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Nouvarah Ahdiba

Nouvarah Ahdiba


Today, February 13 becomes a special day for radio broadcasters and radio listeners. Since 2012, this date has been celebrated as World Radio Day. "Radio and Sport" become the the theme of 7th anniversary of World Radio Day in 2018. Sport has become the focus of the world and Asia this year. There are a winter Olympics held in South Korea, FIFA World Cup 2018 is to place in Russia and ASIAN GAMES 2018 in Indonesia.

For Radio Republik Indonesia -RRI, this theme is very appropriate. The commitment to spread sport activities proves that RRI is appointed as the radio license holder of broadcasting of the World Cup 2018. Quoting the statement of the Director of Public Broadcasting RRI, M. Rohanuddin, with the FIFA license, it is expected that RRI provides its best contribution in a bid to satisfy the needs of listeners who come from various circles and places throughout Indonesia, and thisn  can be carried out well. Listeners can also share the broadcast or World Cup report.

In addition, Indonesia this year will also host the 18th ASIAN Games. RRI has to be responsible to distribute the information about the matches, achievements, and new records created at every 4-year sport event. The competition in the game must be an interesting attraction that can be spread to the listeners.

Surely, radio can present not only matches, competition and achievements as broadcasting material, but also there are many other aspects expected to be the inspiration of audiences. The moment of three major sporting events this year, such as the Winter Olympics, the 2018 World Cup, and the Asian Games must be used by radio broadcasters, especially RRI to create exciting broadcasts. The broadcast is expected to be able to make the listeners recognize and understand the diversity of the sport as a legacy of tradition. Radio, for example, should be able to create events that promote gender equality in sports. More importantly, radio must present broadcast that reinforces the spirit of peace and development in the world of sports. These three issues are the focus of UNESCO's World Radio Day commemorative sub-theme that is expected to be realized by radio broadcast.

Amid the rise of social media as a new communication medium, it is believed that radio can still play a major role to provide information that inspires its audience. At least in Indonesia, the spirit of sport will be spread to at least 62.3 million listeners; the number of listeners is based on AC Nielsen data for the 3rd semester in 2017.

With its power to entertain, educate, inform and inspire, radio can certainly sound the sport through its broadcast. As UN Secretary General Antonio Gutteres put it: “On World Radio Day, let us celebrate both radio and sports as ways of helping people achieve their full potential.”

Happy World Radio 2018! Thank you for listening our broadcast.(rhm)


Queen Maxima of the Netherlands, the United Nations Secretary General`s Special Advocate for Inclusive Finance for Development, expressed readiness to assist in the expansion of financial inclusion in Indonesia.

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) received a courtesy visit from Queen Maxima of the Netherlands at the Merdeka Palace here on Tuesday.

President Widodo and Queen Maxima discussed the expansion of financial inclusion.
"We have been discussing ways to improve the national strategy on financial inclusion, and I am happy to say that Indonesia has made many decisions," the Dutch queen stated.

She believed that the discussions had resulted in several programs to boost financial inclusion in Indonesia.

"Several Indonesians still do not have access to banks or financial services and are mostly in rural areas, especially those working in the agricultural sector," she pointed out.
Hence, the government should solve the problems.

This particularly holds significance in the era of technology where technological developments play an important role.

Queen Maxima held a discussion with President Widodo on the simplification of the system to encourage financial inclusion.

The Queen also expressed readiness to continue working with governments and the private sectors as well as banking and non-financial institutions in an attempt to advance financial inclusion across Indonesia.(antaranews)


Vice President M. Jusuf Kalla has planned to visit Afghanistan to meet ulemas and community figures to share experiences on mediation of conflicts and post-conflict restoration.
"The Afghanistan High Peace Council (HPC) has invited me to visit Kabul on Feb 26. They have met me first to laud the visit of President Joko Widodo and the second being to deepen Indonesia`s efforts in resolving conflicts," Kalla stated at the Vice President`s Office in Jakarta on Tuesday.

Kalla will also deliver humanitarian assistance to the people of Afghanistan, as both countries have the largest Muslim population.

Afghanistan has sought Indonesia`s assistance to restore peace.
Kalla said he was not worried about the security condition in Afghanistan.

"When you are planning to resolve conflicts, and it is preceded by fear, then you should not enter the area. However, for me, when I was solved the conflict in Poso, Ambon, and Aceh, we entered the regions with good intention and prayers. When we have good intention, God will help us," Kalla noted.

Kalla had received the Afghanistan HPC delegation at his office on Monday. (antaranews)


650The creation of peace in Afghanistan is a prerequisite to the improvement of the country`s economy, Indonesian Vice President Jusuf Kalla said. Kalla made the remarks while receiving a delegation of Afghanistan`s High Peace Council (HPC) at the Vice Presidential office here, Monday evening.

Indonesian Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi, who was also present at the meeting, said the vice president briefed the Afghan delegation on the Indonesian government`s commitment to create peace in Afghanistan.

"Mr. Vice President has stated that peace is a prerequisite to doing other things. So, before developing its economy and so on, it must create peace first," the minister quoted the vice president as saying.

Economic development in a conflict-plagued country is important to ensure the continuation of its people`s life after peace has been achieved, the vice president said.

To this end, the Indonesian government has looked into the possibility of developing the Afghan economy in line with its commitment to create peace in the country, he said.

The Indonesian government has assisted Afghanistan through a capacity building training program and scholarships for Afghan students in the economic and business fields.

"We plan to provide them with capacity building training programs and scholarships. They asked if the capacity building training program and scholarships could be made available to the business sector," the foreign minister remarked . 