the protected forest in accordance with coordinate points that have been set. Previously, the protected forest area has changed its function to become people’s agricultural land. Thus, the program is considered very helpful for the government of Bener Meriah regency in returning the function of protected forest. Ahmadi also said that the existence of the protected forest at the area may create water source which is now utilized by people at a number of districts of the regency. Ahmadi expect seriousness of the people, International Lauser Foundation and Indonesia Climate Change Trust Fund. This is not only a ceremonial activity. In fact, it is fully implemented.

President Joko Widodo attended National bird singing Festival and exhibition to win presidential trophy at Bogor Botanical Graden, West Java on Sunday (11/3/2018). The Festival was participated in by 3000 birds. On the occasion, President Joko Widodo said that the bird hobby in Indonesia has succeeded to raise people’s economy amounting 1.7 billion rupiah a year, namely from breeding, food, cage and medicines. President Joko Widodo also said that besides improving people's economy, birds’ breeding also gives room to the bird lovers to fulfill their hobby and also to preserve birds in Indonesia. The President further said that based on the report, there are around 1,660 species of birds in Indonesia. The lovers or Kicaumania throughout the archipelago with around 3,000 birds participated in the festival.


US President Donald Trump announced last week that he would implement a 25 percent import tariff policy for steel and 10 percent for aluminum to US trading partner countries. The policy is Trump's attempt to protect the domestic industry of the United States.In response, Indonesian Vice President Jusuf Kalla said in Jakarta Thursday (8/3) as reported by Republika that so far, Indonesia has not been affected by the tariff policy of steel and aluminum. However, if the import tariff policy is extended to other sectors, Indonesia will react. VP Jusuf Kalla said that Indonesia has a bargaining power with the United States. So far, Indonesia has imported soybeans, maize, wheat and aircraft from America. He also  asserted, if President Trump extends its import tariff policy to palm oil commodity, Indonesia will not hesitate to reduce the import of soybean and wheat from America. He views that the import tariff policy adopted by America is a challenge in global trade. Therefore, food self-sufficiency remains a top priority. He added that food security can be maintained, if productivity is improved. However, the increase in productivity must also pay attention to environmental aspects. So, how to improve productivity with technology and system is that to preserve the environment. Meanwhile, Trade Minister Enggartiasto Lukita said in Jakarta on Friday that Indonesia wants trade partner countries, especially the United States to apply a free and fair trade. He expressed this in relation to the US President step which will apply high import tariffs for steel and aluminum products. MInister Enggartiasto Lukita also disclosed that President Trump's step will not directly bring about a serious impact on Indonesia because Indonesia’s export of steel and aluminum to America is small. However, he asked any country, particularly the United States and Europe to conduct free and fair trade. Minister Enggratiasto percieved that basically, starting a trade war would be disruptive and detrimental. He added that so far, only tariff of steel and aluminum goods are set. However, if later it is also applied on other goods, Indonesia is ready to do the same policy. Take for example the palm oil trade with the European Union. If Indonesia’s palm oil is prevented from entering the EU countries, Indonesia will also take action related to the incoming products, sucha s wine.On the other hand, Indonesian Minister of Finance, Sri Mulyani Indrawati warned the potential trade war, if the United States government really imposes tariffs on steel and aluminum imports. She asserted that the world history shows that when there is a trade war, definitely there is  bad impact on the world economy. MInister Sri Mulyani further said that all countries in the world are waiting for the certainty of the plan. Becasue, this has the potential to make countries that have established trade relations with the USA retaliate each other due to the tariff.