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After death sentence of an Indonesian worker from Madura in Saudi Arabia, the Malang administration asks for confirmation on the trial of sending Indonesian workers to Saudi Arabia in April. The Malang administration should explain this to the candidates of Indonesian labors who want to work in Saudi Arabia. This was stated by head of manpower placement section of manpower office of Malang regency, Sukardi, to RRI, on Tuesday (20/3). Sukardi said, Ministerial Decree No. 260/2015 on the cessation and prohibition of the placement of Indonesian manpower for personal employment in Middle Eastern countries has become absolute reference for the regional government of Malang. Sukardi also explained that a lot of Malang residents wanted to work in Saudi Arabia but they were rejected in the document process. Manpower office has rejected residents who wanted to go to Saudi Arabia with the reason that they received Calling Visa from their employers and wanted to join their relatives working in Saudi Arab due to the moratorium.

Bangka Belitung Waters which belong to the fishery processing region W711, must be clean from cantrang or seine nets operation. This was stated by Fishery Supervisor of the Supervisory Unit of Marine and Fishery Ministry, Kori Apriyanto, in Pangkal Balam, Pangkal Pinang, on Tuesday (20/3). According to Kori Apriyanto, cantrang or seine nets are only permitted by Marine and Fishery Ministry to operate in Central Java region or WPP 712 region. Kori added that quite a lot of mini trawls are operating in Bangka Belitung region. The Supervisory Unit of Marine and Fishery Ministry would seize those illegal fishing gears. The identity cards of fishermen using illegal fishing gear, would be recorded and reported to the central government, so that the government could change their fishing gears with the environment friendly fishing gears.

The government of Denpasar city has established cooperation with Japan in the field of education and culture. According to founder of Japanese language course, Mataken Gakko, I G.K. Pujawan, the cooperation is more solid, because various universities in Japan are ready to give free Japanese language course for Balinese people. Currently, Tottori university has sent four students to teach Japanese language at Mataken Gakko in Tohpati, Denpasar. The cooperation is fully supported by the Denpasar administration. The local government also supports the Mataken Gakko institute. This was stated by Pujawan when meeting with regional secretary of Denpasar, AAN Rai Iswara, in Denpasar, on Tuesday (20/3). Furthermore Pujawan said that in addition to teach Japanese language, they also learn Balinese culture. They had followed Nyepi procession, beginning from Melasti ceremony to the beach until pengerupukan ceremony.



East Nusa Tenggara province –NTT has different culture from other regions in Indonesia. It can be seen from a lot of traditional dances. The dances from this province are usually full of meanings. One of them is the dance of Bidu Hodi Hakdaur. Traditional dance in East Nusa Tenggara does not know single dance as well as Bidu Hodi Hakdaur dance. The dance is performed by more than 2 persons. Bidu Hodi Hakdaur dance is an accompanied music from combination of Gendang, Gong, Tambur, and blowing of recorder (kind of flute). Even, the dance is often interspersed with the song of Belu people, “Loro Malirin” which is accompanied with loud cry. Bidu Hodi Hakdaur dance is developed with Likurai dance from Belu tribe, East Nusa Tenggara. The dance is moved by a number of men and women. With dynamic dance, the male and female dancers wear Ikat weaving clothes of Belu tribe and also accessories, such as Tais (traditional bag) and Kelewang (traditional weapon). The dancers wear accessories to show wealth of East Nusa Tenggara ethnical culture which is exotic. Bidu Hodi Hakdaur dance is usually performed in welcoming honorable guest, wedding party, traditional ritual and entertainment. Bidu Hodi Hakdaur dance’s performance is begun with male dancers who move their legs energycally and sturdy movement while sounding Giring-giring (ankle bracelet) by following rhythm of the Gendang. Then, a number of female dancers come to swing their body while beating Gendang or Bibiliku (tambur) with excitement and joy. Afterwards, there is choreography in pairs and in groups forming a circle. Bidu Hodi Hakdaur dance is inherited from generation to generation. In the past, the dance was to welcome commander of war who succeeded to conquer opponents. The dance represents a row of brave men who used Kelewang and defeat the enemy. While, a row of women beat Gendang joyfully to welcome the men and to celebrate the victory. Besides, the dance also has another meaning, namely happiness and cooperation.



Published in Music

We will present the songs from  D'Massive Band. D'Massive is a band formed in Jakarta, on March 3, 2003. The personnel of D'Massive are Rian (vocalist), Kiki (guitarist), Rama (guitarist), Ray (bassist), and Why (drummer). The name of the D'Massive was taken from an English word "massive" which means "very big". However, for the personnel of D'Massive, the word "massive" is interpreted as a hope to get good works in the Indonesian music industry. Although the Band was established in 2003, the name of D'Massive was being known and popular in 2007. Its fame began after the Band won a music competition. Currently, D'Massive Band has been aligned with other top bands of Indonesia. During their career the personnel of D’Massive have been produced eight albums, namely "Menuju Nirwana" (2006), Perubahan (2008), Special Edition mini album (2009), Perjalanan (2010), Persiapan (2012), Hidup Lebih Indah (2014), D'Masiv with Raef (2016), and D’Massive (2016). Most of D'Massive's works themed about love, however some of them contained about life motivations like the song "Jangan Menyerah". Almost all of the songs from D'Massive get a positive response from Indonesian music lovers. The popular of the song of D'Massive may no longer be a surprise, as many Indonesian musicians often requested the songs to Rian, the vocalist of D'Massive.


The Central Election Commission of Russia, Sunday, March 18, reported that 67 percent of voters cast their ballots in the recent election in Russia. Of the transient calculations more than than 75 percent have chosen Vladimir Putin. Although the overall counting is still ongoing, observers have confirmed the former KGB member, the secret service in the Soviet Era, for the third time will rule Russia again  for the next 6 years, setting aside 7 other candidates.

Putin's victory has generated mixed reactions from world leaders. As quoted from Deutche Welle, Vladimir Putin's re-election has aroused mixed feelings across Germany, including at the highest levels of political power. In a government press conference on Monday, 19 March, German government spokesman Steffen Seibert said that German Chancellor Angela Merkel would send congratulations on Putin's victory. While Chinese leader Xi Jinping was quoted as saying by XInhua, in addition to congratulating Putin  on the victory, also said China is eager to cooperate with Russia, and improve relations between the two countries to a higher level.

Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro said Venezuela would improve bilateral ties with Russia after Putin's election victory, especially in the field of international policy for the creation of world peace. Opposition leader Alexei Navalny, who was banned from taking part in the election, had earlier asked his supporters to boycott a vote he called "fake". He claimed to have sent more than 33,000 observers across the country and said there had been "unprecedented violations".

However, Russia's election commission rejects allegations of fraud.  It is said that the emergence of Putin after the collapse of the Soviet Union was predicted by the famous French astrologer Nostradamus in the 15th century. According to that forecast, there will be a leader in Russia who will bring back the glory of the Soviet Union with the same characteristics of the former KGB agent. Regardless of whether or not the prediction is true, the world hopes that Putin's victory can provide a real contribution to world peace. Because after the end of the cold war era, the hegemony of western power seemed to dominate. Almost all western countries contribute to the peace program at the UN in the area of ​​conflict areas ranging from the Middle East to Asian countries. Russia does seem to be very eager to play a role in resolving world conflicts. In addition, the stability of the region becomes the political program of the Russian President-elect in the future. This is suspected as an attempt to restore glory as a superpower.